Glad you're doing better.
Thank you.
Most of the color is gone. Now I just look like I have been on a two week drunk or something. But the bump, I was told will take up to ten to twelve weeks to heal, since it is an actual bone injury.
As far as all the sinus membranes behind where I hit my head --- FUCK!!
Swelling, pain, sneezing (Oh and BTW that hurts like Hell! while everything is all iffy up there), constant mucous discharge, and now I have at least six lymph nodes that are showing some degree of anger at the entire event.
I am wondering if I should go back to my "real doctor (not some emergency room hack)" and get another opinion.
I am healing well, but the swollen lymph nodes worry me.
BUt hell, Every time I jerk my collar down to my belt line, I feel better. SO HEY! I am a doctor , too!!
Seriously, I mostly feel OK and I sneeze like crazy for over two weeks now (had colds worse than this), but I can not account for the swollen lymph nodes (btw, if you do not know what this is, then good for you!!) in my upper body.
Opinions? Let it go? Get some help? Trust in my own inner strength? Trust that I will heal normally? Invest in medication?