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Post something good that happened today, Parts Two

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Getting to the good part of my writing ^_^

Gopher Gary:

--- Quote from: Icequeen on May 19, 2024, 07:49:05 AM ---My lemon tree is full of buds.  :o

I planted Meyer lemon seeds about 2 years after mom died so 2013ish...three grew. I was told they would probably never bloom since they were grown from seed. It's around 4 ft tall sprouted one blossom last year during our move, but that died off...this year it has buds everywhere. I know not whether it will get fruit, but I'm happy for the buds. I gave away the other two online before the not know where they went...they were the same size.

Funny thing is...I saw my neighbor here across the street set hers out last week...same size...I wonder.  :lol1:

--- End quote ---

A decade is a lot of patience. Here's wishing you many lemons.  :thumbup:

 :roar: me tired, me get ready

Our new (to us) fridge was delivered.

rock hound:
Home from an "interesting" vacation.  Happy to be home!


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