Playing fallout II, its set me back several (in game) months of play, but I reloaded a special encounter in the desert wilderness, where there is a bridge, and a bridge-keeper, dressed in a robe, kind of grim reaper guy type, you have to answer 3 questions, get the third wrong and he releases a mad mutated two-headed cow that runs up to you, explodes, instant death.
Only I saved the game before talking to the guy but the save was bugged. Still, managed to take a targeted shot, and blast his kneecaps out with a combat auto-shotgun, before blinding him with a shot right in the eyes. He released the cow, but by then managed to make the player character run away in front of where the guy was trying to crawl away, and when the cow approached, start combat again and take it out with a direct shotgun blast straight to the eyes, one hit, dead meat.
And blocking the slowly escaping bridgekeeper's path, just kept there, occasionally more cow-bombs were released but took down each one with a shot in the eyes, or a headshot, preventing the otherwise instant death. One cow originally got me, but managed to survive, barely, with just a few health points. So I went and kept firing into this guy's undamaged leg, blowing out BOTH his kneecaps, and whilst he was on the floor, rammed a souped-up high voltage shock baton into his eyesockets, at first doing massive damage, the second, killing him instantly. In order to steal his clothing. Have a travelling companion formerly wearing old metal plate armor, turns out the robe the bridge keeper wears, or rather, wore, is rather special, being lightweight and equal to advanced combat armor. Making me able to give my much better set of mark II metal armor to the companion, as well as equipping him with an advanced assault rifle, the in game version of the real-world heckler and koch G11, firing a high velocity, high damage caseless round.
Basically outright murder, but oh well, its a lot lighter than combat armor too, which in any case I'd only get much later in the game. A robe that even resists laser and plasma weaponry, or flamethrowers and worse.