Found a bag candies I thought I'd eaten already, completely full and un-opened.
Got in in time to leave a test tube under my pillow so the reagent fairy will come and dispense...well...reagents. Surprisingly enough. Thankfully the source responded very promptly, which is always good, as tomorrow I may well not have had the money, not because I'd have spent it, I wouldn't. But because my bank are complete and utter incompetent twats. Stupid bastards are incapable of handling a standing order, and despite multiple attempts to stop it, they have been trying to pay out money for a standing order they were told to cancel, because they had been taking money weekly, or trying to, and not monthly. Despite being given, in writing, the precise ffrst several dates, writetn in letters and figures both. Despite phone calls. Chances are the stupid twunts would have done exactly the same thing over again. Its just as well that the person it is going to is family, and returns what has repeatedly been wrongly taken out. But it wouldn't have been checkable in time since I therefore require their cooperation. And they would, much like, it seems, the monkeys running the shithouse of the zoo that is my bank with such a crap effort that I could probably trust a five year old child with a shotgun to stand guard over my money, stuffed under my mattress with a greater success rate.
But, due to the prompt response of the summoned reagent fairy, in before it could go out to somewhere it never should have been attempted to have been sent in the first place.
Got compensation out of them last time, 'voluntarily', that is to say, with some coercion over the phone and throwing a right wobbler at them. This time, I think it time, well, next time that is, since there won't BE a this time, the £££ is already gone before the bank monkeys could turn it into shit and fling it at the walls.