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What is Intensity?

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Natalia Evans:
Did members from I2 really go to WP and spam the place like crazy? Or was that her being all paranoid?

I was aware that some members from here and there would post at WP and then get banned. But I don't remember any of them trolling except buttcoffee and Shleed.

I remember that one I2 thread on WP and that was how the "OMG someone started a thread on I2 at WP" thread here started.

The part where starblumine mentioned someone called her an airhead, I wonder if she was referring to eclair about her thread "Airheads who think they have Asperger's?"

Graelwyn is right, I did have problems here with people until I learned to harden the fuck up. Then everyone left me alone.

I have always thought you are ok SG/Kit/Oddball. Oh the name changes.

--- Quote ---I would go as far as say the site is a test of your mentality, it's like the third-world ghetto of aspie sites
--- End quote ---
I think this should go on the front page.

 :LOL: I agree.  :plus:

Natalia Evans:
I just remembered how Zomg members would go back on WP and troll but that was back in 2007 and 2008 and then lot of those members left and Zomg was a different place now. I can now remember Sopho would sometimes go back and spam the place or troll or just post as a regular member. I never joined in.

I remember how it was back then I believe not much has changed either between Wrong Planet and Intensity2 there will be that gulf in the end.

I never got banned from WP at least not yet.

I fogot about these old posts until I started reading them.


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