Those yippy little anklebiter dogs are little shits as far as dogs go a lot of the time.
Nothing but 'yarkyarkyarkyarkyark!!!'yarkyarkyark!' all fucking night long, or going off on one when someone walks past them on the street. I've seen and heard plenty of that kind that did that to the point where *I* wanted to get down on all fours, bark insanely in their furry little mush and then bite THEM.
Little anklebiting horrors:P
Something (relatively speaking) good that happened to me was my doctor made a housecall out of hours to see me, about the really fucking painful infection on the arch of my foot, and agreed to give me some more pain meds to help cover it, as well as put me on an effective, broad-spectrum antibiotic.
Plus I was able to finally, although most certainly not without first both taking a LARGE shot of morphine sulfate, and snorting quite a few capsules of oxycodone IR (to have it act rapidly enough to be in time for the task to be undertaken) and spending a while waiting for them to kick in fully, steeling myself for what I was going to have to do-its a lot less acutely painful now a lot of the pressure has been released, after I drove the blade of a knife into the swelling and sliced it open, then after wrapping a lot of tissue paper around, squeezing HARD, along with tensing my foot muscles up tight as I could several times in succession.
Yes, it fucking hurt like a total cunting bastard, even after my having coated the point of my blade in 20% benzocaine (a local anaesthetic) to help take the edge off, but stabbed it in all the same, after gritting my teeth, swearing a few times in advance to make up for the moments of time after the job being done in between finishing doing it, and being able to breathe again and start cursing and swearing properly, then hit it with the handle of another knife to drive it in like a hammer, opened it up a bit more with a corkscrew on the pocket knife, by twisting it in the wound to open it up better.
Drained it very substantially and let off a lot of pressure, and the pain has faded away something bloody miraculous. Although immediately after I did sterilize my hands, knife etc. in absolute alcohol, before sterilizing a patch of upper leg and giving myself another jab of morphine. And not a small one either. Because even with the pain meds already in me beforehand, it still managed to hurt like a complete bastard.
But now, its feeling a lot better than it was, and I'll be getting some more pain meds to cover the increase I had to use tomorrow, the doc was understanding enough about WHY, after he'd actually seen both the wound during his housecall, (pre-drainage), the swelling and effect that it had on my walking (I.e forget it, it just isn't going to happen right now)

So, whilst its not what you'd call a good thing as such, its still a fucking relief, especially after stabbing myself in the foot and twisting that corkscrew in there&yanking it out again. Having to apply pressure on the wound after to drain it was the worst part though, the most painful by far, especially with how much inflammation the infection caused. Figured though 'fuck it, this is GOING to hurt, and it isn't going to be shy about letting me know about it either. So I decided no half-arsed measures, just apply as much pressure as I could from several sides at once and force the drainage. Its a lot smaller now, and as such a lot less painful.
More than I can say for the actual incision and drainage myself though. I'd have used a surgical scalpel rather than a pocket knife blade (good sharp knife or not), but unfortunately all my blades are in the lab. And obviously *I* can't just get up and walk up there; and even though he hasn't got any physical issues standing etc. I can't very well ask him to go poke about in a bunch of drawers full of delicate glass, and various highly toxic, in many cases water- air- or both-reactive compounds, some of them corrosive, if not most of them, and at least a few that'll catch fire spontaneously on contact with air.
And besides, the glass and electronics/powered glassware bits and pieces, all in all, I'm not actually sure how much I spent on the lab in total, but some items are worth over a grand per piece, some even a grand and a half, even a microscope that cost near to £300-350 or so), and some of my flasks, worth £95 or so for just one piece, for the pricier kinds, heating baths, magnetic stirrer-hotplates, hotplates, standalone stirrers, rotovap, power supplies, and of course all the money that went into buying my chemicals. About 80 euros per kg (got a discount as I bought 2) of red phosphorus for example, lots of difficult to get acid anhydrides and acyl halides, alkyl halides and other such stuff, as well as all the solvents, both commonplace and exotic.
Some of those, like a couple of the more highly exotic and unusual acid anhydrides and alkyl halides cost a couple of hundred quid for just a few hundred ml.
So I really can't send HIM up there with all the delicate, expensive equipment, metals that might get away from their confinement under oil or inert gases that could take his head off. And cost me more perfectly good money to have to spend on more chemicals, or potentially glassware that ended up blasted to little tiny pieces after a chemically inept person who isn't a chemist and hasn't got very many chemistry-shaped bones in his body inadvertently created something violently reactive and good at removing bodyparts.
And as a result, it had to be the pocketknife, using a small blade but still not with a razor shape point to it, the edge is very sharp but not the point itself. Oww. And then some. But at least it did get the job done thoroughly.