Eating and posting
Shooting up and posting
Reading a book and posting
Hades, I've even brought the microscope out from the lab and used it to check up on growing microorganism cultures while busily postwhoring away.
My good event for the day-Went to the docs to get the corticosteroid injections I had a couple of months ago into my bad hip and knee. Turns out I was due to pick up a refill of my normal meds 2 days from today, but my regular GP, the one I always try to see isn't too strict, and all I had to do was ask him to cancel that one, and give me my meds today please, so as to save me from waking up early in the morning twice in one week to go in.
He knows I am NOT a morning person (lol, it isn't unknown for me to only start waking up from between 7-11PM. I have always had really squirrelly circadian rhythms), and to get an appointment reliably, I have to wake up at 8am, and be the first in the line, before they open at 8:30am. Yuck.
Its possible to book one by phone, but within oh, about a femtosecond or two all the lines are jammed, and theres very, very little chance of my getting one with Dr.Guest, the guy I always try to get the appointments with.
So thats left me with 4x80mg oxycontin pills, seeing as I got everything two days early, which equates to 2 shots spare, now. Thats put a quick and efficient stop to the lower back pain I have been having, probably due to being unable to sleep, which always makes my muscles tense up, and staying up all night with my nose in a book (I'm re-reading Tolkein's 'the silmarillion' for the first time in yonks)
Time to kick my shoes off, roll my feet along a pair of hair brushes (one of my stims, try it some time, its REALLY comfy

), have a rollup and enjoy the nice warm fuzzly opioid glow:)