Oddest thing has been going on at my wife's work.
She works for UPS and does Air, Overnight, Dropboxes and such as businesses close for the day. Businesses often have last minute Ground shipments that she picks up along with the Overnight parcels.
Doesn't seem like much of a difference to us normal people, but to The Union, Ground Drivers get paid a bit more than Air Drivers.
So every time an Air Driver picks up a Ground shipment, they are supposed to be paid Ground rate for the entire day.
It came up in an audit that my wife has her "employee numbers" on some Ground shipments almost every day. Her boss is mainly looking to cover his ass, but he has put in for more auditing, going back to January of LAST year. That's is as far back as they can go with these "employee numbers" tied to shipments, suppposedly.
Sorry if that sounds like a lot of rambling, but it seems that they are going to pay some back wages owed to her, due to the Ground shipments she has been picking up.
It is not much for one day, but adding up eighteen or twenty something dollars per day, going back almost a year and a half could turn out to be a substantial check they still owe her.
She was asked today to come in an hour early to discuss how she wants the funds dolled out to her. They really don't want to just write her a four or five thousand dollar check today.
I have a feeling that the bosses will try to negotiate some extra vacation time for her, instead of a huge outlay of dollars.
I suggested that she call her Union rep immediately and get him in on the meeting as well. UPS is being all "SWEET" to her, trying to handle this without involving the Union.
She reminded me that she is not the only Air Driver that some of this might benefit. They really want this to go away quietly.
Her Union rep needs to be there for her part of the resolution!
Either way it all comes out, she is going to get an extra paycheck this week.