Why are you pissed?
Lloyd Purser But Carmel , why would you bring up a low attack on another member (Bint) about her ex-boyfriend and then use the fact she isn't aspie as a reason to distrust her?
If you are going to berate Lorna Smith , go ahead but you are guilty of the same thing she has done.
Carmel Anne Jones Well, if my comment was untrue then I apologise. It's not the fact that anyone isn't aspie that concerns me, it is more when people are wannabee aspies just because it is seen as trendy - for example that girl in Glee who uses her self diagnosis of Aspergers as an excuse to be rude. Again, if I am mistaken, I apologise in advance.
Sorry , but that just really pisses me off , I like Binty a lot and to have her accused as a "wannabe aspie girl" which is 100% incorrect really irks me.