Author Topic: i call out Sophrosyne  (Read 2004 times)

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Offline Zippo

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Re: i call out Sophrosyne
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2011, 11:06:56 PM »
  Do you really find every post here interesting, or are you just singling me out because I inquired as to the waiting list for your mother's attentions?

wasnt upset at you for that, i actually laughed out loud at that.

                                                         Zippo, Shotgun Surgeon.
if theres bees in the trap im catching them, by the thorax and abdomen. and sanding there stingers down to a rough quill. then i dip em in ink and i scribble a bit, and if the wriggle than i tickle them until they hold still, let me say it again, in my land of pretend, i use bees as a mother fucking pen!


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Re: i call out Sophrosyne
« Reply #16 on: October 20, 2011, 08:14:39 AM »
1: YES i have very poor self controll

How is that my responsibility or problem?
2: No one is forcing me to read this stuff but its there and i like to check out what new topics there are

How is what I am posting preventing you from doing that?
3: I dont read all of your stuff... i click on it hoping it would be less than random ramblings to me but it never is and that PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF

This is still the basic premise of my response to you.  You haven't yet explained why, or rationalized it in a way that leaves me responsible for your feelings

4:I was unaware that they were requests by members because i didnt read all of your stuff... (see pt 3)

Not a good idea to call someone out over an issue that you are actually unfamiliar with.  Almost impossible to win.

5:my ego may be big, but your right its not that massive... its just large enough to be annoyed by anything posted here about WP that isnt actually funny.

Again, the members here are not clowns dancing for your entertainment.  Not everything has to be about Zippo.  Especially considering that you fuck off quite regularly.

6:i dont actually feel they should be removed. i just havnt seen you post anything but WP bull [and thats not to say you didnt because you have 500 karma and you didnt get that by posting WP bull] and as far as them not being posted all together, its to late for that.

Look harder.  Know your target, and what's beyond.

7: i have not posted because im on a train on a trip across FUCKING CANADA, you know. through woods and mountains and shit? i get my internet by teathering with my cellphone... but than again you should already know that, after all it was in my first post.

sorry to keep you waiting... wait, im actually not :P

Might be better to wait until you have reliable service before picking a fight.


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Re: i call out Sophrosyne
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2011, 08:16:21 AM »
wait... totally didnt realise you were MLA.... LOL i thought you were someone who just recently came back to the forum, my bad... anyways we can be buddys again when we finish this


So you interact with people with different levels of confrontation based on who they are ? Why would it matter who it is ? Would you have acted different if you didnt think it was a less popular member ?

GetoutamythreadEris :)

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Re: i call out Sophrosyne
« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2011, 08:18:10 AM »
wait... totally didnt realise you were MLA.... LOL i thought you were someone who just recently came back to the forum, my bad... anyways we can be buddys again when we finish this


So you interact with people with different levels of confrontation based on who they are ? Why would it matter who it is ? Would you have acted different if you didnt think it was a less popular member ?

GetoutamythreadEris :)

inurthreadmessingwithurrules. :trollface:

(Ok I've had my fun , back to the peanut gallery.  :zoinks:)
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  


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Re: i call out Sophrosyne
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2011, 08:18:51 AM »
i didnt know MLA changed his name... so all i saw of his were his posts of wp stuff.... thus i assumed a old member had just gotten back who happened to be a mod at WP
... now that i know he is MLA i know he will post more than just WP shit for the next while and that he has posted good shit before.....

my whole logical basis for this... was that all i have seen that guy post is little commets in threads and than huge multi paged threads with only wp text.... and i dont like hearing much about wp unless its funny!

All I read here is that you thought you picked an easy target for your first callout and missed the mark by a mile.  You are still making the same assertion that I should only post WP stuff if it is personally entertaining to Zippo.

Offline Zippo

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Re: i call out Sophrosyne
« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2011, 09:33:59 AM »
i didnt know MLA changed his name... so all i saw of his were his posts of wp stuff.... thus i assumed a old member had just gotten back who happened to be a mod at WP
... now that i know he is MLA i know he will post more than just WP shit for the next while and that he has posted good shit before.....

my whole logical basis for this... was that all i have seen that guy post is little commets in threads and than huge multi paged threads with only wp text.... and i dont like hearing much about wp unless its funny!

All I read here is that you thought you picked an easy target for your first callout and missed the mark by a mile.  You are still making the same assertion that I should only post WP stuff if it is personally entertaining to Zippo.

i in no way chose an target just because he is easy. i would like to think i am above picking on the little guy.
i semi seriously picked a target based on something little in this site that annoyed me.
and i do bileve most post should be entertaining here because me and im sure many other people come here to be, you guessed it. ENTERTAINED! and when i go to a board to be entertained, and its regestering as new. and it has pages and pages of wp bullcrap
as posted here:,18586.0.html


when i go into a thread and see posts like those i not only dont want to read it but i get pissed off.
and so far your the only person whom i see doing it, beyond the posts about steve-o in that old thread from the attacks on are site and the FB rantings.... how ever once again: those were actually AMUSING

1: YES i have very poor self controll

How is that my responsibility or problem?
2: No one is forcing me to read this stuff but its there and i like to check out what new topics there are

How is what I am posting preventing you from doing that?
3: I dont read all of your stuff... i click on it hoping it would be less than random ramblings to me but it never is and that PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF

This is still the basic premise of my response to you.  You haven't yet explained why, or rationalized it in a way that leaves me responsible for your feelings

4:I was unaware that they were requests by members because i didnt read all of your stuff... (see pt 3)

Not a good idea to call someone out over an issue that you are actually unfamiliar with.  Almost impossible to win.

5:my ego may be big, but your right its not that massive... its just large enough to be annoyed by anything posted here about WP that isnt actually funny.

Again, the members here are not clowns dancing for your entertainment.  Not everything has to be about Zippo.  Especially considering that you fuck off quite regularly.

6:i dont actually feel they should be removed. i just havnt seen you post anything but WP bull [and thats not to say you didnt because you have 500 karma and you didnt get that by posting WP bull] and as far as them not being posted all together, its to late for that.

Look harder.  Know your target, and what's beyond.

7: i have not posted because im on a train on a trip across FUCKING CANADA, you know. through woods and mountains and shit? i get my internet by teathering with my cellphone... but than again you should already know that, after all it was in my first post.

sorry to keep you waiting... wait, im actually not :P

Might be better to wait until you have reliable service before picking a fight.

1: your not responsible for my poor self control, you asked a question i answered... my poor self control has nothing to do with this callout

2: its not about your post preventing me from checking the new topics. but what it is is a new topic, which you are the only one posting of that type subject matter in said topic. and it makes me go AAARGH!

3: once again. you are the ONLY person i see posting about WP subject matter... heck spongy is new here and i have yet to see him post WP subject matter beyond the rod/steve-o incident!

4: Well... considering i am pretty damn sure if i read through all of your posts i doubt i will see anywhere "requested by: <name>" (will read the logs just for you after this though... just for you.)

5: looky here someone seems to be making assumptions on my views of things. maybe you should stop making assumptions MLA unless you can back them up... i see myself as someone who participates in the community. not someone who trys to make the community participate with him.

5 1/2: you seem a little obsessed about my ego as of late... thats not the topic of this callout.. you and your WP posts are. so with all due respect. STAY ON TOPIC. /end rage.

5 3/4: i will leave when i damn well please. i have every right to take a brake and come back later if i want. i know im not the first to have done so. and once again. YOUR OFF TOPIC!

6: if anything the callouts are here for beyond confrontation its getting to know your target BETTER!

7. your right, i give you this one.
EDIT: but your still off topic.

                                                         Zippo, Shotgun Surgeon.
if theres bees in the trap im catching them, by the thorax and abdomen. and sanding there stingers down to a rough quill. then i dip em in ink and i scribble a bit, and if the wriggle than i tickle them until they hold still, let me say it again, in my land of pretend, i use bees as a mother fucking pen!


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Re: i call out Sophrosyne
« Reply #21 on: October 20, 2011, 09:54:11 AM »
when i go into a thread and see posts like those i not only dont want to read it but i get pissed off.
and so far your the only person whom i see doing it, beyond the posts about steve-o in that old thread from the attacks on are site and the FB rantings.... how ever once again: those were actually AMUSING

But I don't give a shit Zippo, and neither does anyone else.  There is not a requirement that everything that gets posted must be entertaining to Zippo.  This is why you are coming across as having an out of control ego.  You are basically saying that you are the arbiter and judge of what is and isn't entertaining on I2 and if you disagree you are going to throw a fit and try and call someone out over it.  How do you feel you are doing so far?

1: your not responsible for my poor self control, you asked a question i answered... my poor self control has nothing to do with this callout

I think your poor self control has everything to do with this callout

2: its not about your post preventing me from checking the new topics. but what it is is a new topic, which you are the only one posting of that type subject matter in said topic. and it makes me go AAARGH!

Again, why should anyone care what you do and don't find entertaining.  None of us is under any obligation to make Zippo chuckle with every post we make.

3: once again. you are the ONLY person i see posting about WP subject matter... heck spongy is new here and i have yet to see him post WP subject matter beyond the rod/steve-o incident!

You aren't paying much attention then.  WP has been a focus of many, many posts since long before I joined.  The difference being that I actually have something to say that has never been said before, instead of repetitive whining that the mods are mean and Alex is an asshole and the rules are inconsistent.  I had logs of conversations that had never been brought to public light before and placed them here so everyone was on the same page.

4: Well... considering i am pretty damn sure if i read through all of your posts i doubt i will see anywhere "requested by: <name>" (will read the logs just for you after this though... just for you.)

I will save you some time:,18482.msg826015.html#msg826015

5: looky here someone seems to be making assumptions on my views of things. maybe you should stop making assumptions MLA unless you can back them up... i see myself as someone who participates in the community. not someone who trys to make the community participate with him.

I have no fucking clue what this is supposed to mean.  The assertion I am making that you think everyone needs to post things that are only entertaining to you is backed up by this entire callout.  you want me to post a link to the thread I am currently posting in?

5 1/2: you seem a little obsessed about my ego as of late... thats not the topic of this callout.. you and your WP posts are. so with all due respect. STAY ON TOPIC. /end rage.

I am making this the topic.  Why the fuck do you care?  How do you think this works?  You bitch at me about something you don't like and I am supposed to apologize to you for not properly pleasing you?  I'm not supposed to point out the massive error in your entire premise?  Sorry Zippo, but that isn't how this is going to work.

5 3/4: i will leave when i damn well please. i have every right to take a brake and come back later if i want. i know im not the first to have done so. and once again. YOUR OFF TOPIC!

If you need to take a break already I must be exhausting your ability for this a little early.  C'mon, these go for 20 pages sometimes.

6: if anything the callouts are here for beyond confrontation its getting to know your target BETTER!

I don't know what this means.

7. your right, i give you this one.

This whole callout will go better for you if you simply accept that conclusion for the entire thing and walk away.

Offline Zippo

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Re: i call out Sophrosyne
« Reply #22 on: October 20, 2011, 10:22:01 AM »
when i go into a thread and see posts like those i not only dont want to read it but i get pissed off.
and so far your the only person whom i see doing it, beyond the posts about steve-o in that old thread from the attacks on are site and the FB rantings.... how ever once again: those were actually AMUSING

But I don't give a shit Zippo, and neither does anyone else.  There is not a requirement that everything that gets posted must be entertaining to Zippo.  This is why you are coming across as having an out of control ego.  You are basically saying that you are the arbiter and judge of what is and isn't entertaining on I2 and if you disagree you are going to throw a fit and try and call someone out over it.  How do you feel you are doing so far?

1: your not responsible for my poor self control, you asked a question i answered... my poor self control has nothing to do with this callout

I think your poor self control has everything to do with this callout

2: its not about your post preventing me from checking the new topics. but what it is is a new topic, which you are the only one posting of that type subject matter in said topic. and it makes me go AAARGH!

Again, why should anyone care what you do and don't find entertaining.  None of us is under any obligation to make Zippo chuckle with every post we make.

3: once again. you are the ONLY person i see posting about WP subject matter... heck spongy is new here and i have yet to see him post WP subject matter beyond the rod/steve-o incident!

You aren't paying much attention then.  WP has been a focus of many, many posts since long before I joined.  The difference being that I actually have something to say that has never been said before, instead of repetitive whining that the mods are mean and Alex is an asshole and the rules are inconsistent.  I had logs of conversations that had never been brought to public light before and placed them here so everyone was on the same page.

4: Well... considering i am pretty damn sure if i read through all of your posts i doubt i will see anywhere "requested by: <name>" (will read the logs just for you after this though... just for you.)

I will save you some time:,18482.msg826015.html#msg826015

5: looky here someone seems to be making assumptions on my views of things. maybe you should stop making assumptions MLA unless you can back them up... i see myself as someone who participates in the community. not someone who trys to make the community participate with him.

I have no fucking clue what this is supposed to mean.  The assertion I am making that you think everyone needs to post things that are only entertaining to you is backed up by this entire callout.  you want me to post a link to the thread I am currently posting in?

5 1/2: you seem a little obsessed about my ego as of late... thats not the topic of this callout.. you and your WP posts are. so with all due respect. STAY ON TOPIC. /end rage.

I am making this the topic.  Why the fuck do you care?  How do you think this works?  You bitch at me about something you don't like and I am supposed to apologize to you for not properly pleasing you?  I'm not supposed to point out the massive error in your entire premise?  Sorry Zippo, but that isn't how this is going to work.

5 3/4: i will leave when i damn well please. i have every right to take a brake and come back later if i want. i know im not the first to have done so. and once again. YOUR OFF TOPIC!

If you need to take a break already I must be exhausting your ability for this a little early.  C'mon, these go for 20 pages sometimes.

6: if anything the callouts are here for beyond confrontation its getting to know your target BETTER!

I don't know what this means.

7. your right, i give you this one.

This whole callout will go better for you if you simply accept that conclusion for the entire thing and walk away.

1: please explain or dont post at all.

2: never said you were. stop trying to make me seem like the bad guy here when i called you out simply because i was sick of something.

3: i joined shortly before you. left. came back. left. now im back again. i have hardly the time here that you do so i honestly wouldn't know. but as of recent your the only one posting it and as reading the penut gallery i see a few people are also starting to become fed up with it so its not only me.

4: thats not anything like "requested by: <name>" actually posted in the thread so i wouldn't have even found it.

5: this callout backs up nothing of the sort. i was simply calling out someone who was posting shit that consistantly annoyed me. all your doing is trying to push that view of yours that "zippo thinks everything has to be to his liking" thus pushing your assertion that i have a huge ego thus making me the bad guy in this callout rather than two equal partys duking it out.

i obviously in no way think that or i would be calling out all of I2 at some point in time.

5 1/2: you know exactly what that means other wise you would not have responded... all you have done in here is attack my ego and say zippo thinks everyone should post around him... stop using the cheep shots and backup why you should post more WP shit beyond "i was a mod there once" and "they were requests" because a few people at least are getting sick of it.

6: well than stop making this the topic because its NOT what the callout is about. the whole point of the callout is to BACK UP YOUR SHIT. not attack the other guy until he gives up because it goes no where. to be brutally honest you could have won this callout on the second post but instead you have just been attacking me.

7: your response was to go off topic. my response to said off topic was in number seven and your response to that was gibberish. please get back on topic and back your shit up. heres a few questions to help.

Why do you post so much WP shit?
Why do you think you should post so much wp shit?
Why is your view so unique when your just posting logs?
is being a moderater for WP just a free pass to post anything you want from WP shit?
all i see is you bitching about WP like anyone else. so once again, how is everything that you post unique when it ends in people bitching about alex and QM in the end?

                                                         Zippo, Shotgun Surgeon.
if theres bees in the trap im catching them, by the thorax and abdomen. and sanding there stingers down to a rough quill. then i dip em in ink and i scribble a bit, and if the wriggle than i tickle them until they hold still, let me say it again, in my land of pretend, i use bees as a mother fucking pen!


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Re: i call out Sophrosyne
« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2011, 10:42:33 AM »
This is the dumbest callout ever.

Why do you post so much WP shit?

Because I feel like it
Why do you think you should post so much wp shit?

Because I feel like it

why is your view so unique when your just posting logs?

I wasn't posting my view.  I was posting logs that had never been made public before.  This is the definition of unique.

is being a moderater for WP just a free pass to post anything you want from WP shit?


all i see is you bitching about WP like anyone else. so once again, how is everything that you post unique when it ends in people bitching about alex and QM in the end?

I again refer you to the definition of unique.  Have you changed your premise now that the only Zippo-sactioned WP posts are those that are unique?

I don't have to "back up" my topics of posting.  You misinterpret the "back your shit up" statement.  This means that if you make an accusation about someone you had better be able to back up your assertion.  This is actually the opposite of what you are doing.  I ask you to back up where it says that topics have to be fun for Zippo in order to be posted on I2.

I have yet to attack you Zippo.  I have pointed out the obvious error in your logic, that I am under no obligation to entertain you, and as such this callout has no purpose.  If you really only wanted to call me out to say that you don't like the subject of my posts then I am certainly open to critique the subject of your posts, namely this callout.

Offline Zippo

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Re: i call out Sophrosyne
« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2011, 11:31:39 AM »
This is the dumbest callout ever.

Why do you post so much WP shit?

Because I feel like it
Why do you think you should post so much wp shit?

Because I feel like it

why is your view so unique when your just posting logs?

I wasn't posting my view.  I was posting logs that had never been made public before.  This is the definition of unique.

is being a moderater for WP just a free pass to post anything you want from WP shit?


all i see is you bitching about WP like anyone else. so once again, how is everything that you post unique when it ends in people bitching about alex and QM in the end?

I again refer you to the definition of unique.  Have you changed your premise now that the only Zippo-sactioned WP posts are those that are unique?

I don't have to "back up" my topics of posting.  You misinterpret the "back your shit up" statement.  This means that if you make an accusation about someone you had better be able to back up your assertion.  This is actually the opposite of what you are doing.  I ask you to back up where it says that topics have to be fun for Zippo in order to be posted on I2.

I have yet to attack you Zippo.  I have pointed out the obvious error in your logic, that I am under no obligation to entertain you, and as such this callout has no purpose.  If you really only wanted to call me out to say that you don't like the subject of my posts then I am certainly open to critique the subject of your posts, namely this callout.

1: no one said you had to be here. if you dont want to just give up and leave.

2: because i feel like it dosent mean shit in I2. post a real reason or get the fuck out.

3: see pt 2

4: well dont you have a little bit of an ego.

5: your still just throwing shit. i never said anything about how posts need to be zippo sanctioned. you made that up. please, tell me. why are you now resorting to making stuff up about me?

5 1/2: if you want me to back up this callout than feel free to make another callout about it. but this callout is about you and your wp posts so stop dodging the topic.

6: i will bust out the quotes. just a second.
  Your ego can't be that
massive at your age.

Again, the members here are not clowns dancing for your entertainment.  Not everything has to be about Zippo.  Especially considering that you fuck off quite regularly.

All I read here is that you thought you picked an easy target for your first callout and missed the mark by a mile.

You are basically saying that you are the arbiter and judge of what is and isn't entertaining on I2 and if you disagree you are going to throw a fit

7. your right, i give you this one.

This whole callout will go better for you if you simply accept that conclusion for the entire thing and walk away.

hows that for insults?

6 1/2: never claimed you have a obligation to entertain me. i said this forum should be entertaining not pages of wp bullshit. again why are you making stuff up?

1: your not responsible for my poor self control, you asked a question i answered... my poor self control has nothing to do with this callout

I think your poor self control has everything to do with this callout
you've yet to explane. BACK UP YOUR SHIT.

why is your view so unique when your just posting logs?

I wasn't posting my view.  I was posting logs that had never been made public before.  This is the definition of unique.

yet earlier you said you had something unique to say!... saying something implys you have a view. copy pasting mod logs is not saying it is simply just spamming the forums with shit you must have at some point said you would keep to your self... shows a little something about your ego, mr i can do anything.

You aren't paying much attention then.  WP has been a focus of many, many posts since long before I joined.  The difference being that I actually have something to say that has never been said before, instead of repetitive whining that the mods are mean and Alex is an asshole and the rules are inconsistent.  I had logs of conversations that had never been brought to public light before and placed them here so everyone was on the same page.

                                                         Zippo, Shotgun Surgeon.
if theres bees in the trap im catching them, by the thorax and abdomen. and sanding there stingers down to a rough quill. then i dip em in ink and i scribble a bit, and if the wriggle than i tickle them until they hold still, let me say it again, in my land of pretend, i use bees as a mother fucking pen!


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Re: i call out Sophrosyne
« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2011, 11:53:07 AM »
1: no one said you had to be here. if you dont want to just give up and leave.

I have no idea what this is in reference to, but as this callout is boring and repetitive and nothing new is being said I very well may.
2: because i feel like it dosent mean shit in I2. post a real reason or get the fuck out.

It means everything.  I don't think you understand this place.  There are no rules and I don't need a fucking reason for ANYTHING that I do.

3: see pt 2

Again, these numbers don't seem to actually correspond to anything

4: well dont you have a little bit of an ego.


5: your still just throwing shit. i never said anything about how posts need to be zippo sanctioned. you made that up. please, tell me. why are you now resorting to making stuff up about me?

I am making up that you are calling me out because my posts aren't funny to Zippo?  I don't have to go far for quotes.

STOP POSTING WP BULLCRAP... i find it annoying as fuck when i see nothing but Sophrosyne last posts in every board and i find it even more anoying when thats all there is new in a board... i come here to hang out with people. talk some shit, have a good time.... NOT GOSSIP ABOUT WP! i dont give two shits about alex or quartermass unless there threatening the site i love so very much!!!

just asking you to stop. that is all.

I dont read all of your stuff... i click on it hoping it would be less than random ramblings to me but it never is and that PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF ...

my ego may be big, but your right its not that massive... its just large enough to be annoyed by anything posted here about WP that isnt actually funny....

my whole logical basis for this... was that all i have seen that guy post is little commets in threads and than huge multi paged threads with only wp text.... and i dont like hearing much about wp unless its funny!

What part of my statement do you actually refute?

5 1/2: if you want me to back up this callout than feel free to make another callout about it. but this callout is about you and your wp posts so stop dodging the topic.

I haven't dodged shit Zippo.  You said you don't like my posts, I said I don't give a crap.  i don't see how this goes any further  :dunno:

6 1/2: never claimed you have a obligation to entertain me. i said this forum should be entertaining not pages of wp bullshit. again why are you making stuff up?

See above quotes Zippo.  This stuff is entertaining to some people, and you are pissed off because it isn't entertaining to you.  You don't get to speak for anyone else, yet you call me out because you don't like having to his "mark as read" on my posts.  What response do you expect to this?  Sorry, won't do it again?  Didn't mean to bother you Zippo?  Please forgive me?   :hahaha:

1: your not responsible for my poor self control, you asked a question i answered... my poor self control has nothing to do with this callout

I think your poor self control has everything to do with this callout
you've yet to explane. BACK UP YOUR SHIT.

If you had exercised proper self control and researched who you were calling out and what you were calling him out about and what a callout is actually all about you would have never posted this thread.  You were impulsive and that is showing a lack of self control.

why is your view so unique when your just posting logs?

I wasn't posting my view.  I was posting logs that had never been made public before.  This is the definition of unique.

yet earlier you said you had something unique to say!... saying something implys you have a view. copy pasting mod logs is not saying it is simply just spamming the forums with shit you must have at some point said you would keep to your self... shows a little something about your ego, mr i can do anything.

Semantics.  I meant I had something unique to post.  And yes, I do think I can do whatever I want on this forum, so long as I am willing to accept the consequences.  I think I have shown my ability to do so quite clearly in the past.

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Re: i call out Sophrosyne
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2011, 12:24:29 PM »
1: no one said you had to be here. if you dont want to just give up and leave.

I have no idea what this is in reference to, but as this callout is boring and repetitive and nothing new is being said I very well may.
think for a second.
2: because i feel like it dosent mean shit in I2. post a real reason or get the fuck out.

It means everything.  I don't think you understand this place.  There are no rules and I don't need a fucking reason for ANYTHING that I do.
i understand that perfectly. but i asked you for a reason and you gave me because i feel like it.

if your child did something that was a pain in the ass and you asked him why. if his response was "because i feel like it" would you take it as it is and not be upset even in the slightest? no if you were a half decent parent you would get the real reason out of him. than punish him if necessary.

3: see pt 2

Again, these numbers don't seem to actually correspond to anything

see last comment.
4: well dont you have a little bit of an ego.

so why are you saying having an egos bad or more specificly that my egos bad when you willingly admit to having one too.

5: your still just throwing shit. i never said anything about how posts need to be zippo sanctioned. you made that up. please, tell me. why are you now resorting to making stuff up about me?

I am making up that you are calling me out because my posts aren't funny to Zippo?  I don't have to go far for quotes.
i never said once that i called you out because your posts are not funny. i have said i called you out because i dont like your posts. your just twisting words now. tell me, do you not have enough balls or intelect to finish this callout without twisting words?

STOP POSTING WP BULLCRAP... i find it annoying as fuck when i see nothing but Sophrosyne last posts in every board and i find it even more anoying when thats all there is new in a board... i come here to hang out with people. talk some shit, have a good time.... NOT GOSSIP ABOUT WP! i dont give two shits about alex or quartermass unless there threatening the site i love so very much!!!

just asking you to stop. that is all.

I dont read all of your stuff... i click on it hoping it would be less than random ramblings to me but it never is and that PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF ...

my ego may be big, but your right its not that massive... its just large enough to be annoyed by anything posted here about WP that isnt actually funny....

my whole logical basis for this... was that all i have seen that guy post is little commets in threads and than huge multi paged threads with only wp text.... and i dont like hearing much about wp unless its funny!

What part of my statement do you actually refute?

all of it.

5 1/2: if you want me to back up this callout than feel free to make another callout about it. but this callout is about you and your wp posts so stop dodging the topic.

I haven't dodged shit Zippo.  You said you don't like my posts, I said I don't give a crap.  i don't see how this goes any further  :dunno:

no you never said you didnt give a crap. you argued with me needlessly over something little and turned it into something big. than claimed things about me and this thread that are not true, twisted words in this thread. and in the end just tryed to make me look bad.... and you obviously care what i said because if you really just didnt give a crap your first post would have been just "i dont give a crap" and than you would not have ignored the thread.

6 1/2: never claimed you have a obligation to entertain me. i said this forum should be entertaining not pages of wp bullshit. again why are you making stuff up?

See above quotes Zippo.  This stuff is entertaining to some people, and you are pissed off because it isn't entertaining to you.  You don't get to speak for anyone else, yet you call me out because you don't like having to his "mark as read" on my posts.  What response do you expect to this?  Sorry, won't do it again?  Didn't mean to bother you Zippo?  Please forgive me?   :hahaha:
i have said i dont find it entertaining. i have asked you to stop posting this wp bullshit. other people do not find it interesting. if you dont believe me go look in the penut gallery thread.

i didnt expect any of these responses from you... your giving me exactly the response i expected.


1: your not responsible for my poor self control, you asked a question i answered... my poor self control has nothing to do with this callout

I think your poor self control has everything to do with this callout
you've yet to explane. BACK UP YOUR SHIT.

If you had exercised proper self control and researched who you were calling out and what you were calling him out about and what a callout is actually all about you would have never posted this thread.  You were impulsive and that is showing a lack of self control.

yet i made my callout thread and here we are. dont like it... as you say... you can fuck off to somewhere else.

why is your view so unique when your just posting logs?

I wasn't posting my view.  I was posting logs that had never been made public before.  This is the definition of unique.

yet earlier you said you had something unique to say!... saying something implys you have a view. copy pasting mod logs is not saying it is simply just spamming the forums with shit you must have at some point said you would keep to your self... shows a little something about your ego, mr i can do anything.

Semantics.  I meant I had something unique to post.  And yes, I do think I can do whatever I want on this forum, so long as I am willing to accept the consequences.  I think I have shown my ability to do so quite clearly in the past.

just trying to point out that it just shows the kind of person you are to go back on previous agreements. since were both trying to make each other seem like the bad guy here.
and if your willing to accept the consequences of your actions than you should be willing to put up with callouts such as this.

you dont seem to be.

                                                         Zippo, Shotgun Surgeon.
if theres bees in the trap im catching them, by the thorax and abdomen. and sanding there stingers down to a rough quill. then i dip em in ink and i scribble a bit, and if the wriggle than i tickle them until they hold still, let me say it again, in my land of pretend, i use bees as a mother fucking pen!


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Re: i call out Sophrosyne
« Reply #27 on: October 20, 2011, 12:34:14 PM »
feel like it.

if your child did something that was a pain in the ass and you asked him why. if his response was "because i feel like it" would you take it as it is and not be upset even in the slightest? no if you were a half decent parent you would get the real reason out of him. than punish him if necessary.

Are you implying you are my Daddy Zippo?

The rest of this I am ignoring.  I only ever responded to you because I thought I was doing you a favor as you wanted a callout.  You have yet to even state something that needs backing up, and as such this is a circular argument worthy of middle school and I am done with it.  If you have something worthwhile to call me out about go ahead and give it another shot.  Try to keep it to a sentence or two.  So far we have:

You: I don't like your posts.

Me:  I don't really care.


That isn't an argument.  I had better with Penty.


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Re: i call out Sophrosyne
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2011, 12:38:02 PM »
Oh, and I am opening this up to the crowd now.  Have fun  :zoinks:

Offline Zippo

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Re: i call out Sophrosyne
« Reply #29 on: October 22, 2011, 05:59:33 PM »
Oh, and I am opening this up to the crowd now.  Have fun  :zoinks:

i submit. i am your bich. yada yada yada <insert hitler referance> yada.

when i take it in the ass just do me a favor and use lube.

                                                         Zippo, Shotgun Surgeon.
if theres bees in the trap im catching them, by the thorax and abdomen. and sanding there stingers down to a rough quill. then i dip em in ink and i scribble a bit, and if the wriggle than i tickle them until they hold still, let me say it again, in my land of pretend, i use bees as a mother fucking pen!