Okay, first point. Who is forcing you to read this stuff in the first place? Are you incapable of controlling yourself? Do you feel that every thread that is posted on this forum somehow has to be of interest to you? How about the Gay Sex thread, or what Odeon had for breakfast, or what Adam's dog is up to? Do you really find every post here interesting, or are you just singling me out because I inquired as to the waiting list for your mother's attentions?
Next point. You do recognize that the posts I am putting up actually are directly relevant to I2, right? You read them before calling me out over them, right? The first several were opinions and debates about what Intensity is about, which is directly relevant to the history project current going on across at least 3 threads right now. Some of the other threads were direct requests of a few of the members, and a couple of others are about arguments that took place between some disliked moderators and some disliked members of I2. They are of interest to other people and as such I cannot believe you actually feel that they should be removed, or never posted to begin with, because they are not of interest to you. Your ego can't be that massive at your age.
Where do you get off being upset that there are things on the internet that aren't about you, or entertaining to you?
1: YES i have very poor self controll
2: No one is forcing me to read this stuff but its there and i like to check out what new topics there are
3: I dont read all of your stuff... i click on it hoping it would be less than random ramblings to me but it never is and that PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF
4:I was unaware that they were requests by members because i didnt read all of your stuff... (see pt 3)
5:my ego may be big, but your right its not that massive... its just large enough to be annoyed by anything posted here about WP that isnt actually funny.
6:i dont actually feel they should be removed. i just havnt seen you post anything but WP bull [and thats not to say you didnt because you have 500 karma and you didnt get that by posting WP bull] and as far as them not being posted all together, its to late for that.
7: i have not posted because im on a train on a trip across FUCKING CANADA, you know. through woods and mountains and shit? i get my internet by teathering with my cellphone... but than again you should already know that, after all it was in my first post.
sorry to keep you waiting... wait, im actually not