Well I stopped feeling so lousy finally. The iced lychee slushpuppy diet for a couple of days was just what the doc ordered, well so to speak. Too bad I can't get a prescription for the stuff, I just love lychee flavor anything.
Today I managed to actually eat. Just had a triple cheese pizza with a full jar of black olives scattered over it. Saving a couple of slices for later, but munched down most of it and don't feel at all sick. And a couple of fresh apples that just happened to fall as I walked under the tree, with its apple-laden branches overhanging the street.
Of course I wouldn't break into someone's garden to scrump from, but if a couple of ripe, sweet, crisp and juicy apples just happen to almost fall on my head (landed in the hood of my hoodie lol) then I'm not going to leave them to rot in the street when they can be tucked into. Overhanging fruit too is fair game IMO once it leaves the gardens and becomes an overhang, if theres fruit there, fair game to eat it. And besides, I was hungry as fuck, having eaten nothing in over a week, or almost nothing but a few raspberries and some milk.
My insides are now contented at least, having been fed.
And something good that happened today...hmm...well it hasn't actually happened yet, but I have a physiotherapy appointment in a couple of hours so they can work on my buggered up joints.