I've been locked up before, no not for drug 'crimes'.
Got caught with a load of explosives.
And what does one have to barter?
A serving of heroin or buprenorphine cost about 3-4 packs of baccy actually.
And I would sooner go without than suck any fucking cock. I just would not sink to that level.
If I want drugs...I can be my own drug fairy

But not a Fairyboy. Fuck. That. Right. The. Flying. Fuck. Off!
If anybody came anywhere NEAR my cock, my arse, or any other part of me, I would have shivved the bugger in the eyes.
One chavscum turd did once threaten to rape me. He never got the chance. He mysteriously suffered a near-fatal case of nicotine and chlorate poisoning. Funny thing to turn up by accident in a packet of jam for his brekky that. No idea how that could have happened