Starting with the bad.
Some delivery truck broke off a huge branch from one of my trees, but not completely.
There was this huge branch hanging there, ripped half in two, but not over the street or the sidewalk. There was no safety issue to anyone walking by or to cars passing on the street. I knew I had to deal with this because the delivery drivers ignored to incident and left after the delivery was done.
I had considered going down to the home where the delivery was made and complaining like a wimpass bitch, like my other witness nosy neighbor suggested to get them to influence the delivery company to come back and fix it.
But NO, I am a conservative living human being with a head of my own upon my shoulders, taking responsiblity for my own security in all manner and matters. I will deal with it soon in my own way.
Then about an hour later, I see a van from the homeowner's association parked out front taking pictures.
WTF! Evidentally someone had called to report this massive violation.
Now to the good part.
I have a very long (22 feet long) pole saw from my efforts at our old house. I had loaned it out to a neighbor and when I dug it out to use it, I discovered it was returned broken.
Biblical references and even Benjamin Franklin say, neither a lender or a borrower be! ... paraphrasing Old Richard
Anyway, it took me longer to fix my tool and get it working again than it did to solve the neighborhood problem/crisis that had arose.
I cut down the huge limb from ground level, NO LADDERS! NO Broken Arms!
... and the larger results went into my burn pile.
No need to have the HOA get involved!
I am a responsible adult with resources, not some pansy ass, unwiped pussy flavored snowflake who wants everything done for them. This happened. I dealt with it my own way.
Every other interested and overly concerned party can fuck the fuck off now!