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Post something good that happened today, Parts Two

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Gopher Gary:
Birds are finally moving into the birdhouse we got for Christmas! :woohoo:  I was starting to worry I had picked a bad spot. It's protected and high enough but it's also close to the sunroom windows where we can easily observe it. It's a duplex birdhouse and a pair of carolina wrens have been building a nest together in one side of it.  :2thumbsup:

^Awesome. :plus:

I didn't have weird dreams before I woke up... winning(?)

rock hound:
Carla and I, took a road trip for our 33rd anniversary and some serious mental health self care.  Done on both counts, went to the Kittery Trading Post for a new tent for Carla's camping solitude excursions, then went to Ogunquit Maine for some browsing of shops and lunch.  Then on our way back stopped at Brooks Brothers store to get Carla her favorite work/dress pants.  Made it home and enjoying Happy Hour.  Yeah I'm a lush!   :-*


--- Quote from: Gopher Gary on April 28, 2024, 05:24:41 PM ---Birds are finally moving into the birdhouse we got for Christmas! :woohoo:  I was starting to worry I had picked a bad spot. It's protected and high enough but it's also close to the sunroom windows where we can easily observe it. It's a duplex birdhouse and a pair of carolina wrens have been building a nest together in one side of it.  :2thumbsup:

--- End quote ---

Like Reneaden said, Awesome!

I built some birdhouses last year, but only got three of them up. One is occupied by some common and mundane (but I love them anyway) thrushes.

Oddly one of them is claimed, but by a barn swallow couple. They build mud nests and on the top of one I set out last fall I have a mud nest with a healthy looking barn swallow setting happy.
I don't think there is any occupant inside the house, just a mud nest on top.

The third one is too close to where an owl roosts, I think. I probably need to move it.


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