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Post something good that happened today, Parts Two

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rock hound:
So today, I decided to take a walk in Downtown Rochester after checking out a new thrift store.  Nothing that spoke to me.  So I left the shop, crossed the street and found a quarter, (cool), pick it up and see 5 dimes scattered nearby (even better), stand up look down and spot 2 pennies (way cool) and I think to myself, "all I need is a nickel now.  Glance sideways and what to my wandering eyes should appear......a nickel. It's in my hands quicker than you can say "money".   🙂  After further scanning and seeing nothing more, I continue my walk!   82 cents richer!  A beautiful day for a walk, a little satisfying of curiosity and free money.  I'm happy and amused.  😉   After getting a good walk, I get to my car, head to the store, get the stuff I need and head home.  In a very good mood.  😎

Charlotte Quin:
Straightened my hair and gave myself a haircut in less than an hour (the former had to be done to do the latter)
It seems like an ok job! A wee bit choppy in parts and I can't see if it's an even V at the back, but at least it's brushable now.

I was able to get a lot done at work today... now I can hide in the basement and recuperate for the next shift. (Which is tomorrow morning -_- )


--- Quote from: Charlotte Quin on September 20, 2024, 07:29:01 AM ---Straightened my hair and gave myself a haircut in less than an hour (the former had to be done to do the latter)
It seems like an ok job! A wee bit choppy in parts and I can't see if it's an even V at the back, but at least it's brushable now.

--- End quote ---
I used to cut my own hair but i don't trust myself to anymore. You're brave! :)

I do cut my fringe though, about every three weeks. It grows fast.

Today all I've done is wake up and take my meds.


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