This isn't a "what did you dream thread, it is a "where did you dream thread"

I always dream about the same places, and they are places that do not exist. I should draw a map someday.
The city. This is where most of my dreams take place. Me running the streets of the city. There are specific buildings, specific areas. Theses are not based on any real buildings or areas. There is a posh area, full of slick architecture - usually my dreams of going to fancy schools take place here. There is the Wall street area, full of businessmen - this is where the subway is and I often dream about that. Then there is a creative area, full of shops. I often dream about shoplifting from these areas, or digging through weird shops that sell magical, rare, and secret things. Many times I had a dream where in the magical shop I found 2 mirrors. If you take the mirrors and shine them together you can raise demons

but they disappear as soon as you don't shine the mirrors together anymore. There is also a "dangerous" section of the city - the outskirts. There are no shops, just houses, and there are dangerous people everywhere. The goal is to stay away from the people, it doesn't matter if they get close they cant hurt me unless they get right up on me. And there is one area in particular that is really bad. It's pitch black, so I have no idea what it even looks like. Apparently homeless people with guns live there :S
I ALWAYS walk great distances, every night. When I walk outside of the city it becomes the suburbs, and it is very mountainous. This is the area where I have the hitchhiking dreams. Sometimes I start walking though peoples yards because the streets are impassable, but then the yards get impassible, with extreme ravines and mountainsides with brush taller than me. I dont know how many times I've dreamed that I was climbing a mountainside just to get to the top and see hundreds of miles of impassable wasteland that I must walk through. But I do my best, even if I have to slide down the hill. Sometimes there are fields of purple flowers. Always purple. Sometimes there are bees.
There is also an amusement park I often dream of, and a large shopping mall. In both of these places, I always get lost, lose track of time, and generally do not have a good time.
The countryside. This is the exciting part ! Also the scary-as-fuck part.
If you travel a certain amount of distance from the city, the brush and thick growth disappear and turns into a very very beautiful oasis full of meadows and fields and there is a small river where the water is so pretty it looks like it is champagne. Good place ? NO WAY. You see, there are wild animals everywhere, especially by the river. The animals change. They are usually wolves, or leopards though. And it is just like the homeless people, you just need to stay at least 30 feet away from them and you will be ok. If you get closer than that you are dead meat.
Last night I dreamed I was in the country, and there were large coyotes everywhere. I sat in a shack that was raised up off the ground, and just watched the animals roam, terrified. There was one animal trapped on my porch behind some posts. I sat there watching it snarl. Wonderful dream, huh.
I often repeat dreams but many times there are different scenarios to each of my dreams...but it ALWAYS takes place in these areas. The only exception is if I am having a dream where I travel to another country, and it is also the same place, except I cant understand the language.
What does all this mean ?
Do you all dream of the same places like this ? Are they real places ?