Kind of an involved back story, but we have a new family member - dog. Pomeranian cross, large for the breed, delightful personality.
Had her one day and we are all CraZy about her.
I'd like to hear more about her. 
The backstory is not pleasant, but I will abbreviate the story, thusly ...
I heard her barking while I was on patrol with my Nightwatch buddies. It was very stormy and with a lot of lightning and thundering, no one could hear or see anything, but I could hear a dog barking. I am the Old Deaf Guy and yet I was the only one who could follow and find the dog barking. It was also 4th of July and fireworks had been going since dusk. It was a loud night.
I loved/hated every moment of it.
Now, the entire family, who knew the original owner of the dog, has "signed off" on us keeping the dog and she is ours now. She is a treasure. I'll have to post some pics. Haven't taken any yet. Probably the dab of Celt in me, not wanting to Jinx things by carving likenesses prematurely or using my cell phone to snap a pic, prematurely.

She is so loving! Attends the entirety of the family, her new family in earnest, constantly. We're her new pack. I adore her and she deserves all our love.