eris, you naughty minx! I think I like you too. I checked out that lurid sex forum - holy moly! My eyes were bulging out of my sockets like in the cartoons. There are so many posts and threads though - which ones do you specifically recommend? I'm currently busy fighting the Germans with my Band of Brothers, so can't spend all day looking through them, so any suggestions are greatfully received (via PM if that forum can't be openly discussed here). If I get titillated enough, and encouraged enough, I'll maybe share some of my photos. The last person I shared a photo with replied "Oh wat a cute butt"!

bodaccea, how could you ever doubt me? I shall have to bend you over my knee and administer a stern spanking to that delightful derriere of yours!

odeon - nope, definitely not a sockpuppet! Someone mentioned this site to me and I figured I'd check it out. When I first saw "WP" posted here I thought it meant WordPress (I do some techy-stuff).
ZEGH8578 - I plan to stick around until either the Germans get me (

) or we win the war!