You asked for explanations previously and every question you made was addressed to as soon as I could. You may not have liked the answers you received but I addressed all your questions.
Ah, so the thread I made questioning my ban, the one that went 8 or 9 pages if I remember correctly, that one is still public? It also includes answers to my questions? Can you point me out a link, I can still access WP with a proxy and I would love to read it.
I believe that the only time I heard about that thread was when someone said they had moved it to sand at the mod chat(could be wrong since I have the tendency to wake up at odd hours and start posting and then dont remember where I posted).
I was talking about the pms we have exchanged
I wasn't.
So, just how involved are you with the day to day goings on of that site? Do things often happen that you have no clue about? Is there a moderator there that actually does keep track of what is going on? I assume Moog is fearlessly leading from his Mom's basement with his astrology charts and tarot cards giving him the sage advice he so needs. Does he keep track of what is happening, or is it literally a free-for-all now with each moderator only paying attention to what is directly in front of them at the moment with little to no discussion being made before any decisions are carried out?
Im as involved as I want to be.
Every mod is able to act on what they find unacceptable and if they have any doubts/feel unable to intervene for personal reasons they make a shouout on the mod chat to see who is up for it.
Hyperlexian keeps a copy of her pms at her mod blog not too sure about Moog and there are some members that are dealt on the mod chat when things get out of hands and we arent sure about what to do.