What? jut because OMFG! an autistic killed somebody in a violent VIDEO GAME, shot them full of SMG bursts before loosing off two guys' shotguns right to their eyes and head? (in the fallout game series, they are set in a post-apocalyptic world, after a nuclear war that nearly wiped earth clean of life, and they are all set in whats left, with people trying to rebuild the world, many living like cavemen, others with firearms etc., raiders, slavers, and better people, at least people with better ideals [the brotherhood of steel] who formed a group dedicated to preserving technology of the old world, pre-war, and developing new tech, to rebuild civilization] with everything up to high-tech power armor, laser and plasma weaponry.
Along with of course, mutated wildlife from the radiation like gigantic spider-hunting wasps, scorpions the size of from a dog (small rad-scorpions) to something more like a cow sized monstrosity (your average radscorpion), farmers herding 'brahmin', radiation-mutated double-headed cows, and all manner of other monstrosities that generally speaking, the best response to is a machinegun burst between the eyes)
And you can either fire un-aimed (well aimed AT, but not targeting anything special) at any enemy, the smaller the target and longer the range, the poorer the training at the time with the class of weapons (smallarms, such as 'normal' pistols, submachineguns, assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles etc.), melee weapons (your meat cleavers, broken glass bottles, your various sharp pointy stabby types of objects, your baseball bats with metal spikes sticking out of them etc. All nice and quiet, although short-ranged, but ideal for squad troops with high sneaking/stealth skill, to creep up behind sentries and silently end them, or knock them unconscious with a bat, cattle-prod up-graded to deliver a lethal charge, then quickly grab them and stab them once they are out cold on the dirt, to avoid alerting other enemies nearby but out of line-of-sight), heavy weapons (flamethrowers, miniguns, .50 caliber autocannons, rocket launchers, etc.) and energy weapons such as gauss rifles, electromagnetic pulse weaponry, laser and plasma weapons) as well as thrown weaponry like fragmentation grenades, incendiary grenades, moltov cocktails, toxic gas, and EMP grenades [the last doing, like EMP pistols/rifles, no damage to human, mutant or mutated wildlife type enemies, if its made of meat, they do no harm, but against robotic foes, EMP weapons are truly lethal, even better than acid-throwers and acid grenades [exactly what they sound like. The first being similar to a flamethrower, but fires a gout of acid to do terrible damage to robotic enemies, whilst also wreaking bloody havoc upon things made of meat. Not particularly a pleasant weapon, but one that IS very effective indeed. Does what it says on the tin, really. 'acid thrower'. It throws acid. No further explanation required:autism:]
But...I am autistic, not a moron. Whilst NTs don't realize it. There IS a difference. And I might do really gory, nasty things to characters in videogames, but just because I've say, played grand theft auto, it doesn't mean I go round carjacking people.
(well, once, many, many many years ago, but only once, and I wasn't the one who started it. All a bit of a clusterfuck of an incident that one, but it had to be done), but doesn't mean I run around raping and killing prostitutes, shooting people for fun, running pedestrians over with cars to see how many I can kill in one splatter and how long of a blood-trail I can leave behind when I've squished them.
As for fallout-tactics, I keep running into packs of civillians, that can be stealthily stolen from, and they often seem to carry 50-70 odd 12-gauge shells and some stimpacks, that are more than worth relieving them of, since when not discovered there are no consequences.
But do I steal from people? no. Not unless the person has stolen from me and I am merely re-taking that which is stolen, and helping myself to a few things formerly belonging to the thief. If someone tries to mug me, sure, I'll break his fucking arms and go through his pockets, take any weed, smokes, phones, shoes they have. But I don't BEGIN the thefts. I only steal from those who have first stolen from me. I'm obviously going to take back what is mine, but if they see it as alright to go round pinching things from people, then its obviously OK with them, so they oughtn't to have a problem when I take their things, since they don't have any issues doing it to me.
I'm not an immoral person as such. I just have my own morals. I don't hurt people unless I am defending myself or standing up for somebody who is attacked and taking a beating etc., or abusing animals. The exception to that rule being sex offenders. In that case, I did once meet a child rapist, unfortunately, and I stamped the little creepazoid into meatpaste and took a pool-que to his head. Otherwise, I am kind to others, I consider their feelings, and for a friend I will go to the ends of the earth. I won't START fights, animal or child/women abusers excepted, but if one is started by another who intends to hurt me or those I care for, then of course, I don't have the slightest problem with putting an attacker in hospital or worse. If they had but walked on by, and left me unmolested, I would not even have spoken a single word to the person, but pull out a knife on me, and they are likely to find it buried in something soft and squishy that they really wish it hadn't been stuck in.
In life, I go by 'treat people as I wish to be treated, and treat people as they treat me. So be good to me, I am good to you, be indifferent or do not interact with me, and you are treated thus, attempt to bring me harm, and you are harmed. A faithful friend is rewarded with unswerving faithful friendship unless they do something that means they no longer deserve it. A lover/partner, I will stand for no matter WHAT, and give of me, every little scrap that exists. If I'm with someone, I am THEIR'S and theirs alone.
On the whole, I'd say that I'm a pretty good person, generally speaking, overall. I might ignore lex legis that does not suit me, but only when there is not a victim. (E.g, smoking weed, kind of thing, where nobody's rights are infringed upon by my doing so) or doing things alchymical which others might not approve of. But if the worst that can happen to another is their disapproval, as a consequence of my actions, and they are not friends, family, loved ones etc. but random buggers, they can just be kept firmly in the dark, and stay that way. Disapproval, hate of, dislike for an action is not good enough for me not to do something, people can hate it all they like, but I'll not force them either to ingest anything I might make, or participate in activities involving such things. So they are free to go about their business in all ways, just so long as they do not interfere in my own.
I'm generally considerate, caring, to a lover, loving, faithful, not a stingy person/miser, sure, there is a side of me perfectly capable of doing some very unpleasant things to people. But that side only comes out when it must, when the recipient has earned it, Someone pokes me, I'll poke them. Somebody pokes me harder, I'll poke them harder back. Someone goes to seriously hurt me, and they ought to think again before they act, and do otherwise than try. Because then, that side of me will come out. And it really hasn't got any moral qualms. On the other hand, the threshold for that vicious side being let off its very tight leash has the bar set high, and somebody must have genuinely earned what they get. Earn it, though, and whoever it is will quickly wish they hadn't earned it. The leash is tight, alright, but if it gets let off that leash then the nastier side of me isn't going to hold back.
If that ever means I need to chop somebody into little tiny pieces, dissolve them in acid, take a long, long, long hike, neutralize the acid to avoid polluting the environment and flush them away in several rivers then so be it. But nobody is going to end up murdered by me. I'd only ever commit pesticide. If you get what I mean. The moral there, is people can avoid my committing pesticide upon their person by avoiding being a pest.