Author Topic: OMFG Steve has totally flipped  (Read 26191 times)

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #675 on: October 16, 2011, 04:21:34 PM »
Guess this won't stop till everyone in the whole wide world has made up their mind on who's side they are on. World Wide Web War. Dividing between sheep and goats.

I like I2, and the people it is made of.

Actually I'm pretty sure it's over for now.  :dunno:

Until TCO wakes up?

Thinking back over it, that hateful stuff sounds a lot more like him than her, even though I don't know her that well.  Given that we have a direct quote from him admitting using her account to post something to Zach, it fits his MO.

I mean, how on earth would someone who has never posted here even know about Binty and TOW?  That had to have come from TCO.

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #676 on: October 16, 2011, 04:23:04 PM »
Real friends don't cross that line, binty, unless maybe it's something really horrible.

I disagree , if your partner was using your account like TCO has used Pandoras and writing the things he was and potentially ruining a reputation of sorts , without your knowing , wouldn't you like to now?
That's hard to say. There's nothing on the internet that could point to me in real life. I don't hide what I do on the Internet from those close to me, so if someone did that to me it would have to be bad for me to get really upset about it. If it wasn't really bad, would more likely question the motives of the 'friend' who felt the need to tell me. It's not like he's portrayed her as something scandalous. Like said, hard to say, don't have a lot of experience with friends. Just thinking I might not feel like a friend if I did something like that.

If I had a partner who came here, using my account to abuse people in my name, I would need to know.


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #677 on: October 16, 2011, 04:23:55 PM »
Real friends don't cross that line, binty, unless maybe it's something really horrible.

Maybe I'm not a real friend then as I have interfered in the past, when I thought a friend was being mistreated by their partner.  I don't like being an observer, in general, especially when someone dear to me is being treated badly.  Even on the street, if I see a situation that looks worrying, I obsess whether to walk on or get involved.  Indifference and apathy seriously bother me.  Probably because I'm usually overflowing with feelings of some sort.

Real friends don't cross that line, binty, unless maybe it's something really horrible.

I disagree , if your partner was using your account like TCO has used Pandoras and writing the things he was and potentially ruining a reputation of sorts , without your knowing , wouldn't you like to now?

It's not even about her "reputation" or anything, it's the deceit and manipulation behind it.  If he's capable of successfully fooling her about what kind of a person he is online, then who knows what else he lies about?

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #678 on: October 16, 2011, 04:26:38 PM »
Guess this won't stop till everyone in the whole wide world has made up their mind on who's side they are on. World Wide Web War. Dividing between sheep and goats.

I like I2, and the people it is made of.

Actually I'm pretty sure it's over for now.  :dunno:

Until TCO wakes up?

Thinking back over it, that hateful stuff sounds a lot more like him than her, even though I don't know her that well.  Given that we have a direct quote from him admitting using her account to post something to Zach, it fits his MO.

I mean, how on earth would someone who has never posted here even know about Binty and TOW?  That had to have come from TCO.

True , I had assumed that since Rod had fucked off and Pandora had blocked , that it was done with but we shall see what happens next.

And I'm assuming he told Pandora about Binty and TOW but that's likely too.

It's not even about her "reputation" or anything, it's the deceit and manipulation behind it.  If he's capable of successfully fooling her about what kind of a person he is online, then who knows what else he lies about?

Good point , hadn't thought of that.
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #679 on: October 16, 2011, 04:29:52 PM »
Guess this won't stop till everyone in the whole wide world has made up their mind on who's side they are on. World Wide Web War. Dividing between sheep and goats.

I like I2, and the people it is made of.

Actually I'm pretty sure it's over for now.  :dunno:

Until TCO wakes up?

Thinking back over it, that hateful stuff sounds a lot more like him than her, even though I don't know her that well.  Given that we have a direct quote from him admitting using her account to post something to Zach, it fits his MO.

I mean, how on earth would someone who has never posted here even know about Binty and TOW?  That had to have come from TCO.
There is the possibility that this was a team effort. Steve is very vocal that his friends, and presumably family, must be prepared to fight his battles for him. I think it's unlikely that their relationship would have lasted 12 years if she wasn't prepared to do as he demands. If he was sitting there telling her what to write, it's possible she might just blindly go along with it.

We are also all forgetting one major issue. Those posts are still there. Most of them anyway. Unless they are all deleted, she will know what's been going on. We are kinda assuming that Pandora is oblivious, but that would mean that she has no access to facebook. If she didn't make the posts, it is most likely she is well aware of them.

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #680 on: October 16, 2011, 04:31:06 PM »
Binty, I don't remember you ever saying anything against aspies.

I was curious as to whether Pandora is autistic because Steve-O said some pretty harsh things about autistics in general and I wonder if Pandora was aware of any of those comments.

I wonder about that too.

And, I think she doesn't. Have known her as someone who acts strongly, on things she is sensitive about. And, bashing of autistics is something she doesn't like at all.

Can't place how she talked about Bint with how I knew her. But, been a while since Pandora and I were in contact. Knew her as kind and sensitive, and, at risk of being played.

The bolded bit reposted, as answer/addition to what Binty is saying.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #681 on: October 16, 2011, 04:31:40 PM »
If I had a partner who came here, using my account to abuse people in my name, I would need to know.
Maybe have missed the posts with abuse. Have only seen a bit of snark reposted here.

Maybe I'm not a real friend then as I have interfered in the past, when I thought a friend was being mistreated by their partner
Have also missed the posts which Les should determine his friend has been mistreated to the point of interfearing in their relationship.

People in long term relationships know, the couple bans together to fight against meddlers and sort their own crap on their own. This is small potatoes and Les would be setting himself up for the loss of two friends.

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #682 on: October 16, 2011, 04:33:17 PM »

I really think we should stop putting Les into the middle of this. I'm sure he doesn't want to risk losing real life friends over internet drama.

Offline Squidusa

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #683 on: October 16, 2011, 04:34:29 PM »
Just another thought on the whole telling a friend thing.

I think this probably boils down to morals / views at the end of the day , I'm an honest person and so are the people I friend , we give the truth because in my and their belief it is less painful.


If a friend of mine's partner was cheating on them , I would tell them , I would be gentle about it but I would be honest because as my friend I would rather them be angry at me for a little bit then hopefully recover , than find out themselves and wonder why no one was honest with them.

This would also apply if a friend was cheating on their partner.

In short , if I think someone in a relationship is being mistreated in some way , I would rather appear as nosey / a busybody / the bad guy , rather than risk them being potentially hurt more , because that's what I believe is the right thing to do.  :)

I'm not saying anyone should or shouldn't speak to TCO / Pandora , that's up to whoever is involved , but I can appreciate Binty and Jack's views.
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #684 on: October 16, 2011, 04:35:35 PM »
Maybe I'm not a real friend then as I have interfered in the past, when I thought a friend was being mistreated by their partner
Have also missed the posts which Les should determine his friend has been mistreated to the point of interfearing in their relationship.

People in long term relationships know, the couple bans together to fight against meddlers and sort their own crap on their own. This is small potatoes and Les would be setting himself up for the loss of two friends.

That is true to a certain extent.  Maybe we are simply giving Pandora way too much credit here.  It is possible she is every bit as mean and petty as TCO.  However, let's not forget the fact that TCO did say that if he beat up Pandora in a meltdown, it wouldn't be his fault.

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #685 on: October 16, 2011, 04:35:47 PM »
While all the shit was flying, "she" was making normal posts like this:
Carmel Anne Jones: I don't want people to tell me to make some calls when I have already told them it is something I find almost impossible due to a phobia. If they are really serious about helping me (and if they can't or don't want to that is fair enough) they would either make the calls on my behalf or recommend somebody they use eg. a home repairman.

That does not sound like Steve to me.


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #686 on: October 16, 2011, 04:37:37 PM »

I really think we should stop putting Les into the middle of this. I'm sure he doesn't want to risk losing real life friends over internet drama.

Internet drama it may be but it is obviously quite important to TCO and therefore by proxy, to Pandora too.

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #687 on: October 16, 2011, 04:38:10 PM »
Thanks Psycho.

Just so everyone knows she insulted me personally first.  She said
i looked old enough to be Vicente's Mum  (which i am) so i think it
was designed to hurt me but just failed.  She said my hair was like
straw (i always thought it was more like a pot noodle myself) and
then she removed that one and my hair had improved to 'dead grass'

and she said i looked like a halloween fright mask!

i look like a fright mask?
blah blah blah

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #688 on: October 16, 2011, 04:38:53 PM »
If it is indeed true, that the awful stuff came from TCO under the guise of Pandora, then I think you should have a talk with her Les, as a friend.  I doubt that after so many years (presumably) with him, she'd be completely clueless about his bullshit but maybe she doesn't realise the full extent of it or turns a blind eye.  Maybe he manipulates her on a daily basis, I don't know.  She should at least deserve to know the type of shit he spouts when he's at his worst and the fact that he doesn't take responsibility for his own actions.
Real friends don't cross that line, binty, unless maybe it's something really horrible.

Do not assume I have not spoken to them both.

I fucking hate this business. I really do.

I really hoped that upon TCO leaving here it would have put the drama behind. The fact that it was on here was bearable. It was slowing down by degrees and Pandora had pretty much been kept out of it.
Then TCO decideed to make that play on WP Facebook and it all starts again.
Then comes the assertion that UNLESS I2 goes there to defend claims, they are guilty.
He bought you an iunvitation to her door and that pisses me off.
Is she going to defend him? Sure she is. She loves him and is his fiance.
She is trying to protect him from hurt, in a situation that he has manufactured. She is protecting him but who is protecting her?
Not him. He bought her into the firing line.
It upsets me to see it. I do not like seeing this at all.
Yes TCO has and does use Pandora's accounts. That is recorded here and no state secret and yes they have been banned from WP for pretty much the same reasdon.
As to how this will affect my relationship with TCO and Pandora, I doubt after all is said and done here there will be much of either relationship left. Why? Because i do not wish to enable TCO's want to start fights around the internet and have me come in and clean it up for him and I have him putting Pandora in the firing line.

Just so we are all knowing exactly where i stand on this. FUCK!
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Squidusa

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #689 on: October 16, 2011, 04:44:50 PM »
Thanks Psycho.

Just so everyone knows she insulted me personally first.  She said
i looked old enough to be Vicente's Mum  (which i am) so i think it
was designed to hurt me but just failed.  She said my hair was like
straw (i always thought it was more like a pot noodle myself) and
then she removed that one and my hair had improved to 'dead grass'

and she said i looked like a halloween fright mask!

i look like a fright mask?

I think what she meant to say was you were Vincetes MILF.  ;)  :laugh:

If it is indeed true, that the awful stuff came from TCO under the guise of Pandora, then I think you should have a talk with her Les, as a friend.  I doubt that after so many years (presumably) with him, she'd be completely clueless about his bullshit but maybe she doesn't realise the full extent of it or turns a blind eye.  Maybe he manipulates her on a daily basis, I don't know.  She should at least deserve to know the type of shit he spouts when he's at his worst and the fact that he doesn't take responsibility for his own actions.
Real friends don't cross that line, binty, unless maybe it's something really horrible.

Do not assume I have not spoken to them both.

I fucking hate this business. I really do.

I really hoped that upon TCO leaving here it would have put the drama behind. The fact that it was on here was bearable. It was slowing down by degrees and Pandora had pretty much been kept out of it.
Then TCO decideed to make that play on WP Facebook and it all starts again.
Then comes the assertion that UNLESS I2 goes there to defend claims, they are guilty.
He bought you an iunvitation to her door and that pisses me off.
Is she going to defend him? Sure she is. She loves him and is his fiance.
She is trying to protect him from hurt, in a situation that he has manufactured. She is protecting him but who is protecting her?
Not him. He bought her into the firing line.
It upsets me to see it. I do not like seeing this at all.
Yes TCO has and does use Pandora's accounts. That is recorded here and no state secret and yes they have been banned from WP for pretty much the same reasdon.
As to how this will affect my relationship with TCO and Pandora, I doubt after all is said and done here there will be much of either relationship left. Why? Because i do not wish to enable TCO's want to start fights around the internet and have me come in and clean it up for him and I have him putting Pandora in the firing line.

Just so we are all knowing exactly where i stand on this. FUCK!

This'll seem pretty meaningless but I really am sorry you got dragged into this and it has had a toll on your friendship with Pandora , and I'm pretty humbled at how you managed to keep neutral , I can't imagine it was easy. :hug:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.