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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6135 on: August 28, 2017, 02:52:10 AM »
My joints tend to hurt when I mow the lawn so I let the kids do it.
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6136 on: August 29, 2017, 02:35:23 AM »
I've never mowed a lawn in my life. Good on you, Pyraxis.

I have used a whipper snipper though.
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6137 on: August 29, 2017, 03:45:58 AM »
My joints tend to hurt when I mow the lawn so I let the kids do it.

  That's what they're there for.  :M :P
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6138 on: August 29, 2017, 08:23:24 PM »
My joints tend to hurt when I mow the lawn so I let the kids do it.

My bitches not only do the mowing, but my laundry and dishes too.  :zoinks:

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6139 on: August 30, 2017, 01:11:17 AM »
She LIKES the stench of freshly cut grass raxy? jesus H. She must be stark raving mental, that stinks something truly heinous IMO. That stink knocks me sick just thinking about it. If it weren't for the fact I'm fairly numb right now due to my pain meds being in full swing, and antiseizure meds having a calming/sedating effect at the same time, I just KNOW my insides would have twitched and writhed in abject hatred of my brain, thinking about that stink. Its revolting.

As for my something good...well in my current jagged alliance 2 game (plus the expansion pack), a bunch of really big, ugly crustacean/insectoid critters with both the ability to gob out jets of corrosive, acidic fog/slime at long range and an attitude nasty enough to go with the rest of their character, as well as being tough sons of bitches (I.e have had a fair few of them take multiple point-blank blasts of 00 buckshot from a pump-action combat shotgun right in the face from a few steps away, AFTER first being hit with a 40mm teargas grenade, stun grenades, either hand-thrown or from either of the two 40mm grenade launchers my squads are carrying, and even being hit with conventional high-explosive grenades and keep on charging headlong after my squads, found a tactic that works well.

Have the troops hide behind walls really close by, after a spotter locates the target and flushes it out with a CS gas grenade, so that as many men/women as possible are at close to point blank range before surprising it and getting in their first, interrupting their charge, ideally by its being met by a shotgun blast or two, or better yet, a full-auto burst of hollowpoint rounds from a silenced mac-10 machinepistol or silenced MP5 9mm again using hollowpoint rounds, whilst a couple of the best marksmen keep it occupied with armor-piercing fire from a trio of big hefty sniper rifles that pack some pretty impressive stopping power.

Firing mustard gas grenades into groups whilst harassing them with concentrated fire from the sniper rifle teams works well for crowd disposal, but unfortunately, these bastards are coming in not ones and twos (even that needs several turns from a near 20-man mercenary squad, or at least several members of the assault team jumping out from behind corners and each emptying half a full clip of .45 cal hollowpoints from their mac-10s (a boxy little machinepistol, similar to an uzi, but more physically compact. Not accurate for long range fighting, either in game or IRL, but compact, lightweight, fast rate of fire and at close range a full auto burst of HP rounds to the head from 2-3 troops will generally bring one of the creatures down). The swarms where there are 6-7 of them or so are really not pleasant to deal with though. Glad I stocked up on gas grenades (albeit, no more mustard gas available atm, that stuff wreaks absolute havoc on the bastards, especially if they are forced to back into a corner, and somebody tosses in a gas grenade after them and retreats, leaving them to choke to death in pretty quick order)

Something's telling me, that since there are what appear to be male and females both, and have seen at least one young one (little shits have dug a tunnel entrance up under and into a mine my mercenary rebel strike teams liberated from the despotic government in the country the game is set in, and it was my main mine too. Need money badly, to keep the troops. No money? no mercs, bar a few that join out of loyalty to the cause. The majority are crack troops fighting for their paycheck, right now, doing literally just that, the miners won't work down there when the creatures are present, and the mine was bringing in something like 80k a week. One of three I control. Or in this case am fighting to re-take.

But adult male and females, a young larvae....that tends to make me think their is something like a queen creature down there somewhere that keeps breeding the bastards. Taken a near 18-man strike team down there, three full squads packing everything from 9mm pistols and .38 cal revolvers as emergency backup pieces to shotguns, 5.56mm assault rifles of various kinds, a H&K G11 (advanced german assault rifle that was IRL designed to be compact, lightweight, fast firing and unlike most firearms, uses caseless ammunition) Its hard to get hold of in-game, only managed to find one enemy soldier with one after trading a hole in the face in exchange for his rifle, along with chucking some mustard gas grenades down into a courtyard the little sod was hiding out in. Now MY troops are all tooled up, Accurate sniper rifles using heavier bullets than the assault rifles, that pack a lot of stopping power, for support, along with a 60mm mortar, two pump-action grenade launchers loaded with CS gas type grenades, concussion grenades for stunning an enemy or firing into rooms prior to sending in the teams running hell for leather and mowing down enemy soldiers hiding inside, hand grenades of various sizes and 'flavours', fragmentation, micro-size close range grenades, various gas grenades, and white phosphorus rounds for the grenade launcher, and handheld varieties both, all but the rearmost troops (who I haven't enough to equip with yet) wearing chemical/biowarfare gear that allows them to operate right up close even after deploying chemical weaponry (although only the heavy, specially treated body armor provides any protection against the HE grenades etc.)

Seems like I'm getting closer and closer to wherever any big, bad ugly mother of all bioengineered arthropod shock-troops might have her/his/their lair. And when THAT happens, its DEFINITELU going to get ugly, fast.  The really young larvae don't attack, and can basically, if the adults are extirpated first, be taken apart piece by piece by one soldier with a combat knife and a penchant for doing a lot of stabbing, since they are defenseless. Those, will leave until last. Whilst any king and/or queen is going down first, along with any adults in close proximity enough to target the troops. Given how nasty the adults are, any queen/king/both is going to have to be dealt with quickly, and with everything my troops can manage to bring to the table.

Not sure whats worse than krill, only genetically messed with until they spit acid, pack massive claws that can rip through body armor, and need heavy-duty armor, hardened, along with ceramic plate inserts to stop them, kevlar kecks and advanced head armor to stand a chance of stopping them, along with gas masks to prevent their acidic spit from killing the troops quickly, rather than inflicting minor wounds that can be dealt with quickly using portable first aid kits and chemical-resistant overwear for the front-line shock-troops and anybody else that be outfitted with anything bought, scrounged, or the previous owner shot dead for :P

But if its worse than that..I'm not so sure I want to meet this thing. And when I do, I'm DEFINITELY going to load one of the 40mm grenade launchers with a full-force TNT-packed HE shell ready to pop the bastard in the eyes (if its got any), the ones found so far are blind but locate prey and targets by scent. Still, accurate enough, at least until the gas weapons start being let off. Even the smoke grenades help, whilst non-lethal choking type riot-agent filled grenades really seem effective. What I'd not give for just 2-3 mustard gas grenades left though ready for any over-spawn critter/s that seem bound to be on the way. At least when facing either normal, human soldiery, or even the genetically enhanced bioweapon-ized big cats, those mustard grenades can spread a cloud of blister agent for meters, and do massive damage that will easily incapacitate an unprotected enemy and prevent them from fleeing the cloud, killing them in moments. (IRL, mustard gases are slower to act than this but obviously one cannot wait hours of realtime in-game for an enemy to be taken out by chemical warfare agents.  So some liberties had to be taken obviously in coding the game by its writers) Still, stuff is bloody nasty, deadly effective, can permanently cripple a soldier if they survive, leaving them fit only to be ordered to drop their weapons, take their armour off, drop their supplies, be given a drink from a canteen of water and their contract ended, and life insurance collected on (in this case, when buying insurance (optional) for mercs on the squads, life insurance is paid out on them returning alive, not on death, so best thing to do is strip them of everything they have, and terminate their contract, leave them to walk out on their own and try find the airport my troops and millitia control)

Not very kind, but better fire them when they are seconds from death and keep their kit, claim back as much medical deposit and insurance as possible than have them die officially on contract. Even if it means terminating their employment in the middle of a firefight, after first tossing a grenade or two, loosing off a burst or two of auto-fire from an assault rifle before they are made to drop their stuff and do one. At least I give them a last slug from the water supplies before sending them to hike back to the nearest safe airspace and get evacuated to hospital. Or patch them up so they don't bleed out on the way (its cheaper that way, that way you get a partial refund on the medical deposit, since they need treatment but are, at the point of their contract being revoked, still not in a wooden box, although they get first-aid only, stop any imminently fatal bleeds, gas wounds etc. from offing the poor bugger, given any weapon or scrappy old armor lying around that'd only make a nuisance of itself were it to be carried by the troops, any old pistols etc. or short range, unsilenced small caliber handguns that aren't much use)

Typically the moment one is fired, another one is hired to take their place and have to go to a rendezvous point in my airspace to link up with the team, taken to the cargo-dropping area to be tooled up and armored, loaded up with at least a main battle rifle OR sniper rifle (although some of the strongest and best marksmen are carrying both, a full-auto mid-range .45, silenced, the stealthiest troops wearing the best camo often given things like combat knives, throwing knives, brass knuckles or a machete or crowbar for up-close-and-personal dirty work.) and sidearm for close defence, last resort, whilst each squad gets at least one guy with a pump-action combat shotgun and one trooper carrying a 40mm grenade launcher, plus one or two guys LOADED with various hand-thrown grenades and demolition charges (whilst I try and make sure every trooper is outfitted with at least two each of smoke grenades, tactical choking agent gas grenades and an explosive grenade or two. IF I can get hold of them, then as many mustard gas rounds as possible get brought along by every man who can get hold of any, and the most able troops outfitted with the most of those, since they aren't common, probably because of how damn effective they are at wiping out entire enemy squads within moments of a 3-man team with a sniper, assault rifle gunner, and spotter w/heavy weapons and grenades sneaking up onto a roof and tossing down some blister agent rounds into the midst of the enemy.

Think its time now that I'm about to meet big-and-ugly whatever it is, crawling down there in my silver mines that fill the paychecks of my troops. Time to raise hell.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6140 on: August 30, 2017, 01:48:27 PM »
A check I have been waiting for arrived in the mail
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6141 on: August 30, 2017, 10:22:21 PM »
Heh, I was right. Queen Bitch was there alright. Big, real ugly bastard. Really big and REALLY ugly.  Thankfully immobile, and there was cover, so conserving movement time, just about possible to line two guys up just out of sight and have them duck out, and cut loose with a combination of sniper rifle, an M16 and for good measure, one of the 40mm grenade launchers.

And fairly major-league gain from killing the bugger too, the stuff that made it as tough as it was, turns out to be the perfect stuff for hardening armor, applied to as many of the best pieces of armor as possible, its a major-league upgrade.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6142 on: August 31, 2017, 02:53:38 AM »
I found presents for my sister (birthday) and my stepdad (Fathers Day) with just one trip to the shops.
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6143 on: August 31, 2017, 02:56:02 AM »
Yay  for the lawnmower , Pyraxis!

We Brits have tiny little patches of grass , if that, unless we're wealthy, so it's tiny little mowers or strimmers for us. I've used a push-along mechanical mower, mowing parents' lawn when i weas a kid. Then I moved into a flat, then a bedsit, then moved in  with a keen gardener, so didn;'t have to care at all about lawns until I after I left him and  moved into a little , privately rented terraced house with my son., eith obligatory tiny patch of grass out back, and Strimmer provided for keeping it trim. Eek! Given my innate clumsiness, I'm pretty sure I'm a danger to myself (and others if they come near) with a strimmer, but I used it anyway, just as often as absolutely necessary to stop the garden turning into a jungle.  The couple who owned the house were away for three years, and intended to move back in, hence the provision of a Strimmer. Most private rentals just give you a weedy patch of grass, no means to cut it,  and a very short-term lease (meaning it;'s kinda pointless providing yourself with things like lawnmowers, even supposing you can afford it Oh! and contract that says you must maintain the garden. I'm pretty sure that's  why the Great Unwashed in Britain are notorious for letting their gardens go to back to the jungle. That and clinical depression, of couse.  But in my block (surveyed from an upstairs window)  you can easily tell the occasional bits of Social Housing apart from the much more numerous private rentals, because the  people in the social housdng take care of their gardens, by-and-large, whereas the private tenants make zero effort...aside from myself.

That first terraced house was the best I've lived in, by a long chalk, because it had been equipped by people who had actually lived there and who intended to live there again. Since then it's been a series of investment properties, with the landlords providing any old crap in the way of white goods, heating etc, some of it horribly inconvenient, much of it costing a fortune to runl and always a "lawn" (or rather weedy patch of grass) and never a lawnmower, nor even a shed to keep one in.   On both of my more recent properties , I dug the "lawn" up and replaced it with herbs and cottage -garden style perennials, once I felt settled enough, and energetic enough to tackler the job. I al;so did a ridiculous amount of landscaping in my last place (must post photos)  given that I didn't have a secure tenancy, because you can't go on living like you;re just passing through forever, can you?  Well , you can, but it increasingly gets you down , to be surrounded by other peoples crap all the timel, especially when your efforts to find a better, more-or-less affordable place keep drawing blanks.

Anyways, so i wound up developing as belated interset in gardening, basically because i was bored with pullling up the weeds, and sick of my junky surroundings, But you know what Aspies are like, don't you? We're almost incapable of doing things by halves. I read a big stack of gardening books, and got a few ideas...

But back to that scent of freshly-mown grass/ Hmm , yeah, i do kinda like it. and if you think it's disgusting, Lestat , you should live or work near a farm I had the misfortune of working at a warehouse outside the city limits, once, just a stones' throw from a farm; and when the wind blew in the wrong direction, the scent of silage assaulted your nostrils as you entered, left  or went ouside for a break. I used to feel ill for the whole of the rest of the night whenever that happened.  Wolfie  said it might be gluten molecules in the silage, because just the scent from a bakery made him ill.  I dunno about that. The smell is surely utterly nauseating, anyway.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2017, 03:02:25 AM by Walkie »

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6144 on: August 31, 2017, 04:36:24 AM »
I do have a strimmer, but I hate it so much. The sound is horrendous. Rather use hedge clippers for the long grass at the side of the stampsized patch of turf that is my lawn. For the rest my trusty pushmower.

I'm one of the very few in the street gardening unmotorised. Neighbour girl does that too, but almost every bit is paved at her side of the fence. I have way more hedge than grass, but will clip it by hand.

Neglected my garden big time, the past few years. It needs a proper digging through, lots of compost, manure and plenty of tlc. Did not have the time nor the energy, for a couple of years. Do have plans though.

Should start getting myself a decent very narrow spade to get through the hard soil.
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6145 on: August 31, 2017, 07:18:35 AM »
I do have a strimmer, but I hate it so much. The sound is horrendous. Rather use hedge clippers for the long grass at the side of the stampsized patch of turf that is my lawn. For the rest my trusty pushmower.

I'm one of the very few in the street gardening unmotorised. Neighbour girl does that too, but almost every bit is paved at her side of the fence. I have way more hedge than grass, but will clip it by hand.

Neglected my garden big time, the past few years. It needs a proper digging through, lots of compost, manure and plenty of tlc. Did not have the time nor the energy, for a couple of years. Do have plans though.

Should start getting myself a decent very narrow spade to get through the hard soil.

How about a very  strong fork to loosen it? or else wait for it to rain.

I was using shears to cut the entire stamp-sized patch of grass at the back of  this place, before I dug it up. It was exhausting, but there just wan't an option.  Even if f I had gone out and got myself a mower, there was still no shed to keep it in.  It 's bad enpugh keeping small-ish garden tools at the back=-end of my cramped galley kitchem, without trying to find space  indoors for a mower too! I think i was supposed to just leave it, and give my landlady a good excuse for keeping my bond when I go. (She'll almost certainly find an excuse anyway. they always do. But if it's an excuse that doesn't hold any water, then I intend to bloody well fight to get it back)

To take this thread even further off-topic, that reminded me ofcva great example of how my brain fails to function, under a barrage of personal questions,. I was at a Tribunal hearing, regarding my Disability benefits and was asked " Do you have a lawn?" . Ity disn't occur to me to ask in what way that question was supposed to be relavant (though, I disd briefly wonder, and 2-3 years later, i still don't see how it could be relevant, unless they imagined  my garden was considerably bigger than it is). I just aswered it , briefly and factually.

"No, I dug it up"

I noticeed them looking at each other. Then , after a pause they just proceeeded to the nexct (unrelated) question.

I was feling quite proud of myself for recalling the relevant info on demand. However...

several days later, it stuck me that I probably ought to have added  that my digging up the lawn happened several years ago,  that this  act long predated the claim in question (therefore completely irrelevant)  and that I did it because I was struggling to keep the lawn trim. 

« Last Edit: August 31, 2017, 07:20:43 AM by Walkie »

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6146 on: September 01, 2017, 11:15:16 PM »
I keep reading strimmer and thinking it's a typo for trimmer.

I was thinking about putting in a hedge, but that's a long way down the road. Sooner is the concept of putting a ring of bricks flush with the soil level around the outside of each raised rim of bricks edging a flowerbed, with the idea of not having to bother with edge trimming at all.

Tiny steps first, my mother and I got a pot of orange marigolds and tonight I planted them in the little raised planter along the front steps.

She's been compulsively weeding what bits of flowerbed there are. I need to take my phone out there and take photos of all the plants that are actually supposed to be there, so I don't get them confused with weeds later.
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6147 on: September 02, 2017, 03:05:38 AM »
Coffee happened.
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6148 on: September 02, 2017, 04:05:13 PM »
"Strimmer" probably is a word where "string" and "trimmer" blended together.

Apparently it's being used as a word since the 70's of last century.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6149 on: September 02, 2017, 06:00:48 PM »
Monday is a holiday, so that means three whole days when no one will give me anything new to do. Will use that time to pull my proverbial ass out of the fire.