Aye, lol.
Possible social anxiety?
I think it'd be a good idea, to invite him miss K, he's your son, and I doubt he'll give a flying fuck about the title 'monkeyboy' online so as not to give his real name out. And I'm sure he'd love to see you, spend time with you for the first time in ages. As for making his own mark, a visit to see you, isn't going to trash his life. You aren't a monster who abuses their kids, you are a good person. And if it weren't for the fact that I find you drop dead gorgeous, I'd have loved to have you for a mother (as it is, it'd be rather fucked up having a mother you can't look at and not think 'damn what a stunner', that, that would be sick and wrong

Because I know you'd have been a good mother. I know you ARE one. I don't have the slightest, tiniest bit of reservation as to that being the case.
Why not have him over for xmas. A few shots, few beers, wine, whatever you two favour personally each, loosen up any such anxiety, share a few joints if its your and his thing, nice xmas dinner, exchange gifts, you know the theme, needn't be full of people, just you and your spawn, making merry and having a good time, curl up by the fire, catch up on shit that's gone down of late.
Go for it, my dear miss K, I have a feeling you'd not regret it.
If you like, I could even send you something for anxiety, if social anxiety is really problematic for you, just so you could have and enjoy such an xmas family reunion with your most valued. Wouldn't charge, would do it just so your happiness is ensured, if social anxiety is an obstacle to your joy, at such an occasion.