Today was an awesome day.

This morning Sugarbutt and I rode around hitting the local thrift shops, looking for a kitchen table and chairs. We've been looking on marketplace for months but the few times we found one we like, the seller never responded. We didn't find anything in the thrift shops but I wasn't really disappointed, because the one I really wanted was sitting on marketplace waiting for a response. I told Sugarbutt I thought he might not be getting responses because the sellers were always female, and maybe they were single and felt sketchy about having a random man in their house. When we got back from the thrift shops I told him to send another message on marketplace and this time to say, my wife really likes this table and chairs, can we come by and pick it up. He got a response right away so we drove over and bought it. I spent the afternoon giving it a thorough cleaning. It matches our kitchen perfectly and we love it.