
Author Topic: Irrigate spongy  (Read 19851 times)

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Re: Interrogate spongy
« Reply #300 on: October 14, 2011, 03:43:47 PM »
And the comfort and safety in that is that our friendships are sincere and not forced.

That is an interesting advantage of a board that is not moderated and where people can tell each other to fuck off.
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Re: Interrogate spongy
« Reply #301 on: October 14, 2011, 03:44:17 PM »
INdeed and or that very reason spongy should do a joint callout on odeon and MLA.

(OK it doesn't make much sense but bourbon fairies are steering the rudder)

T'would be fun.  I would love to collaborate with Odeon in a joint callout.  :laugh:
Maybe some day in the future. Right now Im trying to get used to this place before doing a fool of myself.

While I understand that having a noob at callout would be hilarious I know my limits and callouts at the moment are off limits.
"I love that DSM-V is acknowledging sensory issues by including it in the diagnostic criteria. However, I would like to propose to DSM that a new one be included called "DKSA" (aka "Dont' Know Shit about Aspergers")" Rudy Simone

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Re: Interrogate spongy
« Reply #302 on: October 14, 2011, 03:44:31 PM »
I didn't understand a word of that. :dunce: Read and learn young Squid.  :laugh:


Right I get it now , although should I be concerned you know more about penis than I do?  :orly:
You're not the boss of me.  :hahaha: Knowledge is a good thing.


And the comfort and safety in that is that our friendships are sincere and not forced.

That is an interesting advantage of a board that is not moderated and where people can tell each other to fuck off.

Fuck off. :razz:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

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Re: Interrogate spongy
« Reply #303 on: October 14, 2011, 03:44:58 PM »
Well I think that what he means is that you dont need to work on .... anything

You can be yourself here and people will say thing to you directly and not be sneaky. Here someone can tell you to fuck off and eat a dick . So if someone is mad at you they will say so and not be sneaky about it.

And the comfort and safety in that is that our friendships are sincere and not forced.
He may not have said anything but I have issues confronting others irl and I believe that trying to approach a somewhat combative attitude could be helpfull on this area and I could learn a few things from it without getting as wounded as I would if it happened irl.

It's one of the reasons why I2 was started in the first place. I firmly believe this place enables spazzes.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

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Re: Interrogate spongy
« Reply #304 on: October 14, 2011, 03:48:08 PM »
Spongy, do not look for backstabbing or sneaky skullduggery here. The reason that kind of behaviour exists is because people have to fear a reprisal fro a direct attack. they fear banning or censrship.
Here we do not.
Here, IF you try and be subtle or sneaky you will be lined up and hit in the face from in front. The mods and admin will do nothing.
That said, ironically there is safety there too. There is no need for false pretense and sly undermining.
If you have an issue with someone you are perfectly OK to say "Al you are a dickhead. Biggest Dickhead I have seen around the Autistic community. I think you are a hypocritical, lying, conniving, worthless sack of shit and likely a pedophile to boot." would not be nice. Would you get banned for this? No. Would you have me lodge my size 10's in your rectal cavity? More than likely. Would anyone here jump to my defence? No. They are all likely to open a peanut gallery and post 'Holy shit, this will not end well" and pass popcorn. This is the truth of things. It is recognising the difference in this approach which will allow you to see past the whole "what happens on forums mindset".
The other side of the ledger, IF someone attacks you and you think you can cast down their claims and backfoot them, do it! no one will REALLY care if you win or lose, they will simply be interested in you having a go and how you carry yourself. Sounds weird but it is true. act like a dropkick or drop your bundle or post inconsequentialities and they will not be impressed but if you hang tough and give your all, people will respect that.
don't want to fight? You will not be alone here. most people do not surprisingly.
Oh, what is you make a mistake??? Apologise. Look around here and see here who is not a spazz. All of us are. we accept people fuck up. We all do. Man up and you will get kudos.
See there is a great deal of merit in the culture here, it is just a bit different (and dysfunctional) but then so are we.
Thanks for the advice and its one of the things that bothered me on wp.
You´d see everyon ebeing friendly on the boards and the minute you interacted with x member someone was already questioning why would I want to talk to x.... because they had a grudge against them.
Things seem much simpler here.
"I love that DSM-V is acknowledging sensory issues by including it in the diagnostic criteria. However, I would like to propose to DSM that a new one be included called "DKSA" (aka "Dont' Know Shit about Aspergers")" Rudy Simone


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Re: Interrogate spongy
« Reply #305 on: October 14, 2011, 03:52:27 PM »
Simpler and more honest.   :viking:

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Re: Interrogate spongy
« Reply #306 on: October 14, 2011, 04:07:51 PM »
Yes upfront and out in the open is the way to go things are much less stressful that way.  Glad your sticking around :thumbup:
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw


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Re: Interrogate spongy
« Reply #307 on: October 14, 2011, 06:02:46 PM »
V is my name´s initial(in case you didnt notice you can check it in one of the multiple quotes from my fb at the steve-o thread)and while my name differs from Victor they both have the same meaning/origin(to conquer/win).
Vicente is a good name. Would it bother you if Jack referred to you as such or would you prefer Victor?

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Re: Interrogate spongy
« Reply #308 on: October 14, 2011, 06:15:18 PM »
Well I think that what he means is that you dont need to work on .... anything

You can be yourself here and people will say thing to you directly and not be sneaky. Here someone can tell you to fuck off and eat a dick . So if someone is mad at you they will say so and not be sneaky about it.

And the comfort and safety in that is that our friendships are sincere and not forced.
He may not have said anything but I have issues confronting others irl and I believe that trying to approach a somewhat combative attitude could be helpfull on this area and I could learn a few things from it without getting as wounded as I would if it happened irl.

Is it an assertive attitude you are hoping to approach rather than a combative one?  An assertive attitude means you confront someone calmly and with respect rather than with raised voices, clenched fists, and threats.

For example, the other day I was in a movie theater with my husband and daughter.  The lights had been dimmed and the funny commercial for silencing cell phones and no texting had already played although the movie had not started yet when someone right in front of us started obviously texting on his cell phone.  The reason for not texting is that the glow of the screen is distracting to the other people who are trying to watch the movie. 

A non-confrontational response would have been to say nothing and hope that the person stopped texting when the movie started.  A more combative response would have been to tell the person to stop texting or else I would go get a manager to throw him and his cell phone out of the theater.  What I did was to ask the person if he was going to be finished texting by the time the movie started and he finished the text he was working on and put his cell phone away.

I used the confrontational approach once in a movie.

It was a 10 p.m. or so show of Batman.  A man and small boy came in and sat about 3 seats away in the row behind me.  The boy began to say he was afraid and the man kept telling the boy to shut up.  I turned back to them and said, "Take it outside."  (Real nice and smart huh?)  He said "Make me."  So I went to the concession stand and said someone was talking in the theater and was distracting the audience (an exaggeration).  I went back to my seat.

About 2 or 3 minutes later an employee came and talked quietly with the man and left.  About 5 minutes after that a sheriff's deputy came and asked the man to come with him.  The man began shouting and resisting.  The man and the deputy got into a scuffle and the man began screaming to his kid to "Call the police.  Call the police."  Anyway the deputy got the man out of the show and an employee took the boy.  I can only surmise that the man was drunk and the employee noticed when she talked to him. 

I realize I was being confrontational about the whole thing, but I believe I did something good for the boy and the man.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.



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Re: Interrogate spongy
« Reply #309 on: October 14, 2011, 06:27:37 PM »
When someone is talking in the movie theater. I loudly tell them to shut the fuck up.

They always do. I wonder what would happen if they challenged me ? I should go to more movies and find out.


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Re: Interrogate spongy
« Reply #310 on: October 14, 2011, 07:13:03 PM »
When someone is talking in the movie theater. I loudly tell them to shut the fuck up.

They always do. I wonder what would happen if they challenged me ? I should go to more movies and find out.
I was in a theater with a date watching a POS movie called Spy Hard.  :thumbdn: Some idiot two rows in front of us was reading the sight gag signs. I advised him that we could read the signs on the movie ourselves and that he should get a date who could read. Sandy elbowed me but couldn't keep from snickering. They sat there quietly for a bit and then moved.  :laugh: I haven't normally had that problem in the theater.


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Re: Interrogate spongy
« Reply #311 on: October 14, 2011, 07:14:24 PM »
Can't recall ever being in a theatre with someone being loud.


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Re: Interrogate spongy
« Reply #312 on: October 14, 2011, 08:44:36 PM »
I have, some drunk chick who was cackling and guffawing until somebody yelled out, "HEY BITCH, SHUT UP!"  He got a standing ovation and she shut up.   8)

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Re: Interrogate spongy
« Reply #313 on: October 14, 2011, 10:03:18 PM »
Well I think that what he means is that you dont need to work on .... anything

You can be yourself here and people will say thing to you directly and not be sneaky. Here someone can tell you to fuck off and eat a dick . So if someone is mad at you they will say so and not be sneaky about it.

And the comfort and safety in that is that our friendships are sincere and not forced.
He may not have said anything but I have issues confronting others irl and I believe that trying to approach a somewhat combative attitude could be helpfull on this area and I could learn a few things from it without getting as wounded as I would if it happened irl.

Very much Spongy.I will stop harping on about it. I just wanted to lay it out.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Interrogate spongy
« Reply #314 on: October 14, 2011, 10:11:49 PM »
Spongy, do not look for backstabbing or sneaky skullduggery here. The reason that kind of behaviour exists is because people have to fear a reprisal fro a direct attack. they fear banning or censrship.
Here we do not.
Here, IF you try and be subtle or sneaky you will be lined up and hit in the face from in front. The mods and admin will do nothing.
That said, ironically there is safety there too. There is no need for false pretense and sly undermining.
If you have an issue with someone you are perfectly OK to say "Al you are a dickhead. Biggest Dickhead I have seen around the Autistic community. I think you are a hypocritical, lying, conniving, worthless sack of shit and likely a pedophile to boot." would not be nice. Would you get banned for this? No. Would you have me lodge my size 10's in your rectal cavity? More than likely. Would anyone here jump to my defence? No. They are all likely to open a peanut gallery and post 'Holy shit, this will not end well" and pass popcorn. This is the truth of things. It is recognising the difference in this approach which will allow you to see past the whole "what happens on forums mindset".
The other side of the ledger, IF someone attacks you and you think you can cast down their claims and backfoot them, do it! no one will REALLY care if you win or lose, they will simply be interested in you having a go and how you carry yourself. Sounds weird but it is true. act like a dropkick or drop your bundle or post inconsequentialities and they will not be impressed but if you hang tough and give your all, people will respect that.
don't want to fight? You will not be alone here. most people do not surprisingly.
Oh, what is you make a mistake??? Apologise. Look around here and see here who is not a spazz. All of us are. we accept people fuck up. We all do. Man up and you will get kudos.
See there is a great deal of merit in the culture here, it is just a bit different (and dysfunctional) but then so are we.

Al, you are a complete dickhead, devoid of personality and with the callout skills of a retarded five year old dog. You live on borrowed time, forever trembling for someone actually speaking their mind about you, but that's I2. Tells a lot about you, doesn't it? :zoinks:

See how this works, Spongy? Not only do admins let the bullying happen while looking the other way, they set the example.

Indeed. Thanks for the character building Mr Odeon Admin sir.

Now please feel free to slip into something more a coma.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap