Author Topic: ItsLeeYouBitches  (Read 1078 times)

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« on: October 24, 2011, 03:00:58 PM »
Forgive me if i didnt stick around for your nonsense, but it got me to thinking that I wonder where you get your ideas from.

This was in chat, so I can't quote, but you basically said that all American women are golddiggers, and that they all expect men to ave fancy cars and pay all the bills. Then you said basically all americans were like this, but women were the worst because they want men to bow to them. You say men should not worry about respecting women and should just get hookers instead.

I am sure you would have said a lot more but it actually kind of hurt my eyes to read it all, so i made this callout instead.

back your bullshit up
« Last Edit: October 24, 2011, 03:32:28 PM by eris »


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Re: ItsLeeYouBitchesItsLeeYouBitches
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2011, 03:08:07 PM »
you accidentally posted in the peanut gallery, ill quote it here

I asked you in chat if you would ever date a homeless man.  You didn't respond. 

That's because I left.

No, I would not date a homeless men. I dont think many women in the entire world would. I also wouldnt date a fat man, yet I am an American. See how stereotypes are bullshit ?


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Re: ItsLeeYouBitchesItsLeeYouBitches
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2011, 03:12:56 PM »
Squid copied chat and provided some quotes.

ItsLeeYouBitches: the thing is, in american society, EVERY FUCKING WOMAN'S A HOOKER!
(21:54:08) eris: that makes no sense, you would be helping the hooker
(21:54:18) ItsLeeYouBitches: they want you to pay for the date
(21:54:25) ItsLeeYouBitches: drive them in a nice looking car
(21:54:50) ItsLeeYouBitches: and do all sorts of things.
(21:54:56) eris: i have a feeling not all american women are like that
(21:54:59) ItsLeeYouBitches: to quote group x...
(21:55:01) ItsLeeYouBitches: "idioth"
(21:55:17) ItsLeeYouBitches: yeah, there are a few on amish enclaves that aren't like that.

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Re: ItsLeeYouBitchesItsLeeYouBitches
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2011, 03:15:09 PM »
"No, I would not date a homeless men. I dont think many women in the entire world would. I also wouldnt date a fat man, yet I am an American. See how stereotypes are bullshit ?"

Now why wouldn't you date a homeless man?


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Re: ItsLeeYouBitchesItsLeeYouBitches
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2011, 03:16:32 PM »
I do not understand the craigslist reference. They are women looking for men for various reasons. I have used Craigslist before.

and im not going to actually watch those youtube clips, but I assume they are 2 peoples opinions on the subject.

How does this prove your point ?


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Re: ItsLeeYouBitchesItsLeeYouBitches
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2011, 03:19:02 PM »

Now why wouldn't you date a homeless man?

Most importantly, they probably smell bad. To actually be homeless you must have ignored important steps, like public housing, shelters, etc... that's just poor problem solving skills. And I dont actually like fucking on front of the public (most of the time) so walls are nice.

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Re: ItsLeeYouBitchesItsLeeYouBitches
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2011, 03:20:35 PM »
Disclaimer:  I do not subscribe to Tom Leykis' subjective and harsh views about what a woman "should look like".  Opinions like that are the reason why so many young women end up like Karen Carpenter. 


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Re: ItsLeeYouBitchesItsLeeYouBitches
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2011, 03:29:29 PM »
So, is your answer to this callout that this is all just your opinion ?

Can you prove that all american women are like this ?

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Re: ItsLeeYouBitchesItsLeeYouBitches
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2011, 03:36:16 PM »
They're all looking for men with "jobs" and "cars", codeword for "will this man be able to support me". 

"Most importantly, they probably smell bad. To actually be homeless you must have ignored important steps, like public housing, shelters, etc... that's just poor problem solving skills. And I dont actually like fucking on front of the public (most of the time) so walls are nice"

I've been homeless before, chica.  My girlfriend's been homeless before.  Some of my friends are homeless. Since I'm under the poverty level, I'm always interacting with homeless people at the food shelf or at soup kitchens.

You wanna know what homeless shelters are like?   This is what it's like. They keep you in a pen where most of your resources are prone to being plundered.  You have no privacy.  Those shelters aren't permanent.  They kick you out in the daytime and tell you that you're on your own to find a job.  Remember, since everything that belongs to you is prone to being plundered, you can't find a job since your best suit is going to get stolen from you.   

Also, many people who are homeless are victims of unfortunate circumstance and not poor problem solving skills.  My GF became homeless because her dad's house got foreclosed upon and the deal to buy our house fell through.  She was homeless for a few weeks.  I had to sneak her into my mom's house until my mom got wind of it and I became homeless after my mom kicked me out.   We couldn't stay in a shelter because we had our life savings in tow and I was using that to buy a house.   Just our luck, I had a friend who had an apartment for rent and now we live there. 

Government housing is no better.  You have to reach a certain economic level to get those houses.  When you don't have a job, you can't get those houses.  And why can't a homeless person get a job?  Again, his best resources are constantly being prone to being stolen from hiim/her.  To get a job, you have to invest in yourself.  You can't invest in yourself if you have no resources. 

You sound like a naive, young, spoiled brat with no life experience, a limited world view and zero compassion.   Lemme guess, you also grew up in the suburbs.  You kind of find that whole viewpoint and worldview a lot in the suburbs, where 75% of the American population lives.

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Re: ItsLeeYouBitches
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2011, 03:48:27 PM »
Quit putting words in my mouth.  I didn't say "All American women are like that", I simply claimed that's the general prevailing culture in the United States of America and women in particular. 

It isn't based on chromosomal characteristics, but rather because people in general  in this country spoil their kids, and their daughters in particular in this culture, especially in the suburbs.   We're the most affluent nation in the world and the children in our suburbs are the richest children in the world and are used to getting what they want.  Remember, suburbanites make up 75% of all the population in the country, so to say that being spoiled isn't the prevailing attitude, you're pissing up a rope. 


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Re: ItsLeeYouBitches
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2011, 03:54:22 PM »
They're all looking for men with "jobs" and "cars", codeword for "will this man be able to support me". 

Every women in america  is not looking for that.

I've been homeless before, chica. 

So have I, for a few weeks. I was able to use my decision making skills to pick myself up and move on.

You wanna know what homeless shelters are like?


Government housing is no better.

I know what homeless shelters and government housing is like, I lived in government housing for a big chunk of my life. This is better than living on the streets. Sometimes you have to take what you can get, then TRY as hard as you can, and better yourself.

To get a job, you have to invest in yourself.

No, to get a job you need to go down to McDonalds and apply for a job. That's it. If it takes you more than 3 months to get a shit job you arent trying hard enough. I dont mean a good a job, I agree those are hard to find. But you can dig ditches or clean toilets or flip burgers. If there is none of that in your area - move. I do not think that everyone has the ability to work, and I support welfare programs, and also disability insurance programs. Even if you do not have a job, you can get welfare and live in the projects.

If you dont want to be on welfare and live in the projects or work at McDonalds or get on SSI then perhaps it is you that feels entitled.

You sound like a naive, young, spoiled brat with no life experience, a limited world view and zero compassion.   Lemme guess, you also grew up in the suburbs.  You kind of find that whole viewpoint and worldview a lot in the suburbs, where 75% of the American population lives

I am not young or naive, but no I really do not have a shitload of compassion. I grew up poor in rural west virginia and now live in a metropolis where there are more ghettos than suburbs.

My kind ? you don't even know me. That actually kind of sounds like the rednecks from my old hometown. " You and your kind git outta my backyard !"

You have more in common with the ignorant americans than you realize.


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Re: ItsLeeYouBitches
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2011, 03:58:52 PM »
Quit putting words in my mouth.  I didn't say "All American women are like that", I simply claimed that's the general prevailing culture in the United States of America and women in particular. 

ItsLeeYouBitches: the thing is, in american society, EVERY FUCKING WOMAN'S A HOOKER!
(21:54:08) eris: that makes no sense, you would be helping the hooker
(21:54:18) ItsLeeYouBitches: they want you to pay for the date
(21:54:25) ItsLeeYouBitches: drive them in a nice looking car
(21:54:50) ItsLeeYouBitches: and do all sorts of things.
(21:54:56) eris: i have a feeling not all american women are like that
(21:54:59) ItsLeeYouBitches: to quote group x...
(21:55:01) ItsLeeYouBitches: "idioth"
(21:55:17) ItsLeeYouBitches: yeah, there are a few on amish enclaves that aren't like that.

I didnt put words in your mouth.

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Re: ItsLeeYouBitches
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2011, 04:13:16 PM »
No, to get a job you need to go down to McDonalds and apply for a job. That's it. If it takes you more than 3 months to get a shit job you arent trying hard enough. I dont mean a good a job, I agree those are hard to find. But you can dig ditches or clean toilets or flip burgers.

It used to be that you could easily find those jobs.  The economy has crashed so much that even those jobs require a very long interview process.   I used to work as a dishwasher back in the day. How I got the job was I simply I wore a suit and tie and a haircut to the interview.   I applied for the same job again.   Now, there's a line a mile long for those jobs.  That's why at the soup kitchen, you see a lot of people you wouldn't normally see at food shelves.   

Case in point: My father in law used to own his own multi-million dollar business.  Now, he depends on food shelves. Also, because of other factors, including undocumented immigrants being paid under the table for a lot less money and employers being VERY afraid of hiring people "off the grid" (Like most homeless people are), it's next to impossible to find those jobs if you're homeless.  I have a lot of friends from the soup kitchen who have been finding jobs for YEARS.  It's a nightmare. 

"If there is none of that in your area - move. I do not think that everyone has the ability to work, and I support welfare programs, and also disability insurance programs. Even if you do not have a job, you can get welfare and live in the projects." 

Don't expect a woman to date you for long if you drive her back to your house in the projects in a rusted out Toyota Camry.      :yarly:


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Re: ItsLeeYouBitches
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2011, 04:35:39 PM »
No, to get a job you need to go down to McDonalds and apply for a job. That's it. If it takes you more than 3 months to get a shit job you arent trying hard enough. I dont mean a good a job, I agree those are hard to find. But you can dig ditches or clean toilets or flip burgers.

It used to be that you could easily find those jobs.  The economy has crashed so much that even those jobs require a very long interview process.   I used to work as a dishwasher back in the day. How I got the job was I simply I wore a suit and tie and a haircut to the interview.   I applied for the same job again.   Now, there's a line a mile long for those jobs.  That's why at the soup kitchen, you see a lot of people you wouldn't normally see at food shelves.   

Case in point: My father in law used to own his own multi-million dollar business.  Now, he depends on food shelves. Also, because of other factors, including undocumented immigrants being paid under the table for a lot less money and employers being VERY afraid of hiring people "off the grid" (Like most homeless people are), it's next to impossible to find those jobs if you're homeless.  I have a lot of friends from the soup kitchen who have been finding jobs for YEARS.  It's a nightmare. 

"If there is none of that in your area - move. I do not think that everyone has the ability to work, and I support welfare programs, and also disability insurance programs. Even if you do not have a job, you can get welfare and live in the projects." 

Don't expect a woman to date you for long if you drive her back to your house in the projects in a rusted out Toyota Camry.      :yarly:

If this is true in your country, then it is not "american women". There are also a lot of men, in any country, that would not date a women under similar circumstances.