Lawyers, odeon? does the world hell need more.
The world needs more lawyers like baby daycare centers need more sado-masochistic necropaedophile hatchet killers

Nice win parts. Don't play any lotteries myself though, for that matter, I very, very very seldom ever, or indeed HAVE ever gambled. The only two times I can actually remember, are two short sessions playing on a pub 'fruit machine', one time on nothing at all, other than the daily meds I can't stop abruptly without causing some form of withdrawal or rebound of the system targeted. The other was a short time after the administration of a solid IV dose of ethylphenidate (I do MEAN ethyl, not methylphenidate here, it isn't a typo, the ethyl ester of ritalinic acid) because I wished to study how psychostimulants affected my/general capacity to exercise impulse control (result-it did seem to make me more impulsive, and liable to spend some more, to a middling sort of extent, although not so dramatically as to result in a massive increase in total spend, the individual sums of money wagered PER single spin of the reels however tended to be greater, up until the
predetermined sum was reached.
Didn't really do it to win, or expect to for that matter. It was more, using the fruit machine as a tool to conduct the measurements. Set a limit of £20 each time, 20 for the control measurement to determine a baseline and
the same again, another 20 for the use of the machine whilst under the influence of the stimulant (I respond, it should be said, in the typical manner most people do to NE/DA releasers/reuptake inhibitors, that is, I don't to the best of my knowledge have AD(h)D, tendencies and a wandering mind certainly, but I exhibit the typical sort of effect and dose-response curve that others without AD(h)D would and do)
Did get a few pounds back, but not much.
Other than that, I have never bought a lottery ticket, played the football pools, if I knew a damn thing about football to begin with, I try to avoid sport as far a possible. Gambled on races, or card games. Did play cards for matches and cigarettes when I got wrongly nicked and remanded, but that was just something nearly everybody did to pass the time, or to bum a few smokes if having none, but something else to wager.
And as a kid, some fairground attractions similar to the gameshow 'tipping point', where small change is input and output, a few 10, 20 pence coins in other low value fruit machines as a kid, the very rare pound coin. Really though gambling has absolutely NO attraction for me whatsoever, never has done. If I make somebody a wager, its because I already KNOW the outcome before hand, and am simply perfectly fine with letting whoever go and lose to me. If someone is willing to play the sucker to me, I won't stop them. (I would, situation depending, if it were someone I really cared about. General day to day people though, if they want to cut their own purse strings, and hand me the contents? thats not robbery, thats voluntarily pissing money or goods down the drain

For example, I remember when I was still in primary school, some adult challenged my saying that I had a good knowledge of botany, and was more or less implying that I was a liar. They were foolish enough to go and start pointing to a load of plants growing nearby, and telling me that, more or less, I was full of it, if I claimed, not being far out of preschool, to be sufficiently knowledgeable on the subject to be able to identify them.
They were dumb enough to put up first a few pounds, and then after, 'bet you £10 you don't really know much', or words to that effect.
I left them with a considerably lighter, emptier wallet, a smug grin on my face and them looking like an arse. Made my school day that did. Serves 'em right for being condescending because of
a factor not within my control and thus no 'fault' of mine, namely, age. I just didn't appreciate the disrespect shown, when I myself had never given a reason to make anybody think, fairly, of me that
I was less competent than I was, and am.
Can't remember their name, or face now, but I definitely do not remember their ever taking me for a fool, or braggart again. Nor, sadly, did they ever present such an opportunity for self-enrichment again

When you just about come up to adult knee height, or a bit above, then almost fifteen pounds is a LOT of money, when your typical income starts at about 50 pence a week in allowance. Barely enough even then to buy a chocolate bar. So I was quite simply beside myself with delight. I can't remember most of what I actually spent
it on, for the most part, although I do remember buying myself a 'beano' comic, and at least one fresh, ripe mango, which have always been a favourite of mine. Still are.
Dementia is such an awful, awful set of conditions. I've seen what its done to my mom. And while I'm not about to and kill her off, thats only because of the potential for legal implications and lack of knowledge of the family financial situation in respect of how it would change if, and indeed when she dies (I doubt she has all that long, now, shes got a lot worse over the past year or two, keeps choking on her food and drink, now everything liquid has to be thickened with some sort of powdered polymer intended for those with dysphagia)
Might not sound nice, but I wish her dead. If she didn't wake up this morning, or if she dropped dead of a sudden stroke, and never saw it coming, I would not be cut up about it, quite the opposite.
Although that isn't in the least, out of malice, or envy of some possession, or want of money (she hasn't got any money to envy, and couldn't get out of her wheelchair or leave the house to spend it if she had), but because I've had to watch the combination of MS and I think Pick's, some sort of frontal lobe affecting dementia anyway, slowly eat away at what made her who she was.
And I don't want that for her. If it were ME that it was destroying, I would pull the trigger on myself, absofuckinglutely, its not me wishing anything for her, that I would not also apply the very same to myself. She has been turned from, well, a human being into a gutted burnt out shell of a person. Wheelchair bound, incontinent, almost mute, although not quite, she can still indicate she wishes to be wheeled into the kitchen for another fag, although shes got such shit memory, or the vestiges thereof, now, that we can wheel her back into the lounge, back to the TV, and a minute or two later sometimes she often demands another wheeling and another cancer-stick, because she can't remember that she has already just had one moments previous. Aggressive and obnoxious towards
the carers who come for her in the morning. I am actually quite surprised they haven't turned round and refused to deal with her in future, I would, if somebody behaved the way she does to them, assuming they were business, not related. And totally irrational, when things weren't so bad, I did offer what aid I had the ability to render, and she would barely even listen to me speak of what I might have been able to do, let alone accept the offers (such as to buy her some piracetam/aniracetam/or even share my own, very pricy, pramiracetam, which I can barely afford for myself. As well as offering to buy the stuff and synthesize her an AMPAkine, tried to explain in very simplistic terms what they were for, supporting memory and helping guard against neurological damage) IIRC, one of the replies was 'fuck off', otherwise, I was pretty much ignored totally, despite awareness of my being there and what I had offered, at the time.
She barely eats either, I end up eating most of the large majority of her meals, after she leaves them, having taken only a few halfhearted mouthfuls.
But for the being always inside the house, a sudden, massive bolt of lightening and instant fatality, with no time to suffer, would be a good thing to happen, although of course, impossible.
Its good to see that recent research has been making some massive advances in the treatment of at least the beta-amyloid and Tau-dependent, alzheimer's type. But even if it was/is alzheimer's, chances are that even rushed through the usual clinical trial stages, any actual treatment born of the research and its drugs, will take far too long to be available from the script pad of a GP, and of course I haven't a damn hope of convincing her to try something that comes from my own hand, even if it IS the exact same as would have been provided by a medical establishment source.
By 'history of spousal abuse' do you mean, on the part of those who perpetrate the abuse, or the people who are on the receiving end of it FROM the abuser?
if its the former, then I'm afraid the sympathy well is bone-dry when it comes to them. Some wife/husband beating piece of shit loses custody of their children to the other half of the abusive relationship (the abused, I mean), GOOD. Unless they are worse. But generally, I truly haven't the time of day for such worthless, less-than-human garbage as thinks it alright
to beat on their partners. If someone strikes a partner in self defense who were in the middle of committing their own violent attack in order to prevent being harmed, disarm of a weapon,or to prevent them targeting the kids, then that is different. But those who simply want to hurt their partners can go fuck off and die.
And if you happen to be the sort of verminous little pond life that simply gets off on domestic violence, then de facto, they don't have a problem with doing just that. If they are willing to batter ONE family member, what on earth is to stop them doing it, or make it less likely they will do, to children present? they are similarly vulnerable, more so. And everybody knows bullies target those they believe to be weaker than they are. Just like kids. Just like an oppressed spouse that an abuser manages to cow into submission. That kind of filth thrives on, and rules by fear. Just the kind of turd that gets out of their depth if they have to float in anything deeper than the kiddy paddling pond section of the shallow end of the gene pool.
Less gene pool, more 'toilet bowl U-bend' IMO
They suffer by losing their children, as well as having their spouse turn on them and take them to court/or remove them, Permanently.Boo hoo, thats too fuckin' bad for them. Just don't come crying on MY shoulder, unless you want its attached elbow driven into your face, fucking shitbags.