Author Topic: How well did you sleep last night?  (Read 62027 times)

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Offline FourAceDeal

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Re: How well did you sleep last night?
« Reply #1695 on: September 18, 2020, 04:13:52 PM »
Utter crap. Out of the blue yesterday, herniated disc pain in my lower back that won't go away. Tried CBD oil first which worked for awhile but wore off around midnight. Finally caved at 4am and took an anti inflammatory and it's now down to a dull roar. Wouldn't care so much except today I'm leaving for 4 days with my kids and I don't want to deal with nagging back pain. (feels every bit her age this morning  ::) )
oh fuck! I'm reading these posts backwards in "recent posts""  order, so I only just posted my bouncy "Bon voyage'wishes. and now I read this. So must add, get well soon! and make sure that the hubby and kids look after you,  They surely  know you deserve it!
Hubby happily stayed home as the dog has been boarded (she gets massively depressed when she's away from me so better for her to be with a bunch of other dogs to play with and she's with people I trust completely) and the kids are truly fabulous. We have already had all sorts of hilarious mishaps and laughed until we nearly peed ourselves. So for day #1, I'm calling that a win!

Best thing is exercise.  You need to see a physiotherapist (or if you don;t want the cost and hassle then google for exercises for back pain).  You have to build up the muscle mass to support your weakened spine.  But get proper professional help if you can.

If you are really floored with pain and need anti-inflamatories then the best by far - and I mean by an order of magnitude - is diclofenac in suppository form.  They can be awkward to get in place if you;ve got back pain but if you have a partner you seriously trust and some disposable non-latex gloves they can use for the job in hand...  well, let's just say it can be something to bring you closer together.

If anyone else has advice please post because my spine is a frigging mess.  One thing I will say, is if you think it's painful in your lower spine, just thank God that it hasn't happened in your neck.  That's a real shit deal and is even more painful.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 04:15:32 PM by FourAceDeal »
Ever got that feeling that you're trying to teach a dog a card trick?

Offline Walkie

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Re: How well did you sleep last night?
« Reply #1696 on: September 18, 2020, 05:15:44 PM »
*phew* saw my name in that nest of quotes, and thought for a second you were advising me to get more exercise.  You don't wanna know my answer to that  :laugh:

Sorry I've no advice to offer, I've had severe back pain in the past, but cause unknown (prolly related to childbirth cos it started shortly after) , The only thing that ever worked for me was was lying flat on my very hard living room floor,  pressing the curvy part of my back hard against it, and staying like that  for aaages. Pain killers just didn't make a dent.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 05:38:44 PM by Walkie »

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Re: How well did you sleep last night?
« Reply #1697 on: September 19, 2020, 08:48:54 PM »
Utter crap. Out of the blue yesterday, herniated disc pain in my lower back that won't go away. Tried CBD oil first which worked for awhile but wore off around midnight. Finally caved at 4am and took an anti inflammatory and it's now down to a dull roar. Wouldn't care so much except today I'm leaving for 4 days with my kids and I don't want to deal with nagging back pain. (feels every bit her age this morning  ::) )
oh fuck! I'm reading these posts backwards in "recent posts""  order, so I only just posted my bouncy "Bon voyage'wishes. and now I read this. So must add, get well soon! and make sure that the hubby and kids look after you,  They surely  know you deserve it!
Hubby happily stayed home as the dog has been boarded (she gets massively depressed when she's away from me so better for her to be with a bunch of other dogs to play with and she's with people I trust completely) and the kids are truly fabulous. We have already had all sorts of hilarious mishaps and laughed until we nearly peed ourselves. So for day #1, I'm calling that a win!

Best thing is exercise.  You need to see a physiotherapist (or if you don;t want the cost and hassle then google for exercises for back pain).  You have to build up the muscle mass to support your weakened spine.  But get proper professional help if you can.

If you are really floored with pain and need anti-inflamatories then the best by far - and I mean by an order of magnitude - is diclofenac in suppository form.  They can be awkward to get in place if you;ve got back pain but if you have a partner you seriously trust and some disposable non-latex gloves they can use for the job in hand...  well, let's just say it can be something to bring you closer together.

If anyone else has advice please post because my spine is a frigging mess.  One thing I will say, is if you think it's painful in your lower spine, just thank God that it hasn't happened in your neck.  That's a real shit deal and is even more painful.
Oh I have that too, but thankfully they all seem to keep switching which one will aggravate me one at a time? I do a lot of stretching, yoga is good dependent on the pose, I have to be picky. Swimming is amazing. It's the one form of exercise that always leaves me feeling better vs worse. And I absolutely agree that moving more not less is key. The more I walk, the more relief I get from the lower back. Shoulders and neck are a different story but I have an appt with the Rheumatologist on Tuesday.

I had no idea I had been referred until they called to remind me of the appt I didn't know existed for a doctor I have never heard of.  :facepalm2: Someone at either my GP or Neuro's office forgot to keep me in the loop. So he'll be going over that I'm sure but he was originally brought onto the team due to my ESR levels. I had to ask them why I'm seeing him because I wasn't exactly sure  :P
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Re: How well did you sleep last night?
« Reply #1698 on: September 20, 2020, 02:25:42 AM »
A rheumatologist might be able to help. Fingers crossed.
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Offline FourAceDeal

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Re: How well did you sleep last night?
« Reply #1699 on: September 20, 2020, 10:57:10 AM »
A rheumatologist might be able to help with your inflexible hands. Fingers crossed.

Fixed your joke.  No charge.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2020, 01:23:40 AM by FourAceDeal »
Ever got that feeling that you're trying to teach a dog a card trick?

Offline Walkie

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Re: How well did you sleep last night?
« Reply #1700 on: September 20, 2020, 06:07:20 PM »

Offline Genesis

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Re: How well did you sleep last night?
« Reply #1701 on: September 20, 2020, 07:13:58 PM »
I wasn't comfortable enough... I guess I'll go towards "other measures"

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Re: How well did you sleep last night?
« Reply #1702 on: September 21, 2020, 06:04:03 PM »
Like shit. Hoping tonight is better

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Re: How well did you sleep last night?
« Reply #1703 on: September 21, 2020, 11:41:03 PM »
OK-ish but not enough.
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Re: How well did you sleep last night?
« Reply #1704 on: September 23, 2020, 11:25:07 AM »
I slept pretty well America  :murica:

Offline Genesis

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Re: How well did you sleep last night?
« Reply #1705 on: September 23, 2020, 06:49:06 PM »
Definitely going with the other method.

This is a message board, not a ouija board  :zombiefuck:

Offline odeon

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Re: How well did you sleep last night?
« Reply #1706 on: September 23, 2020, 11:43:36 PM »
Not enough. Woke up at stupid o'clock, mind started racing, and here I am.
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Offline Phoenix

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Re: How well did you sleep last night?
« Reply #1707 on: September 25, 2020, 06:37:44 AM »
I slept like the dead from 11:30pm-5:30am and then was able to go back to sleep again until 7am. No complaints.
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Re: How well did you sleep last night?
« Reply #1708 on: September 25, 2020, 11:31:36 AM »
Not great. I don't understand why people work in the morning.  >:(
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Offline Lord of the Ales

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Re: How well did you sleep last night?
« Reply #1709 on: September 25, 2020, 08:27:46 PM »
I work in the morning so I can have a kip later.  :lol1:

not bad last night. Hoping for two in a row

Retired despot, landlord and shitstirrer :deadhorse: