
Author Topic: ItsLeeYouBitches  (Read 1073 times)

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Re: ItsLeeYouBitches
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2011, 05:48:54 PM »
...he's trolling you.


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Re: ItsLeeYouBitches
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2011, 05:55:30 PM »
And "the suburbs" does not always mean affluent. It just means outside city limits; there are good and bad neighborhoods. I technically live in the suburbs of a major city but it is not a very nice place.

...he's trolling you.


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Re: ItsLeeYouBitches
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2011, 05:15:29 AM »
And "the suburbs" does not always mean affluent. It just means outside city limits; there are good and bad neighborhoods. I technically live in the suburbs of a major city but it is not a very nice place.

...he's trolling you.

There are some males out there that have weird views on female standards for dating someone but I think that he is trolling, at least on the chat thingy.

Sorry if he is serious but I refuse to take seriously anyone that says:
"yeah, there are a few on amish enclaves that aren't like that. " when explaining that all females arent gold diggers
"I love that DSM-V is acknowledging sensory issues by including it in the diagnostic criteria. However, I would like to propose to DSM that a new one be included called "DKSA" (aka "Dont' Know Shit about Aspergers")" Rudy Simone


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Re: ItsLeeYouBitches
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2011, 10:54:16 PM »
And "the suburbs" does not always mean affluent. It just means outside city limits; there are good and bad neighborhoods. I technically live in the suburbs of a major city but it is not a very nice place.

...he's trolling you.


Most likely.  ;)