Ooh I like him a lot. 
Just wait until people convince me to share some photos.. if and when they do.

A lady that has no interest in a prince charming. Too boring 
I say! A lady who loves adventure and excitement. Perfect!
OK, after I've saved you on my white stallion, we'll ride over to where I keep my jet skis. We'll race each other, doing jumps and flips in the waves, before parking by a cliff and scrambling up the cliffside (me taking the opportunity to get a cheeky look at your behind).
Waiting for us at the top will be a hot air ballon, which we'll get into and fly off into the sunset. Before it gets dark, we'll tie ourselves together, I'll put on a parachute, and we'll jump out. Couples sky diving is great fun!
We'll get an incredible view as we go down at dusk - of the beautiful sky, the sea stretching out to the horizon bathed in the red glow from the setting sun, and the lights marking out the towns and villages amongst the patchwork of countryside. I'll aim for a nice big 'heart' lit up in a field, and after landing safely you're overjoyed to find that this field happens to be near my enchanted castle, and is right next to the hot tub.
We hop in, revelling in the frisky bubbles, and a waiter appears bringing a bottle of champagne, strawberries, and whipped cream...