When was this forum set up? By whom? For what reason(s)? What's the aim and purpose of this forum? What's the forum about?
What's a good name for the first epoch/era? If Neurolands, why the name exactly?
Neurolands was supposed to be a site to help people on the autism spectrum get jobs. It was founded by Neuroman and McJagger with Tigerlily, Shima (hiroshima on Intensity) and hermit. They met on Wrongplanet in 2005-2006 while I was a mod there. Then one of the periodic WrongPlanet exoduses (exodi?) led to a huge influx of new members to the
Neurolands forum (different from Neurolands Portal that Odeon linked) and the original purpose of the forum getting swept away. Neuroman set up a system where members could request and start their own forums. Sophist's Gestalt was founded this way, and kevv729's Sockpuppet Television, and the original Intensity by McJagger, and one other forum that Neuroman started for Lucifer/Vivi.
There was drama over the original Intensity and whether it was too crass to be associated with a site meant to promote work opportunities for people on the spectrum. Neuroman attempted to arrange a debate/callout between McJagger and Lucifer, who was outspoken against Intensity. Shortly afterwards, both Neurolands and Intensity went down, but Gestalt, the sockpuppet forum and Lucifer's forum stayed up. People panicked, accusations everywhere. The biggest accusations were against a hacker group called s.t.o.r.m.f.r.o.n.t. (lol, their name is still in the word filter here... there was a member who thought he was being targeted by them for something he said and then deleted on Intensity), against Neuroman (did he bring Intensity down on purpose?), and against Lucifer (was she conspiring to bring Nlands/Intensity down because she didn't want to face McJagger?).
Neuroman and hermit were the only techs, and by that point hermit had left. Neuroman fixed the Intensity database and it was online briefly then went down again. More panic, more accusations, and then Neuroman did what he told me was the greatest faux pas of his life: he told people he was trying to make Intensity safe, when what he was really doing was trying to make Intensity work. It was too late; Intensity's supporters were outraged at the concept of making a free speech site "safe".
They gathered at a temporary forum someone had set up. McJagger was ready to give up, and this was the point I stepped in: I booted him off his ass and told him to get his own hosting, get the site independent from Neurolands.
He did, and that was the beginning of IntensitySquared. He worked with Dunc of
Dunc's Drivel - who incidentally used to work with Alex at the very beginning of WrongPlanet (2004-2005?) before getting disgusted and leaving. Dunc was one of the first to see Alex as what he was.