That went well for what could have been a 1-hit kill on the entire team if things went wrong. found out there was a guy, just one, packing 5 grenades, he chucked one, missed and had it bounce back on him, not a direct hit but enough to cause a lot of damage in fallout-tactics, which was instantly followed up by a single shot from an AK assault rifle and then a double-barreled shotgun blast (fallout tactics game)
Neat thing was recovering so many grenades which I then split among the team. The enemy grenadier never expected THAT. Thing bounced off a beam or something in a barn and came back at his ass, while I had a guy cap him with an AK-47 round then quickly pull out his shotgun and loose off both barrels into his chest after the AK round winded him. After that shotgun blast he wasn't getting up again. Ever. At least what was left of him wouldn't be getting up without the assistance of somebody else carrying a spoon and a plastic rubbish sack

He tried to toss a fragmentation grenade through a window once my chosen shooter had crawled on his belly up to the part of the barn with a waist-high 'gate' (doesn't open), but something was in the way, which the grenade hit and came back at him, knocking him about pretty damn hard, after that a single AK round winded him, and allowed my shooter to whip out his shotgun and give the little bleeder both barrels up close before he could react with another grenade, which left me plenty of grenades to loot from his corpse, or what was, at one point, before he hit the ground, something resembling one. Now its more....well think of the phrase 'the red mist came down and the man lost all control' this case the red mist just burst into a localized cloud and subsequently condensed on the floor

Those AP grenades are going to come in handy though. I did have one in the squad's arsenal, along with something like 5 napalm grenades, since one even close blast, although the range is limited (15 hexes, its an isometric game) at maximum for a grenade of any kind, even a moderate miss will hurt the recipient like fuck, a near miss might well still kill a few people and a direct hit in a group is likely going to leave behind just a pile of glorpy meaty pinkish grey-red stuff thats a nuisance to sort through afterwards when looting the corpses for guns, ammo, grenades, stimpaks, other drugs and misc. stuff of use or resale value,,,,,,