And....another package from china arrived for me again today (first so-far at any rate, not to say there might not be more to come later, although I don't know. I am expecting a short-path head for vacuum-distillations of the short-path variety though sooner or later, sooner hopefully) though.
This time, a trio of glass powder-funnels. Which are exactly what they sound like. Fairly shallow, but wide, mouthed small glass funnels intended to be inserted into a stopper to be put into a socket joint in a piece of glassware such as a flask and intended for funneling powders into the vessel in question)
I had expected the stems to be a little shorter perhaps, and perhaps wider, but there is no problem with them. Just the kind of tool I didn't have and did want. (Plastic funnels are no use, unless made out of teflon of course, since there are so many things one might pour into a funnel that would tear plastics to pieces and leave you with a blob of goo where a funnel used to be, potentially even contaminating one's work in the process, so these glass ones are just what I needed)
The only question is that the only piece of equipment which might arrive today or will there be more goodies for lil' ol' me yet to arrive today.
I do so like it when the postmen and/or couriers arrive at my doorstep. I cannot claim as I know they feel the same way about bringing things to me, but I at least am glad they do

If I was a postal driver/courier driver of any description I might well very much NOT like that part of my rounds, at least not until any and all packages addressed to me had been taken off the van and deposited well away from it, especially if marked in chinese or some form of cyrillic writing or other, a postman-version of me, I'd be in an extra hurry to get my post OUT of my van, but as things are I'm definitely glad to see them arrive and to allow them any sigh of relief at having some so; I won't begrudge them that when afterall they have brought me little presents which would burst into flames on contact with anything other than a rigorougly dry inert gas-purged handling chamber to be able to open some of those containers:LOL:
I'd not like to be my postman lol. Actually I'd not like to be a postman at all, the early-morning hours no matter how rotten, filthy and wet and icy cold the weather might get, or how foul the people post is to be delivered to might be. Come to think of it being a postal worker must suck ARSE. Has to be the vilest, most rancid, awful job anybody has ever had to do on the face of the earth.
Although I am grateful for their work, thats true enough, I just would NOT want to be one. But especially mine, what with the combination of having to deliver flammables, pyrophoric flammables, acids, strong bases along with large crates containing very delicate, and at times expensive electronics, or delicate and pricy glass items more than they deliver anything else, ever, at least if its for me. I've had to sign for and take in those things, and some of those packages are bloody heavy, I think the rotavap had to be the worst, for both of us, a bit over a grand in electronics, in a big, heavy metal tower, a bit shorter than the tower section of a desktop computer, loaded with expensive electronics and very delicately balanced weight-wise, for rotating a special kind of flask, itself balanced for the purpose in a vacuum distillation, along with a heating bath that connects up to the main tower part that spins up the still flask in the heating bath so it covers the inside in a thin layer that evaporates faster than a regular vacuum-distillation, along with its flasks and a matched rotavap condenser, a lot taller, and fatter than a regular coil condenser, which means its correspondingly much, much more delicate, and heavy too. (and theres meant to be another heavy piece coming, a weighted base with threaded holes tapped into it, which serves to mount a rod which is used to attach the clamps that hold the condenser)
Entire thing, minus the base I still need delivered, (and an allen key, but I can let that go if I have to, there are plenty of them available in the workshop (or what would otherwise be a garden shed, and makes a totem nod towards being a garden shed with a hedge trimmer, a garden fork, a rake and a couple of spades in one corner, so as not to take up space needed by the lathe or the drill press)..I reckon I can forgive them forgetting an allen key. plus crate, took it out of me carrying it inside, as the wooden crate itself, empty isn't light either)
Lol I bet in 20 years time, if its the same postie, I'll be able to recognize him due to a hunch-back and walking with a kind of waddling gait, throwing his legs out either side, with his arms permanently hanging down like a gorilla, only with a bad case of the shakes (at least, he'd have the shakes if he speaks mandarin...and possibly come along his route in one of those NBC suits one sees biologist-types and military-types wearing in movies featuring horrible alien flesheating-virus-plagues and a gas mask underneath just for good measure)
QV-don't have a kindle, I keep all my ebooks on computer hard drives and flash drives etc., read them on the computer, but NICE. I love H.P.Lovecraft (no not that way, get your royal mind outa the gutter missy

Already got hardcopy books of if not all then certainly most of his stuff. Whats your favourite of his? I reckon mine might be 'the dream-quest of unknown Kadath'. Or its certainly one of them. Hm...and whats the betting Lovecraft himself was on the autistic spectrum? very, very shy, retiring, awkward around women wasn't he? and of course, very creative indeed.
He certainly fits the profile for HFA, don't you think?
And didn't he actually discard a lot of his unpublished work whilst writing, because he felt it wasn't perfect enough? that'd seem to me like a potential spectrum trait. Lovecraft, IMO has HFA written all over him (in a suitably infernal script, penned by a dead hand in an evil thats it...maybe the Autism Speaks of his day did a campaign against him! he sure wrote enough about THEM......)