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The History of Intensity Squared

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--- Quote from: Scrapheap on March 22, 2013, 09:00:44 AM ---Doesn't McJagger also have an archive of Intensity?

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I have nothing but fond memories of good times.

Welcome back.


--- Quote from: Calavera on October 14, 2011, 04:38:17 PM ---The Beginning
It all started with Neurolands, a site made to help people on the autism spectrum get jobs. It was founded by Neuroman and McJagger with Tigerlily, Shima (hiroshima on Intensity) and hermit. They met on Wrong Planet in 2005-2006. Then one of the periodic WrongPlanet exoduses led to a huge influx of new members to the Neurolands forum and the original purpose of the forum getting swept away. Neuroman set up a system where members could request and start their own forums. Sophist's Gestalt was founded this way, and kevv729's Sockpuppet Television, and the original Intensity by McJagger, and Ramoth Harbor for Lucifer/Vivi.

There was drama over the original Intensity and whether it was too crass to be associated with a site meant to promote work opportunities for people on the spectrum. It was quite unique from other autism forums at the time in that it was meant as a place where people could learn to stand up for themselves ... or at least to fight the verbal fight. This allowed for abusive language and all sorts of posts that would've otherwise been moderated under standard forum rules. One of the posters there (said to be jman) actually made a thread asking others which Wrong Planet female members they would like to fuck. People complained. It's said that Lucifer was the one who spoke the loudest against Intensity as she didn't like the way the forum was being run.

Eventually, Intensity went down. Fortunately, McJagger managed to log in to the forum and access the admin panel only to realize that somebody/something had had the setting for disabling the forum checked. McJagger announced his findings on the Founders forum on Neurolands. However, the next time McJagger tried to access the admin panel, he couldn't anymore. Confusion arose. Accusations were made against a certain hacker group (that, for humor's sake, must not be named here) and even against a few members of Neurolands and Intensity. That said, it's still not clear what exactly happened that day. It also seems that Intensity went down a second time a while after it was set back up by Neuroman.

The events mentioned in the paragraph directly above may not chronologically be in the right order. Still working out the correct sequence.

Discussions about the fate of Intensity were made at a temporary forum someone had set up (Dunc's Drivel?). McJagger was ready to give up, and this was when it was suggested that he get his own hosting and have the site independent from Neurolands.

He did, and that was the beginning of Intensity Squared. He worked with Dunc of Dunc's Drivel - who incidentally used to work with Alex Plank at the very beginning of Wrong Planet (2004-2005?) before getting disgusted and leaving. Dunc was one of the first to have an issue with Alex as an besides, my ass hurts of Wrong Planet.

to be continued ...


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Good 2 Know.  :thumbup:

I, Anton Alfonso von Cartman, the man you love to hate, have become the most notorious aspie on the internet. Banned from AFF some 6 years ago, returned briefly with my Tong_Duurai sock but got bored and stopped posting.......Banned repeatedly from WrongPlanet(6 times total), and so I found my way back here. There's pretty no fucking way you will Ever see the last of me here. Or on WP. I'm untrollable and that makes people butthurt as hell.  :evillaugh:

FYI: I am also a notorious troll on the Okcupid forums and despite 18 bans I still persist!

Al Swearegen:
You are not infamous or hated. You are not even a footnote..


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