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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #4875 on: April 23, 2016, 02:23:07 AM »
Coffee, maybe. It's been a rotten day so far, otherwise.
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #4876 on: April 23, 2016, 06:01:19 AM »
Coffee, maybe. It's been a rotten day so far, otherwise.

  Coffee :coffee: will always be here for us!
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #4877 on: April 23, 2016, 12:16:51 PM »
I like tea better myself. I do enjoy good coffee, especially turkish coffee. But I've had none of that since the big tub I brought back from my holiday in the early 2000s there ran out. Really nice, rich, strong aromatic dark coffee, although it packs quite a kick. Some of the stuff I had in turkey, as authentic as it can get, and freshly made in front of you,  that was what I call coffee, although I'm surprised some of it didn't melt the spoon it can get that strong!

The only drinkable coffee I have here, takes a fair bit of fiddling about to do, because my cafetiere/french press broke years ago, and I never remembered or got round to buying another. So I just toss the coffee powder in a pan or bowl, add the hot water, then filter the brew at the buchner funnel into one of my (carefully cleansed) lab flasks, pulling it through with a bit of vacuum before serving. A lot of messing around so I usually just make tea. Which is fine enough, i've got my nice stash of different assorted varieties. Quite liking a black tea/oolong mix with rose to flavour it lately. Really fragrant and it tastes great. That and a white tea, I think white teas are my favourite kind actually, they have a really delicate, fragrant flavour which is very refreshing.

As far as coffee goes, it has to be the real stuff for me, I don't at all care for that instant swill, like my parents drink. That doesn't NEED to go through somebody first to be reasonably mistaken for urine. Its like that before it ever touches the lips of a consumer:P
« Last Edit: April 23, 2016, 12:19:05 PM by Lestat »
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #4878 on: April 24, 2016, 03:16:57 AM »
Nothing yet. :GA:
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #4879 on: April 25, 2016, 12:43:18 AM »
Several of my research methods students had an awesome discussion about whether to use a true experimental design vs a quasi-experimental design. It was a college level discussion and they came up with ideas even I had not considered and I have been using this question for almost a year.

I got good students! It's rare that I get so many in a single class. There are five or six of them in a class of 22 - attrition has reduced that number to 15 so they really stand out now.
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #4880 on: April 25, 2016, 03:50:11 AM »
whats a quasi-experimental desing?

And you tried that paywall-nuker webtool for getting papers from journals by spoofing the access tokens?

As for good stuff, found a very small amount of  a synthetic cannabinoid,  N-cumyl-(1-5-fluoropentyl)-indazole-3-carboxamide only mgs but fuck me it seems more than its weight suggests, instead its probably be the single most potent Cb1 receptor agonist im aware of, being active at a mere 25-50ug ish itss even more potent than HUY-210, althouth that has a very prolonged half life in  plasma but this is very rapidly cleared, within perhaps 20-25m at most. Almost reminds me of surgical general anaesthetics
like propofol, remifentanil, alfentanil perhaps is closest although its no opioid that i know of, i mean for the super rapid onset and rapid inactivation  kinetics combined with
analgesic effects mediated through cannabinoid receptors, and its being rather effective as a rapid KO and sleep inducer.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #4881 on: April 25, 2016, 05:51:29 AM »
  Quality sleep with vivid dreams, despite the frequent awakenings, and I feel rested.  :thumbup:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #4882 on: April 25, 2016, 10:51:51 AM »
Hmm. Coffee, maybe?
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #4883 on: April 25, 2016, 08:37:56 PM »
Got my prescription refills,  and there had been what seemed a traineee filling it, being mentored by the senior pharmacist. Asking them a question which got the younger  one seeming to listen in.
But LOL, he dropped the ball. For I found additional pain meds, two 60mg XR morphines, meant to be given 30mg ones, but these were stuffed right down flat at the very back of the box behind the information sheet of paper that comes with  boxes of meds, must  have been overlooked. Got a few more oxy tens (IR) too than meant to. Now, JUST now . this very moment, found  two unsmoked smokes,  which will do just nicely, to go with my morphine, which actually I haven't had any of today, I've just used my 'free' oxy, well, I say 'free', strictly speaking ALL my meds are free for me on the NHS, as I qualify for free prescriptions, luckily, else it would beggar me within months what with how scripts are  charged for those who do pay, per medication, not per script form, which I think iniquitous at best.

Pepperoni pizza is about to happen, and a big bowl of egg fried rice already just did, and my mom had left most of hers, as usual, but this time, unusually she didn't even eat some of her big king prawns.Left  a fair few, which of course, I threw on top of my egg fried rice, splattered with chili pepper hot sauce, soaked the rice in dark soy, reheated and ate. Now doing myself a pizza, after having the egg fried. Donuts happened. Sweet and sour chunky applesauce filled donuts. And I happened, to THEM, most of the bag full.  Those lasted less than a minute and a half until I'd scoffed every last little crumb, plus the yummy donut-sugar that you get in the bottom of a bag of sugarcoated donut varieties tipped out of the bag down my neck :)

Love the apple kind, my favourite or one  very close to it. Custard ones being second in line probably, but sour apple ones are refreshing not just sweet. And its just so easy to scarf the lot.

So pizza is happening, rice pudding already has (about 4 cans, and two cans of preserved grapefruit in grapefruit juice. After I've had my pizza I'm going to have now what would have been my first morph of the day, in the morning, although I just, didn't get around to actually TAKING it, I prepared my shot, plus my 'freebie' extra 60mg caps of XR morphia. They, plus another gram of morph have been sitting, stewing in their extraction war  alongside a handful of oxy 10s, rather than not waiting so long, its going to be strong as all fucking fucked fuck with fucking fucksauce :)

Looking forward to that. And the fantastic night's sleep I have coming my way tonight.

And perhaps sweetest of all today. I found this band that I really, really am a fan of, while using another pc, the harddrive failed big time. lost me years of so much irreplacable research data from the lab, pictures and photos of loved ones, music, and I was thinking I'd have to trawl youtube manually for female fronted italian funeral/doom bands.

Remembered the name of one title of one song. Couldn't remember the band name, but I managed to find the band name through the song, lucky, as they are really, really badly underknown, underrated , but I've liked em since I first discovered them.

Even vast, and under the name even more vast later in their time.
The vocalist is really good, and to boot, a proper stunner, great voice, and drop dead gorgeous too.

'Dawning Gloom'

   'Never hear me'

Been trying to remember and track them down for a couple of years at least now. And  for some reason 'dawning gloom' came to mind  while getting given a lift to my docs surgery and then to the chemists to call in my handful of scripts, the title just popped into my head randomly. Took about 2 years but still. Glad I've found em again.

And engaging in  a little bit of my hobby, before hitting the bed. To blow off some fury really. After being provoked by some absolutely shocking degrees of abject, utter, cretinous , brain-donor-reject stupidity, and arrogant poisonous condecension. To an extent that really would have richly deserved it had they actually GOT the smack in the mouth they were cruising for, after so rudely trying to shove their self-righteous, holier-than-thou, opinionated pack of moronic garbage down my throat.

Right as I was about to go to bed. To come  out with a torrent of utter fucking bollocks to aggravate the shite out of me and get me angry.

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #4884 on: April 26, 2016, 11:18:19 AM »
Oh nice!

Sorbet is happening right now. Or I'm happening to IT. Got a big bag of custard filled donuts, well, a smaller and smaller bag now, but there was most of a bag to begin with. Got two cartons of white grapefruit juice with the bits and pulp in them, the way I like my citrus juices, they are so better with the bits in there.

MMmmm scrummy! raspberry sorbet, one of my favourite kinds, if that elderflower and lime  boozy frozen cider sorbet isn't to be had. That, and mango sorbet, ommfg, mango sorbet, is one of my favourites too, esp. with lots of sliced up fresh, juicy ripe gooey , squishy soft mango flesh scattered over  a tub full.

Finished the first of the two raspberry ones that I have/had. Saving the other one for later, as my old man just saved me some of his ham and mushroom pizza. So about to nom pizza with a bit of oxy sprinkled over the toppings.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #4885 on: April 26, 2016, 12:30:13 PM »
The snow stopped falling! 
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #4886 on: April 26, 2016, 04:19:58 PM »
Weather here is just windy and cold at the moment.  Thought  I was going to have to leave the house and travel into the city center, but not only could I really, really not be fucking well bothered, to wriggle out of my comfy, warm, soft dressing robe, OR go that far, walking or otherwise, I didn't need to in the end.  Thought I needed to go and get more rigs, trade in the used ones for disposal, for my pain meds, as well as been meaning to pop into a certain pharmacy in the city center next time I'm near there, because I've found their little secret! they have big bottles of those really old-fashioned stick rock candies. Coltsfoot, and liquorice rock, they are like, round in profile, around maybe 4.5-5'' long, slightly flared at the end presumably from being cut on the factory lines after being extruded from molds as a paste and let harden.

 (coltsfoot, for the unfamiliar with it, is a herbaceous plant with slightly leathery, and thick green leaves, very low-profiled plant that keeps close to the ground, and produces yellow flowers, although one never sees a flowering plant produce leaves, (Tussilago farfara ...or farfaro, can't remember, is the binomial, Tussilago coming from the latin words meaning 'cough' and 'I ease', its long been used as a herbal treatment for coughs, and this unique british candy, which I've always liked since I was little. As well as, if I am REALLY lucky, occasionally I can find cinder toffee there in big slabs/blocks, and if ever I can find any, I often just buy the entire stock, because its hard to find now, but again, is a firm favourite, comes in big pillow-shaped long rectangular blocks, smooth on the exterior but with a honeycombed, foam-like structure inside, although its tough, not soft like foam, and really, really more-ish.)

Got quite a few different kinds of old fashioned, semi-fossilized varieties of brit-sweets that are hard to locate or not very common now that I like, plus a really old fashioned kind of cough mixture called ''gee's linctus'', thats flavoured with aniseed/liquorice and chilli pepper, the active ingredients being squill and opium tincture, that amazingly is actually still to this day over the counter. FINDING some, is the hard part, but once found, although only one bottle can be sold to a customer at a time per shop that gives a shit, although most do. Found out accidentally a neat trick with it too taking advantage of the high sugar content, a while ago I had been taking an antibiotic that would make someone really quite sick if they ingested even small amounts of alcohol, and theres around 10-15% in the stuff IIRC.
I already had the cough syrup, but could not of course allow it to pass my lips with the antibiotic, so I poured it out into a pan and proceeded to boil off the alcohol, or thats what I meant to do. What actually happened was I forgot about it, and when I did go to check on it, it had foamed right up in the pan, and when poured out into a blob, set into chilli and liquorice/anise-flavoured opium spiked chewy toffee candy  that turned out to taste fantastic, would have even if it hadn't the opium, which I've ended up having a preference for, in comparison to morphine/codeine on their own or together thanks to all the minor things poppy plants make. Wasn't right popular with the folks for the pan afterwards, which was NOT easy to clean haha, the stuff set into something so tough and resilient it bent knives if one were hammered through it and an attempt to split or cut it was made. And too soft to shatter with a hammer too. Right in between the two states more or less, so it stuck around tenaciously, other than the actual main amount of it, which of course I ate.

Now I want to make it again, deliberately, although this time I'll use an empty rice pudding or custard tin with the paper label torn off, and a pair of pliers or big artery forceps to hold it over the stove's gas rings so as not to nearly ruin the pan, as I did with the one I used to use for my oil heating baths and made the faux pas of making do a few times with cooking oil, the nutriment-cooking variety that is, and it eventually polymerized into something resembling poorly-set epoxy resin; and the pan couldn't just be treated with the usual solution to that kind of gunk, caustic potash or caustic soda, because alkali metal hydroxides eat through aluminium, dissolving it into blackened sludgy sodium or potassium aluminate goo. Was old though, no handle even and thrown out by my old man, so I could give it a new lease of life on the mag stirplate one of my two hotplates, as Al is of course nonmagnetic, and the pan thin enough to not interfere with coupling to stirbars. As well as being thin aluminium meaning it heated up fast  But after repeated heating to the oils boiling point and cooling back down again after I'd finished work for the day, or finished using it for whatever project/s I have going at any one time etc the result was nasty part-polymerized, so still slightly viscous, but mostly, like a block of slightly softened plastic :P

Consignment to the scrapheap was the easiest option by far. No irreplaceable loss, or much more than an irritation temporarily but I'd sooner have kept my oilbath as it was, and refilled it with highboiling, inert (to most things) nonsmoking silicone oil rather than have to toss it out.

Something good for today: Been sleeping well, and oddly, despite being in a lot of physical pain from my poor, pained, sore, partly skinless feet, for some reason I've been able to use a lot less morphine/oxy. Still only used the one blister strip of it from this week's box, aside from the extras that were both twice the strength of the ones I'm prescribed and shouldn't have been that many to begin with; but the result is still lower than usual without any obvious reason why. The first strip too, that was ALL used for one shot, so I don't understand why I have needed so much less than I would otherwise, since it all went in at one go. Anyhow I've even been sleeping well regardless, its as though my tolerance has somehow dropped without my having actually done anything to force it down OR wait for it to decline. Very strange although not unappreciated.

I did still just wake up from a deep, deep nod though, and I'd not had much at all. I can tell its materially less in quantity, that I've been taking this week, though because when I allow the last dose
taken at some time to begin to mostly wear off, but not QUITE go into a withdrawal, not waiting that long, just until its almost totally up and evaporated, but so I am in no discomfort, there is a rather
odd state between totally doped on an opioid analgesic and on the other end, frank, brutal, unmitigated positively-cryogenic-turkey withdrawal from hell, where the rebound begins but produces no physical pain, discomfort and no psychological anxiety, overstimulation, overloading, hyperacusis of senses etc, and it applies only to while sleeping. In that the result is INTENSE, absolutely fucking nuts intense and vivid dreaming, sometimes lucid, where the dream state just doesn't seem to quit. Sleep is a bit shallow doing it usually as it IS pretty much the equivalent of tweaking the tail of the sleeping tiger (I.e allowing it to progress into a horrid withdrawal state) and jumping over the bars of his cage before el tigre' turns round and bites one.

I've never experienced anything like it, save the effect the mild herbal sleep aid,valerian root that one can buy at a health food shop, or grow the plant for, that too produces odd hyperintense bouts of dreaming, lucidly a lot of the time, but with valerian, that effect exhibits a profound and extremely rapid tachyphylaxis response and as such is nullified utterly the third night in a row of taking valerian. Some activity that way the second consecutive night a dose is taken, but on the third, whilst it retains its gentle relaxant sleep aid effects, theres so little effect on dreaming either positive or negative that one may as well have taken a few spoonfuls of tap water instead.

But with the provoked opiate rebound into pre-withdrawal, fuckme circleways, diagonally from behind with a corkscrew and call me the virgin bloody mary, it doesn't STOP when one falls asleep, and on waking and going back to sleep, its still going on just the same, such intense vivid dreaming I've had to just get myself out of bed and on top of it to read or surf the net/play videogames; or else go and apologise to the metaphorical caged tiger, bringing him a serving of what he roars for if ignored promptly to get him to zip it shut and keep quiet. Thats how intense it can be, one after the other after the other after the other, like a boxer throwing punches in the ring, or in the gym, one shockingly in-your-FACE, motherfucker! dream after another with not a moment of respite between them, intense enough to need the pain meds to actually feel like I AM sleeping, instead of more like after dropping a couple of pretty strong blotters of 'cid, or being on special K, or if the intent isn't to stop the phenomenon completely, but if the dreams are anxious ones at all, then a sleeping pill is helpful sometimes.

It can be a lot of fun, though.  Even if it often does somewhat resemble being run through a psychic blender, and poured into a spin-dryer/washing machine and getting flung round like a rag doll in a moderately-sized tornado! it can be a bit of a shocker though if my pain meds are taken just as usual and simply mostly wear off, leaving it to happen unplanned, when one suddenly ends up asleep, but feeling like one's whatever-bits-responsible-for-dreams just got plugged into the house mains electric supply with a bare, unfuzed wire! That can leave me shaking all over like a leaf in the wind on waking, not because of physical discomfort, but thanks to the all-night-long (or all day, considering I'm pretty much partly nocturnal) sensory buffeting.

I wonder, thinking about it, I have been taking cimetidine for my guts , a related drug to the active in tagamet, ranitidine, but I chose the former for its enzymatic inhibition of hepatic morphine/oxy-metabolic degradation pathways, was on ranitidine rx, but explained that trick to my doc, and he agreed to let me have the cimetidine instead, so as to squeeze more mileage from my pain relief, without actually taking more analgesics or a larger dose of the 4 already in use [2 kinds of morphine preparation, one of oxycodone, and the NSAID diclofenac as a topical gel for my achy bastardly joints, not counting the occasional, periodic corticosteroid shots into the knee and hip joint cavities, as that can be got away with being done about every 2-3 months or so.

I take that usually, but what has been different this week, or the last few days anyway, is I've been feasting on grapefruit, in different products. Canned white grapefruit in its own juice, as well as drinking
lots of boxed not-from-concentrate fresh GFJ. Absolutely love  the stuff, I like the bitterness along with its sweetness, which I find really refreshing. There are however, various flavonoid compounds in grapefruit and other citrus, but especially in grapefruits that bind and block the same cytochrome P450 pathways in the liver that cimetidine does. I bet its that, now, thinking about it (I just realized because of turning round to grab the box of GFJ I'm keeping on my bedside for when I get thirsty...*ahh thats good...gulp...gulp...*contented belch*)

I actually ended up on monday, just using some oxy to keep the pain off etc. and had actually let the morphine shot I'd prepared on getting back home from the docs and the pharmacy sit on the bedside shelf in front of me all day and night. I was most surprised at that, and couldn't figure it out, normally that would have been straight upstairs, prepare, aim, fire, sit back and enjoy, within minutes, perhaps taking the time to make a rollup, or take a piss first but thats about it, as far as waiting would go.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #4887 on: April 27, 2016, 02:42:09 PM »
Didn't die.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #4888 on: April 27, 2016, 03:26:56 PM »
The snow stopped falling!
i'm jealous. it's cold but sunny here.
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #4889 on: April 27, 2016, 09:52:32 PM »
Due for quite a lot of it here on the way apparently, with thunder and lightening. We had some rain earlier, but a hail shower too. I like those, to listen to the noise as it hits the ground.

I LOVE a good storm though, an honest-to-Zeus hammer and tongs thunderbolt-blasting proper storm, I just love to lie on my bed and for once open the windows and curtains of my room so I can hear and watch it better. Or to stand outside at the kitchen door with a rollup, or better a nice big fat juicy doob, and just listen to, watch and feel the storm, drinking it all in. And I like the change  in the way the air feels as well,  not sure WHAT it feels like, I haven't another frame of reference, not the fresh clean scent left behind after, clearing away oppressive, muggy and humid hot weather, but during the storm itself
 when I can feel it in my old bones.

Today just gone has been a day of good things, lots of good things. Got paid, a bit over 300 quid.

Bought a bottle of rum, midshipman's dark navy rum, which is quite a nice one to my tastes. And then had pointed out to me by the shopkeeper that there were a load of bottles of 'bishops finger' brown ale for sale that were out of or short dated, so he'd marked them all the way down to 49p a bottle, plus the same price on some short dated Guinness, not the usual stuff though some newer variant of it.
Can't remember the name, not tried it yet, but bought two bottles to give it a taste and see if I like it. Several cans of Grolsch, ice-ffffff fffffffucckking...ffrreezing ccoooold out of the shop fridge, absolutely icy they keep their fridge beers, just the way the good lord intended when in the bible he said 'and let man go and get absolutely shitfaced, by all means, just save me some, and Thou Shallt Keep Thine beer cold, and drinketh ye it notte until ye beans art thouroughly chilled and thy beer made tasty'

Come unto me, didn't jesus say. Come unto me and I will make thee a refresher of men, when he saw the apostle Peter, taking a fishing trip, and of course with no fridge on his boat, a warm case down by his feet :autism:

Or did I misread that bit...don't think I did...

I found out whats up with my mag stirrer hotplate too, which is good. Motor had seized up, and it needs oiling now. Not got anything specially intended for motors, but I don't see any reason why my vac pump oil shouldn't do, going to try splattering on a few drops of that in the appropriate places, because my other plate suffered a switch failure, although that was a cheap chinese import, and didn't have/doesn't have magnetic stirring either. Glad the failure of my mag plate is so minor and repairable, because I didn't want to have to order two new hotplates. Or one 
of them, either. Always nice to save a few bob. The pump oil is really high-boiling silicone oil so should be perfect for a high demand application like the mag stirrer, as they can take an awful lot of load on them (or at least they often DO take it,weather or not its good for them), doing something for potentially days and nights without cease and without my sleeping either. No rest for the wicked; but, it appears, none for me either.

Was given a new mobile phone too, well secondhand but new to me, and new in that I had gone without a phone for way too long after my last one carked it.

Bought a big carrier bag full of candy too, two bags of Basset's jellybabies, a big bag full of 10p giant fizzy sour bubblegum bottle chews, the corner shop's entire stock of 4-pack chocolate choc chip muffins, the grocer pointed them out that they were reduced to next to fuck all, so I just picked up the shelf and took the lot. Two bottles of marked down orange and mango squash, some marked down cartons of lychee juice, not cordial or pop just squeezed lychee juice, if you haven't tried it before, its worth it, wonderful smell and absolutely delish. Splashed out on a  pouch of amber leaf rolling baccy for a change, found about a pound and 60 in change.

The other day, finally remembered the name of the band I'd been trying to track down for ages again, even vast (changed later to even more vast)

Playing the game on my laptop, X-com-terror from the deep (I REALLY want and intend to buy now, the two newer ones, the bureau, and X-com 2), TFTD is far older though, IIRC from 1994. But it still kicks ass. Managed to have my research teams both come up with some REALLY heavy personal armor for the my troopers, that actually lets them stand a fighting chance, and even reasonable potential to shrug off some directed energy weapon type heavy cannon fire, that up until now was resulting in a lot of casualties from sniper tactics, as the alien ultrasonic weaponry is unwholesomely powerful, and the result even in heavy armor was usually a one-hit instant kill, with just occasionally, a soldier surviving with a slowly fatal wound that could be patched up with a portable battlefield medical kit and kept alive. 95% of the time though the heavy weapons the bastards pack just made mincemeat out of the target, be it my squads, blue-on-blue fire, shooting their own in the back that is, and the likes of walls, hills, doors, metal walls of cargo and cruise ships, whatever is in the way. And got some new superior firepower in the form of some hovercraft-like tank chassis after reverse engineering the propulsion and guidance systems  of their hybrid sub/atmospheric flight capable undersea/airborne craft, and mounting things on it such as heavy sonic cannons, or even guided missile systems mounting tactical fusion warheads, which are in development  *grins evilly*. Managed to raid several of their regular type bases,
and from one of them, tazer and kidnap three high-ranking base commanders, to torture for information vital to my winning the war against the enemy. Other than that, there are some of another kind of base, much more limited in number, where they have some critical communications network control systems housed. Took one down, albeit with a lot of mess and dead. Now
located another. Working on that. Although its looking ugly, because the place is heavily infested with the worst of the worst kinds of nasty ass fucking bugs, ones that ignore armor altogether and whos attack not only is 100% fatality rate, but which first turns your guys into mindless, lobotomized parasite-hosts that turn against your people and try taking them out, letting them live is a bad idea, but killing them at the wrong time is even worse, because then the thing inside the man bursts out, splitting him open and slithering out like a hovering tentacled, beaked brain, discarding a coat, to try and infect more of the squad, exponentially creating more and more of the bastards, unless the kill is made either by an incendiary round, or high explosives are used alongside conventional weapons, a grenade first at the squadmate's feet then a few rounds in the head. So when the thing inside peels him off like a meat suit they find themselves looking straight down into a grenade hah...surprise, fucker!:D

Before the new toys for the troops, the only solution to fighting those particular bugs was to send in the tanks, as there is nothing in a remote-operated drone tank to parasitize, nor  does the critter have all that great an ability to penetrate the heavy armor on them. That, or be really, really careful, and lucky in no tiny measure, and make sure your men put them down with sustained and accurate heavy weapons and sniper fire from a long distance, and make damn sure they never live to get close enough to cause trouble.

And last but not least, getting nicely into the book I'm reading:)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 10:49:18 PM by Lestat »
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.