Didn't sleep at all, spent all night really searing overheated. Had the back bay windows open but still, was absolutely cooking, felt like a baby in a microwave it was that awfully over-hot.
Although assisted by two crates of cold, cold beer, managed to find some of my adrenolytic medication, and a big carrier bag fulls of cans of black grape soda. ONLY got a few hours shallow and not too restorative cat-napping yesterday during last sunday, but got my med refills, and to boot, the methadone someone offered me, and an 8th oz of gear too, because I knew someone who knew the particular lot and could be certain there was no fentanyl contamination. Actually its been really quite good brown, nice taste to it too. And unlike the morphine-oxy pain medication pair I am scripted was had early in the morning, and even after sleeping nearly 24 hours straight on monday, the brown, smoked is much more controllable for a lighter, more ideal effect. Just found a length of a spliff behind the kettle, so I think today, like yesterday, I shall sleep very much better, and in a properly restorative way. Feeling just right, right now med wise, everything keeping me in perfectly balanced out state, no pain in the joints, at least if there is its not bothering me, there is a slightly heavy feeling to my bad knee but its not burning, throbbing, stinging and partially anaesthetized down the side of my leg, as usually happens from my neuropathic pain, most opioids aren't good at treating pain due to nerve damage, but methadone has a special trick up its sleeve-its a weakish NMDA antagonist, not strong enough to be dissociative in a K-hole type of way, but enough to counter pain due to neuropathy.
Its been a while since I can even remember being pain free. The lack of complete crosstolerance between brown and morphine, and likely oxy too, given at least with morphine, there are differently post-translationally modified genetic splice variants of the hMOR1 (human Mu-opioid receptor type 1) between H and morphine, and I'd guess oxy too; its refreshing. I'll be saving some of this hidden away from the house and for special occasions. Like long hikes to go do my mushroom-foraging, gather medicinal plants, herbs, barks, roots etc. and this would be just the thing. Sparingly, I'm not going to pig out on it. (the H, which was really quality stuff too, an 8th of it at that.
Wow...if I didn't know better than to do something that would cause trouble, could get really use to this not having my joints all hurt. This, on this particular day, is just what I needed to sooth my nerves after last night. Nicely sorted out now. All those aches and pains and nervous overloading has been pushed nicely out of the way. Up to watch star trek, TOS and TNG, then watching andromeda. After just having scooped myself up a BIG plateful of cottage pie, and immediately set to shoveling every last scrap down my neck in all of a minute flat, despite just having scarfed a pack of kraft cheese slices and a few extra slices down. A quick top up on the tooting pipe, at the few nuggets of H in the end of the pipe I used that hadn't even been warmed last time, and gave me a real nice top up, and then, feet up, on the sofa, relaxing while I watch TOS and drink nice cold coke straight from the fridge.
Tonight, I just know I am going to sleep something lovely.