I need to pick up my meds refill this morning. And as usual, I was withdrawing, because the fuckers give me JUST less than the minimum to avoid it. Then, looking for something dropped on the floor, what did I find, but most of a strip of oxycodone IR 10mg caps. I'm not exactly feeling top notch, but I'm certainly feeling a LOT better. Doing an extraction of some OTC dihydrocodeine/paracetamol tablets, and once thats done and the DHC is separated from the paracetamol and taken I'll be fine. Not sure if I want to spend the time getting some sleep, because I'm fucking tired, or if I want to spend it reducing the double bond of some 1-phenyl-2-beta-nitropropene to bring it one step away from amphetamine. Or else I could make it into phenylacetone, which can be reductively aminated to amphetamine, meth or N-ethylamphetamine.