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Re: Intensity Squared History Guide Joint Project Discussion
« Reply #45 on: October 15, 2011, 07:44:17 PM »

I miss that lunatic. His ginseng/jacking off tirades were great.  :thumbup:

He's probably hanging out in the prison liberry!   :autism:

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Re: Intensity Squared History Guide Joint Project Discussion
« Reply #46 on: October 15, 2011, 08:00:53 PM »
Yes. I want Randy to come back.

Offline odeon

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Re: Intensity Squared History Guide Joint Project Discussion
« Reply #47 on: October 16, 2011, 04:31:28 AM »
Maybe. You did know her better than me.

That's interesting. I didn't think she had any code of honor whatsoever.

What I can't figure out is why the databases broke at such a convenient time, and twice in a row, and why just those two databases. I was there when Nman finally figured out how to restore the original Intensity database, summer of 2007. I don't know much about SQL/PHP but it was a really small thing, like one line that someone could have plausibly changed and would have been very difficult to find afterwards.

As I don't know what the actual DB issue was, I can't comment on that. I remember when this place was prone to crashing, soon after we moved it from Dunc's space to mine. Everything checked out, every single thing, yet the place kept crashing. It's usually a small and seemingly insignificant thing that does it.

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Re: Intensity Squared History Guide Joint Project Discussion
« Reply #48 on: October 16, 2011, 04:41:54 AM »
When was this forum set up? By whom? For what reason(s)? What's the aim and purpose of this forum? What's the forum about?

What's a good name for the first epoch/era? If Neurolands, why the name exactly?

Neurolands was supposed to be a site to help people on the autism spectrum get jobs. It was founded by Neuroman and McJagger with Tigerlily, Shima (hiroshima on Intensity) and hermit. They met on Wrongplanet in 2005-2006 while I was a mod there. Then one of the periodic WrongPlanet exoduses (exodi?) led to a huge influx of new members to the Neurolands forum (different from Neurolands Portal that Odeon linked) and the original purpose of the forum getting swept away. Neuroman set up a system where members could request and start their own forums. Sophist's Gestalt was founded this way, and kevv729's Sockpuppet Television, and the original Intensity by McJagger, and one other forum that Neuroman started for Lucifer/Vivi.

There was drama over the original Intensity and whether it was too crass to be associated with a site meant to promote work opportunities for people on the spectrum. Neuroman attempted to arrange a debate/callout between McJagger and Lucifer, who was outspoken against Intensity. Shortly afterwards, both Neurolands and Intensity went down, but Gestalt, the sockpuppet forum and Lucifer's forum stayed up. People panicked, accusations everywhere. The biggest accusations were against a hacker group called s.t.o.r.m.f.r.o.n.t. (lol, their name is still in the word filter here... there was a member who thought he was being targeted by them for something he said and then deleted on Intensity), against Neuroman (did he bring Intensity down on purpose?), and against Lucifer (was she conspiring to bring Nlands/Intensity down because she didn't want to face McJagger?).

Neuroman and hermit were the only techs, and by that point hermit had left. Neuroman fixed the Intensity database and it was online briefly then went down again. More panic, more accusations, and then Neuroman did what he told me was the greatest faux pas of his life: he told people he was trying to make Intensity safe, when what he was really doing was trying to make Intensity work. It was too late; Intensity's supporters were outraged at the concept of making a free speech site "safe".

They gathered at a temporary forum someone had set up. McJagger was ready to give up, and this was the point I stepped in: I booted him off his ass and told him to get his own hosting, get the site independent from Neurolands.

He did, and that was the beginning of IntensitySquared. He worked with Dunc of Dunc's Drivel - who incidentally used to work with Alex at the very beginning of WrongPlanet (2004-2005?) before getting disgusted and leaving. Dunc was one of the first to see Alex as what he was.

You make McJagger sound like the bogeyman and Lucifer a powderpuff by comparison.
Lucifer is as tough as nails and I can not see her shying from McJagger.
Hell if need be and over the right thing, I would take on McJagger and more readily than I would Lucifer.
C'mon confess, you simply do not like Lucifer and you did not like that callout you had with her.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: Intensity Squared History Guide Joint Project Discussion
« Reply #49 on: October 16, 2011, 04:47:25 AM »
It's a problem with history lessons such as this, that old drama will be unearthed and argued about but without everyone involved here to argue their sides.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Intensity Squared History Guide Joint Project Discussion
« Reply #50 on: October 16, 2011, 05:27:32 AM »
You make McJagger sound like the bogeyman and Lucifer a powderpuff by comparison.
Lucifer is as tough as nails and I can not see her shying from McJagger.
Hell if need be and over the right thing, I would take on McJagger and more readily than I would Lucifer.
C'mon confess, you simply do not like Lucifer and you did not like that callout you had with her.

No. There's more to it than that.

(And I do believe Odeon that she would have faced McJagger.)

That callout did everything it could have, it took out of her what she took out of Neuroman when all the drama was going down and he was flat on his back in bed with what he later found out was multiple myeloma. It was sheer revenge and a warning both to someone I saw as a serious threat and the people around her. I was willing to be put through the ringer for it.

In the absence of my being able to explain why I was so completely furious with her, it was inevitable - not that I realized it at the time - that it would end the way it did.

But for all that Odeon might roll his eyes, her actions were a pattern I saw her enact first with Alex Plank, then with Neuroman, and then later with Odeon himself.

She has beliefs which she has never fully explained in the autism community, to my knowledge, about the traditional roles of men and women. She tried to enforce these on every autism community she was a part of.

As a masculine woman who also supports effeminate men, I will oppose those beliefs wherever I encounter them.

Because what ended up happening was not the empowerment of women, which she seemed to want, but harm to men who already had such bad histories with women that her actions only made the problem worse. On WrongPlanet it was Ghosthunter, a homeless former gay prostitute looking for friends, whose awkward sex talk offended her politically correct sensibilities about the objectification of women. He was one of the people I had in mind when I conceived of the Haven forum there. On Neurolands it was Neuroman, whose history I'm not going to get into, but as the woman picking up the pieces after his flashbacks and trying to get him medical treatment, I got first hand knowledge of the dynamics.

She used group social manipulation to try and get what she wanted, and even if one considers that fair game among a bunch of autistics, it didn't work. WrongPlanet is still run by a chauvinistic little twerp. Intensity survived as an unmoderated community. Her tactics didn't work around the kind of men who really do objectify women. The only casualties were men who were, ironically, quite gentle and fair, just fucked up.

If I make Lucifer sound like a powderpuff, perhaps it's because that's how she wants to be seen.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Intensity Squared History Guide Joint Project Discussion
« Reply #51 on: October 16, 2011, 05:28:56 AM »
It's a problem with history lessons such as this, that old drama will be unearthed and argued about but without everyone involved here to argue their sides.

True. But Neuroman's here, he advised me on what I wrote and he knows about this thread. And you're still in touch with Lucifer, aren't you? No reason she couldn't come back and give her side.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline odeon

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Re: Intensity Squared History Guide Joint Project Discussion
« Reply #52 on: October 16, 2011, 08:31:43 AM »
It's a problem with history lessons such as this, that old drama will be unearthed and argued about but without everyone involved here to argue their sides.

True. But Neuroman's here, he advised me on what I wrote and he knows about this thread. And you're still in touch with Lucifer, aren't you? No reason she couldn't come back and give her side.

I will ask but I doubt it. She is done with I2, or so she says.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline odeon

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Re: Intensity Squared History Guide Joint Project Discussion
« Reply #53 on: October 16, 2011, 08:43:19 AM »
You make McJagger sound like the bogeyman and Lucifer a powderpuff by comparison.
Lucifer is as tough as nails and I can not see her shying from McJagger.
Hell if need be and over the right thing, I would take on McJagger and more readily than I would Lucifer.
C'mon confess, you simply do not like Lucifer and you did not like that callout you had with her.

No. There's more to it than that.

(And I do believe Odeon that she would have faced McJagger.)

That callout did everything it could have, it took out of her what she took out of Neuroman when all the drama was going down and he was flat on his back in bed with what he later found out was multiple myeloma. It was sheer revenge and a warning both to someone I saw as a serious threat and the people around her. I was willing to be put through the ringer for it.

In the absence of my being able to explain why I was so completely furious with her, it was inevitable - not that I realized it at the time - that it would end the way it did.

But for all that Odeon might roll his eyes, her actions were a pattern I saw her enact first with Alex Plank, then with Neuroman, and then later with Odeon himself.

She has beliefs which she has never fully explained in the autism community, to my knowledge, about the traditional roles of men and women. She tried to enforce these on every autism community she was a part of.

As a masculine woman who also supports effeminate men, I will oppose those beliefs wherever I encounter them.

Because what ended up happening was not the empowerment of women, which she seemed to want, but harm to men who already had such bad histories with women that her actions only made the problem worse. On WrongPlanet it was Ghosthunter, a homeless former gay prostitute looking for friends, whose awkward sex talk offended her politically correct sensibilities about the objectification of women. He was one of the people I had in mind when I conceived of the Haven forum there. On Neurolands it was Neuroman, whose history I'm not going to get into, but as the woman picking up the pieces after his flashbacks and trying to get him medical treatment, I got first hand knowledge of the dynamics.

She used group social manipulation to try and get what she wanted, and even if one considers that fair game among a bunch of autistics, it didn't work. WrongPlanet is still run by a chauvinistic little twerp. Intensity survived as an unmoderated community. Her tactics didn't work around the kind of men who really do objectify women. The only casualties were men who were, ironically, quite gentle and fair, just fucked up.

If I make Lucifer sound like a powderpuff, perhaps it's because that's how she wants to be seen.

I can't address the Ghosthunter matter since I have no knowledge of any part of that particular drama, if there was any. It was before my time. As for the callout between Lucifer and you, there is little to be said about that because she isn't here to defend herself, except that I don't recognise your description of her and I probably know her better than most people.

Me rolling my eyes was just that--I don't recognise the person you describe. I remember the callout well, though, and had several discussions with her about it.

It's ancient drama now, though, and not something I particularly wish to bring up. I don't see the point.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline Calavera

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Re: Intensity Squared History Guide Joint Project Discussion
« Reply #54 on: October 16, 2011, 06:39:40 PM »
To be fair, Pyraxis did say it in an objective manner regardless. As in it may not have been true that Lucifer did this or that.


Let me know what needs to be edited or added to before moving on to the next stage.

I'll add the bit about the purpose of IntensitySquared later.

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Re: Intensity Squared History Guide Joint Project Discussion
« Reply #55 on: October 16, 2011, 07:09:16 PM »
Ok, that thread about which female members would you want to fuck deserves a mention as it seems to have contributed to a controvery of some sort related to Intensity.

Anyone wish to help me out what to add and where?

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Re: Intensity Squared History Guide Joint Project Discussion
« Reply #56 on: October 16, 2011, 07:25:32 PM »
To the admins who have the privilege to edit anyone's posts here, feel free to edit that post in the linked to thread when/if needed.


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Re: Intensity Squared History Guide Joint Project Discussion
« Reply #57 on: October 16, 2011, 08:51:40 PM »
Edit:  I can't read  :autism:

Offline odeon

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Re: Intensity Squared History Guide Joint Project Discussion
« Reply #58 on: October 17, 2011, 12:38:12 AM »
To be fair, Pyraxis did say it in an objective manner regardless. As in it may not have been true that Lucifer did this or that.


Let me know what needs to be edited or added to before moving on to the next stage.

I'll add the bit about the purpose of IntensitySquared later.

I'd suggest you to remove that "objective" manner because it is anything but. Unless, of course, you also wish to add my and Sir Les's objections.

It's bad form to simply repeat what I see as baseless accusation. There is no proof whatsoever and you weren't around when Lucifer was posting here. It was well known that Lucifer and Pyraxis didn't get along.
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Re: Intensity Squared History Guide Joint Project Discussion
« Reply #59 on: October 17, 2011, 12:43:09 AM »
Ok, edit what needs to be edited in that thread. Or at least tell me what to remove exactly.