My g'friend offered me the remains of her turkey: the carcass and attached meat, a whole drumstick and part of one, and the pan juices. Turkey soup is in the very near future. Yum.
We bought a smoked turkey this year, but I am still making soup from the carcass. Actually, I have already "rendered" two gallons of broth. One for the freezer and one to accept all the leftover, fresh veggies from a (TOO) massive snack tray and the nearly pound of turkey meat that rendering frees easily from the bones.

Smoked turkey makes an excellent gumbo.
See had you not already revealed that you are not some disgruntled BritCunt, I would now know from where you hail.
Only problem to us in the north is that fresh tomatoes are imposssible to come by with winter or even fall approaching.
... but gumbo sounds great!
We had a really early hard freeze this year and I gave up on my garden for a couple of weeks. When we got decent weather I went out to clear things out - found over-sized okra still growing past the freeze. This was a learning experience for me. I always thought that okra was extremely summery and any call to winter weather would kill it.
I now know, it is more hardy than they say. I could have had any kind of okra had I gone out the next day, instead of allowing the plants to get weedy and stemmy.