what are your customs, limits?
i have loaned out upto 1000 krones (180usd), but only when i know _the exact time_ ill get it back, and that it is within few days (so not to drift into the realm of forgetfulness)
otherwise, ill loan out hundreds of krones, and be patient about being paid back.
anything below 50 krones (about 10 bucks) i consider a gift, and wont demand back.
a friend of mine once wanted 15 krones back, that i borrowed from him once. this guy always does shit like that tho, i saw a post-it-note once, where he wrote up 3 krones, someone owed him (half a dollar).
when he asked for the 15 krones, i simply told him to fuck off. had it been 150 krones, i woulda gladly paid back
i REALLY dislike borrowing money myself, but for that i go by the same rules. i wont borrow more than 1000 krones, and only if i _know_ i can pay it back swiftly.
my upper limit is, lets say 200 dollars.
my lower is 10-20 (depending on mood. and it goes both ways. im not paying back a loan below 10 bucks