too bloody well again. had a bit of a break after the first 4-5 hours , as usual. then back to sleep for anpther 4-5 hours... on top of sleeping most of the way through yesterday. been like this for the past two weeks ( I think it;'s been brought on by my allergies and/ or weather turning cold-ish again). i've been awake for no more than six hours per day, in total, as a rule. and no, it isn't pleasant to sleep so much, as you might suppose.
that said, i think i must have turned a corner. I've been awake for about 12 hours thus far today


... though that includes a few hours lolling on the sofa , feeling groggy and exhausted and verging on dropping off to sleep. so not sure that seriously counts . Can't be sure i
didn't drop off, come to think , but still. i;m pretty sure i've tirned a corner now.