
Author Topic: OMFG Steve has totally flipped  (Read 26128 times)

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #810 on: October 17, 2011, 06:17:30 AM »
She did ? I can't see shit on there.

Is it in an existing thread ? Did anyone respond to it ?

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #811 on: October 17, 2011, 06:18:45 AM »
I have just slapped my own forehead

Shawn Gorton
Does he have AS? No, that much I'm sure. So why does act like a prick? Cause he's wrong in the head.

Lloyd Purser
That's the thing

On I^2 he claims to be NT
On WP he claims to be Aspie - Officially diagnosed.

So it's anyones guess really.

Lorna Smith
He is very wrong in the head. Sometimes he claims to be an undxed aspie. Other times a dxd aspie, and most of the time a NT. Nobody knows for sure what is wrong with him, but he breaks down like this several times a year. Usually his breakdowns are confined to Intensity, but occasionally they spill out elsewhere. He is just a very sick man.
10 hours ago

Shawn Gorton
He's not a collegue of mine.

Lorna Smith
I assume brain damage, AS may account for some of his problems, but certainly not all of them.

Rod Craven
Whatever. Seems the severely retarded have the biggest power. And the biggest voices. And I2 are the most severely retarded group you will find on the 'net. Post all the fucking links you like, dickheads. We won't be reading that shit.

Kristine Kelly
yes this is not the first argument he has had. In fact, in just the past few months he told everyone off and "left for good" only to come back a week later about 4 different times.

Lloyd Purser
I wasn't aware it was that many , but last year he spammed the entire board due to an argument with another member in a similar fashion.

Shawn Gorton
Calm down Rod. What's with the language you NT?

Rod Craven
What's with this NT/AS shit? I'm sick to the fucking teeth of autistics and people with AS thinking they are so fucking superior because of their perceived 'intellect'. ffs, everyone is the fucking SAME. And while we are at it, everyone has traits of some kind relating to the condition, so the who fucking issue becomes moot. these fucking idiots want to make everyone believe that I'm crazy, out to get them, a liar, an oxygen thief... whatever. All because I decided to criticise their fucking little playground. Intelligence? Pah. Don't tell me what to say.
10 hours ago · Like
Kristine Kelly He must be talking to you, shawn, none of us can read his rants. We will see them eventally, though.

Shawn Gorton
I'm an aspie but...I'm still human. I'm the same as you or the president.

Lloyd Purser
Yes, Shawn could you be helpful and copy and paste what he's saying for us?

Shawn Gorton
Sure. He said...all of this.
"What's with this NT/AS shit? I'm sick to the fucking teeth of autistics and people with AS thinking they are so fucking superior because of their perceived 'intellect'. ffs, everyone is the fucking SAME. And while we are at it, everyone has traits of some kind relating to the condition, so the who fucking issue becomes moot. these fucking idiots want to make everyone believe that I'm crazy, out to get them, a liar, an oxygen thief... whatever. All because I decided to criticise their fucking little playground. Intelligence? Pah. Don't tell me what to say."

Lloyd Purser
Thank you Shawn :)
10 hours ago

Shawn Gorton
 Sorry Rod, but it's only fair. I don't like that you're swearing anymore. Calm down, and take a chill pill, will ya please?

Lloyd Purser
Can you keep reposting what he is saying please?

Shawn Gorton
Didn't I just do that?

Kristine Kelly
I think LLoyd means, if he posts something else please repost it also.

Lloyd Purser
Yes , and everything so far he has posted. :)

Shawn Gorton
Oh....OK. I will.

Lloyd Purser
Thank you!

Shawn Gorton
 ‎"Whatever. Seems the severely retarded have the biggest power. And the biggest voices. And I2 are the most severely retarded group you will find on the 'net. Post all the fucking links you like, dickheads. We won't be reading that shit."

Rod Craven
I am sick of the whole 'us vs them' mentality of it all. It seems no matter where i go or no matter what I want to say, someone always wants to throw shit at me becuase they think I'm inferior to them. Just because I have the temerity to have a different viewpoint and a different outlook on things. So if I can't even say what I want and not be ridiculed for it, then what's the fucking point?

Shawn Gorton
"I am sick of the whole 'us vs them' mentality of it all. It seems no matter where i go or no matter what I want to say, someone always wants to throw shit at me becuase they think I'm inferior to them. Just because I have the temerity to have a different viewpoint and a different outlook on things. So if I can't even say what I want and not be ridiculed for it, then what's the fucking point?" Watch what you say Rod.

Shawn Gorton
Whatcha gonna do Rod? Cry and block me? Kinda cowardly if ya ask me. Man up, stop blocking things you don't like!

Kristine Kelly
Thanks shawn. As you can see by his "we wont be reading links" he really does want an army to fight his battles for him, and is the whole reason he came here. To recruit. He actually got someone to come and check us out..guess what, he is one of us now too :D

Shawn Gorton
Wait...What? He is one of now? I don't get it.

Lloyd Purser
Thank you Shawn , you've been very helpful , also thank you for taking the time to listen to us. :)

Shawn Gorton
Uh...No problem.

Rod Craven
Blow it out your whatever. I'm through here.

Kristine Kelly
I meant that Rod almost convinced someone we were bullying him. So that person came to I2 to investigate. That person is now an active member of the community and decided to belive us over Rod.

Shawn Gorton
 ‎"Blow it out your whatever. I'm through here." Whatsa maddah Rod? Cat gotcha tongue? Weren't you gonna say ass? Hahaha, you're a funny NT aren't you Rod.

Lorna Smith
 He becomes very incoherant when he gets very angry. You will probably struggle to understand what he is saying.

Shawn Gorton
 Not really. He acts like I think. So I can handle his bursts of rage.

Kristine Kelly
He has a lot of rage bursts. Eventually some people started laughing at him for it. That and the fact that he constantly talked about penis. It was strange, he really did mention penis every few posts. He rages and we started to find it amusing so he rages harder and then he starts mentioning the violence against women, aspie bashing, and other things we have been talking about. Oh and he also denied the holocaust.

Shawn Gorton
WTF is his problem, huh? I saw that holocaust denial. We cannot change the past (at this point in time, no time machines) so there's no use denying it.

Kristine Kelly
I think that when he gets mad he just says whatever comes into his mind. He can probably hide his prejudice when not upset but it all comes out when he is mad. Even when he was constantly talking about penis I still did not laugh at him, yet when he left he flipped out on me for not defending him.

Shawn Gorton
Like he did me, in a way. He's got a weird way of raging, then.

Lorna Smith
Yes. If you don't defend his indefensible behaviour, he will attack you. That is how he has fell out with most members of Intensity.

Kristine Kelly
He does not take responsibility for the things he says or does and wants others to fight his battles for him. This was the ultimate reason he was shunned by us. At I2 there is no moderation, you can say exactly what you want to anyone you want. Anything at all. He would often rage on people, but that is ok sorta. You can do that there. BUT when he was asked WHY he said and did the things he did he shifted the blame to everyone else and that is why the majority of people got sick of him.

Shawn Gorton
Aiya, he's one sick puppy, no? What a pycdynt, amirigh? Hahaha, no one can go on forever dodging the truth of their own actions.

Shawn Gorton
Rod, is a male pedlr, that's why he's not nice.

Carmel Anne Jones Shawn,
you're really just seeing one side of the picture unfortunately. I was mobbed and bullied by five of these charming people last night and was holding my own against three of them but when a couple more sunk the boot in, I then did what I should have done long before and that was to block them. One little twerp used anti woman hate speech against me; if I had said anything about his preferences, I'd have been in the worst trouble imaginable. Another one said my parents were apes - mind you, apes are intelligent and often friendly creatures so it isn't as big an insult as she thought.
blah blah blah


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #812 on: October 17, 2011, 06:22:36 AM »
I like seeing my name over and over like that. turns me on.

I think people on fb really stopped giving a shit. She'll shut up eventually.

Offline bodie

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #813 on: October 17, 2011, 06:34:59 AM »
who said she was like an ape?

who was the five that mobbed her?
(or is my maths that bad)
blah blah blah


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #814 on: October 17, 2011, 06:40:35 AM »
Me, you, butterflies, squid and ... I am thinking either Kit, or that shawn boy. Kit only said one thing, and it wasn't a flame, though, and I think Shawn only addressed steve..... so I have no idea.

I tried to get shawn to register here but he wouldn't. I really think that was the best. He was kinda cute but extremely stupid, I dont think he would have lasted.

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #815 on: October 17, 2011, 06:45:16 AM »
Quote from: Rancidora
So it's okay for him to use hate language against me because I am a woman but if I made the tiniest dig about gays, I would be in big big trouble. Not that I would be bothered.

Claiming Squiddy is making hate speeches against women :dunno:

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #816 on: October 17, 2011, 06:47:28 AM »
who said she was like an ape?

who was the five that mobbed her?
(or is my maths that bad)

I can only assume it was a reference to your missing link comment. She does appear to have a similar grasp on reality as Steve,


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #817 on: October 17, 2011, 06:52:01 AM »
Quote from: Rancidora
So it's okay for him to use hate language against me because I am a woman but if I made the tiniest dig about gays, I would be in big big trouble. Not that I would be bothered.

Claiming Squiddy is making hate speeches against women :dunno:

is this new ? I mean newer than bodies last post ?


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #818 on: October 17, 2011, 07:07:53 AM »
Ugh.  She's so poisonous.  She really knows how to turn things around and play the victim doesn't she?  Guess that's another thing her and TCO have in common.

Shawn, you're really just seeing one side of the picture unfortunately. I was mobbed and bullied by five of these charming people last night and was holding my own against three of them but when a couple more sunk the boot in, I then did what I should have done long before and that was to block them. One little twerp used anti woman hate speech against me; if I had said anything about his preferences, I'd have been in the worst trouble imaginable. Another one said my parents were apes - mind you, apes are intelligent and often friendly creatures so it isn't as big an insult as she thought.

I have a couple things to say about the above:

1) "Mobbed" and "bullied"?  Really?  She was the one who personally (and childishly) attacked you guys!  She was the one who kept saying passive-aggressive shit about you lot.

2) "Held my own" etc. that implies she's a poor vulnerable little soul being attacked and outnumbered by a bunch of thugs.

3) "Anti-women speech"? Where did Squiddy say that?  She should have a look at the latest additions I made to her charming's fiance's quote thread if she wants to see misogyny.  I think TCO may be projecting here.

4) The parents bit - she included someone's dad first!

5) Not to mention her blatant homophobia.  Fucking old cunt.

She also reposted this in another discussion:

Carmel Anne Jones I was mobbed by five people last night.

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #819 on: October 17, 2011, 07:08:08 AM »
Quote from: Rancidora
So it's okay for him to use hate language against me because I am a woman but if I made the tiniest dig about gays, I would be in big big trouble. Not that I would be bothered.

Claiming Squiddy is making hate speeches against women :dunno:

is this new ? I mean newer than bodies last post ?

Quote from: Rancidora
Shawn, you're really just seeing one side of the picture unfortunately. I was mobbed and bullied by five of these charming people last night and was holding my own against three of them but when a couple more sunk the boot in, I then did I should have done long before and that was to block them. One little twerp used anti woman hate speech against me; if I had said anything about his preferences, I'd have been in the worst trouble imaginable. Another one said my parents were apes - mind you, apes are intelligent and often friendly creatures so it isn't as big an insult as she thought.

Quote from: Rancidora
So it's okay for him to use hate language against me because I am a woman but if I made the tiniest dig about gays, I would be in big big trouble. Not that I would be bothered.

Quote from: Rancidora
Well, you obviously haven't read the hateful comment he wrote last night that I was "a frigid old cow". Apart from being totally untrue, it is hate speech and bullying. I notice a distinct lack of understanding about many things and maybe when he and you grow up you might understand more about life.

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #820 on: October 17, 2011, 07:09:38 AM »
Ugh.  She's so poisonous.  She really knows how to turn things around and play the victim doesn't she?  Guess that's another thing her and TCO have in common.

Shawn, you're really just seeing one side of the picture unfortunately. I was mobbed and bullied by five of these charming people last night and was holding my own against three of them but when a couple more sunk the boot in, I then did what I should have done long before and that was to block them. One little twerp used anti woman hate speech against me; if I had said anything about his preferences, I'd have been in the worst trouble imaginable. Another one said my parents were apes - mind you, apes are intelligent and often friendly creatures so it isn't as big an insult as she thought.

I have a couple things to say about the above:

1) "Mobbed" and "bullied"?  Really?  She was the one who personally (and childishly) attacked you guys!  She was the one who kept saying passive-aggressive shit about you lot.

2) "Held my own" etc. that implies she's a poor vulnerable little soul being attacked and outnumbered by a bunch of thugs.

3) "Anti-women speech"? Where did Squiddy say that?  She should have a look at the latest additions I made to her charming's fiance's quote thread if she wants to see misogyny.  I think TCO may be projecting here.

4) The parents bit - she included someone's dad first!

5) Not to mention her blatant homophobia.  Fucking old cunt.

She also reposted this in another discussion:

Carmel Anne Jones I was mobbed by five people last night.

Yes Binty. She show all the signs of being a manipulative old slag. She is made for Steve.

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #821 on: October 17, 2011, 07:10:19 AM »
Quote from: Rancidora
So show me where he ever said he has an official AS diagnosis. Link or it never happened.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 07:13:41 AM by Butterflies »

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #822 on: October 17, 2011, 07:10:40 AM »
Who is Shawn Gorton? Anyone we know from here or WP?
Existence actually has two broad meanings despite its apparent meaningless. The constant reconciliation of all its parts, and the conservation of any closed system as a whole.

Morality can be extrapolated from these meanings to make these two commandments of godless morality: 1). Be in harmony with one another and 2). Care for the environment.

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #823 on: October 17, 2011, 07:12:23 AM »
    Lorna Smith I've never known Lloyd to attack anyone for being a woman. I wouldn't be his friend if he was anti-woman. I still don't understand why you would want to "make the tiniet dig about gays" though.
    28 minutes ago · Like
    Teresa Louise Brown such profanity - there is no need rod.
    21 minutes ago · Like
    Carmel Anne Jones Well, you obviously haven't read the hateful comment he wrote last night that I was "a frigid old cow". Apart from being totally untrue, it is hate speech and bullying. I notice a distinct lack of understanding about many things and maybe when he and you grow up you might understand more about life.
    15 minutes ago · Like
    Cat Taylor I didn't read it.. then again those conversations aren't appearing on WP fb page.

    oh wait they are..
    12 minutes ago · Like
    Teresa Louise Brown
    So uncooth, all that swearing. Really lowers the tone rod, you have a shocking attitude. I make some allowances for Carmel's silly attempts to hurt us - imagine having to put up with that violent and oppressive language around you all d...See more
    12 minutes ago · Like
    Teresa Louise Brown that is why she took out that post about his make up - perhaps trying to hide possible homophobia. Just thought she would hint instead because we wouldnt clock it - her being intellectually above us!
    9 minutes ago · Like
    Lorna Smith
    You have thrown, and deleted plenty of insults at others in the last couple of days. You shouldn't complain too much when you get hit by some yourself. And I don't think me or Lloyd claim to be hugely mature, but we are far less immature th...See more
    8 minutes ago · Like
    Carmel Anne Jones He used to be on another forum and continually pushed the autism superiority line. He was asked there to tone it down because quite a few contributors were either NT (not that I like that as a label) or didn't want to be associated with any talk of any group of people being superior to any other.
    8 minutes ago · Like
    Lorna Smith Rod will do anything to fit in. Even if it means lying that he has an official AS diagnosis.
    6 minutes ago · Like
    Carmel Anne Jones So show me where he ever said he has an official AS diagnosis. Link or it never happened.
    6 minutes ago · Like
    Lorna Smith It was in his profile at WP. His profile is now deleted.
    about a minute ago · Like

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #824 on: October 17, 2011, 07:14:30 AM »
Who is Shawn Gorton? Anyone we know from here or WP?
Certainly not from here.