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Post something good that happened today, Parts Two

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Charlotte Quin:
Heh. I thought I wasn't gonna get it for a bit and was even shopping around for other courses at different uni's. They wanted me to send them a written statement about why I thought I was gonna do well at the course, while I flunked out last time blah blah fishpaste. Anway I sent them a nice detailed statement and they replied with my acceptance within 15 minutes :2thumbsup:


--- Quote from: Sinnocent on November 24, 2011, 01:15:58 AM ---My uni application was accepted :cheer:

--- End quote ---
nice one :2thumbsup:

Good for you, SinnoC. May I ask what 'direction' are you going to study? (type of course, I mean)

While rearranging the living room and dining room  I found an old box with minerals and fossils I had lost track of in the secretary desk.  Today while finding a new home for them I discovered one, a fossil bone, is slightly(.2-.3mR/h) radioactive.  Now I have another thing for my radioactive collection :parts:

Found out my sister shall be hopefully discharged from hospital in the next month.  :2thumbsup:
The poor thing, she's been in there for many months :/


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