awww heck, still i guess it was a bigger disaster for the guy who smashed the window than for yourself, DD. He has cost the company a pretty penny. I shouldn't be surprised if he loses his job ober that 
I am sure you are right. He was quite distraught over his mistake.
I immediately went over to "comfort" him and assure him that This Shit just happens sometimes and that he should not beat himself up over it too much.
The owner of the company called me later that evening to update me and "apologize" about the incident. I asked about the youngster and he just said that this type of thing has happened to every one of his employees over the years and such costs are a part of doing business. He said the kid always does great work and he will keep his job.
Sometimes shit just happens.

Good for you, DD

And thank goodness for sensible bosses. I knew a guy who worked as a machine setter for a small engineering firm. The boss used to cajole him into coming into work, even if he had the flu. showing him the books and pointing out exactly how much money worker sickness was costing him. Well, my mate was sympathetic, cos it really is tough for small businesses to stay afloat . But then, when the inevitable finally happened, and he made the little error that ruined a really big job, guess what? Yeah, he got the sack. He was sympathetic towards the bosses position on that too, saying yeah, he deserved it. But me, i'd be surprised if the boss ever found someone better. What do you think?
It is all too often that someone's integrity seems to allow escalating situations to devolve into something that eventually bites them in the ass. Seems as if your pal got some of that all over him.
I never imagined that this guy should have been fired or screwed over in any way. Yeah, he made a rookie mistake with a powerful tool and his learning process included breaking my brand new window. FUCKDAMNSHITHELLPISSCUNTFUCKFUCKFUCK and so on.
It could have been worse. He might have been hurt.
NEVER take the compressor end of a high pressure hose loose until you have spent or bled off the pressure some way.
Your buddy should not have been fucked over either.