ffs someone else from the uk and it has to be a fuckin DUDE!
welcome anyway, and all that shit...
Hi Adam! I forgot to ask.. is that the Tower of London in your picture? Looks familiar! Sorry about being a guy..

It's amusing watching the girls and Squiddy descending upon the available male like vultures 
Binty, I notice that you too are a lady.

Should I be wary of the girls and Squiddy?
Oh my, will you protect me from the hooded claw?
tell me do you remove spiders? and are you famliar with
the game 'dodge the bailif' could be my lucky day!
I protect all damnsels in distress, so yes, naturally, I will protect you from the hooded claw. I happily remove spiders - the bigger the better! And as for 'dodge the bailif' - when we ride away to my enchanted castle in the hills they will never be able to find us!
And yes , I do want to see pictures of scantily clad men very much , new members are encouraged once you post more you will see others nudes potentially. 
Excellent, excellent, the votes are adding up! I took some photos of me without any clothes on back in Spring, so I have some nudes on my computer.. we'll see if the rest of the people here can convince me to upload them!

And hello fellow Britisher!

Most of the board will open up for you after 10 posts, so after you post a few more times I can direct you to other members nudes. As for as I can recall, only a few cute girls posted semi or nudes. But lotsa lotsa dick.
Ahh, if only I were gay or even bisexual! Oh well, I'm sure the nude princesses will be titilating enough. Have any of the lovely ladies who've posted in this thread shared their nudes? If not.. they should!

Have you ever rescued a nun from a convent before? 
Why, I've saved more nuns from convents than I can remember! And given them all a jolly good time..

Don't worry if you don't like charming men, I can be downright rude, obnoxious, insensitive, blunt, and positively offensive at times. For example: you look hideous in your avatar! Nowhere near as pretty as the gorgeous bodaccea.

I did notice, however, that you're from Australia! Do you recommend visiting? I was hoping to spend some time in South East Asia in the not-too-distant future, and possibly visit Australia while I'm 'nearby.'
nude photos of the male body are illegal, so dont bother
all the women here are actually 80 year old guys, so you can ignore them also.

Calloway, I notice you don't have an age in your profile.. Are you sure you're not one of the 80 year old guys he speaks of? I tease, I tease, I'm sure you're actually 21, with a body to die for (and hopefully images of said body available somewhere in this forum!

). I'm 23 by the way.

skyblue1 - nice to meet someone so intelligent!

Post a lot more, and make good use of the smilies!
Will do! How do you rate my smiley use so far?

odeon, TheAnonymous, parts, Jack, PPK - hello, and thanks for the warm welcome! Everyone here seems so friendly. Maybe they're just after nudes from the newbies though...