Author Topic: OMFG Steve has totally flipped  (Read 26519 times)

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #180 on: October 12, 2011, 11:52:13 AM »
You asked for explanations previously and every question you made was addressed to as soon as I could. You may not have liked the answers you received but I addressed all your questions.

Ah, so the thread I made questioning my ban, the one that went 8 or 9 pages if I remember correctly, that one is still public?  It also includes answers to my questions?  Can you point me out a link, I can still access WP with a proxy and I would love to read it.
I believe that the only time I heard about that thread was when someone said they had moved it to sand at the mod chat(could be wrong since I have the tendency to wake up at odd hours and start posting and then dont remember where I posted).
I was talking about the pms we have exchanged

I wasn't. 

So, just how involved are you with the day to day goings on of that site?  Do things often happen that you have no clue about?  Is there a moderator there that actually does keep track of what is going on?  I assume Moog is fearlessly leading from his Mom's basement with his astrology charts and tarot cards giving him the sage advice he so needs.  Does he keep track of what is happening, or is it literally a free-for-all now with each moderator only paying attention to what is directly in front of them at the moment with little to no discussion being made before any decisions are carried out?

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #181 on: October 12, 2011, 11:53:12 AM »
Oh. Well, we already have a few ex-mods from WP here.

He isn't ex.  He is the one asking TCO to out members with accounts at both sites in return for a reinstatement of his account at WP.
If you had taken the time to ask me for an explanation you´d have seen that this is not the case.
Taken from my last pm exchanges with a couple of members that did take the time to do so instead of jumping to conclusions:
My reply to someone that stated that not all members here are mean/should be banned at wp:
Im aware that there are some lovely members at I^2. As a matter of fact quite a few well known posters at wp have their own account there, sinnocent is a member whose contributions are much appreciated at wp and she behaves properly at I^2(ie doesnt start leaking information she shouldnt leak/doesnt plan attacks on certain wp members...) so there is no issue with her/those that behave properly being on both sites.

My reply to another member that tried to help with this situation:

Dont worry about it it was just a big misunderstanding.

Some members at I^2 have a history of planning attacks to wp so as you may understand when someone approached a community where I was an active member to say that they were planning another attack my first reaction was to tell him that I´d have a look at I^2 and see if he was onto something or not and if he was I´d make sure that was taken into consideration if he ever decided to come back to wp

Back on topic I was provided with a link this morning that proved that all his claims about an upcoming attack where made up and he is just butthurt that some of the members on that free speech site turned against him(its funny considering that he was allways saying that wp should take down the personal attack rule and members should man up).

Until then I had to keep an open mind and consider that he may be onto something.

I have been asked to avoid getting too involved into this but I already made a request to the ones that asked me to step back to make a single post there explaining my side of the story(not the first pm Ive received from a I^2 member)and you could either take my word for it or believe that Im lying for all I care.

Will try to get my word on I^2 soon and feel free to repost this message there if you wish to.

Still awaiting a sign that I can be a part of this discussion from other people but thought that this needed to be out there.

All I can say on this issue at the moment

Hey, glad you could make it. I am glad you saw through the BS and I could tell he was using you and he was trying to get back at some people here.

I do see you have an open mind and I hope you stick around here and participate. It isn't against the WP rules right to attack members here from WP right? It just sounded like he was trying to get you to be corrupt and moderate members here and ban them for breaking WP rules here when there is nothing stated in the rules that you have to follow them off the forum.
As long as those attacks stay here it is this boards mod job to decide what to do with them.
"I love that DSM-V is acknowledging sensory issues by including it in the diagnostic criteria. However, I would like to propose to DSM that a new one be included called "DKSA" (aka "Dont' Know Shit about Aspergers")" Rudy Simone


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #182 on: October 12, 2011, 11:56:19 AM »
Oh. Well, we already have a few ex-mods from WP here.

He isn't ex.  He is the one asking TCO to out members with accounts at both sites in return for a reinstatement of his account at WP.
If you had taken the time to ask me for an explanation you´d have seen that this is not the case.
Taken from my last pm exchanges with a couple of members that did take the time to do so instead of jumping to conclusions:
My reply to someone that stated that not all members here are mean/should be banned at wp:
Im aware that there are some lovely members at I^2. As a matter of fact quite a few well known posters at wp have their own account there, sinnocent is a member whose contributions are much appreciated at wp and she behaves properly at I^2(ie doesnt start leaking information she shouldnt leak/doesnt plan attacks on certain wp members...) so there is no issue with her/those that behave properly being on both sites.

My reply to another member that tried to help with this situation:

Dont worry about it it was just a big misunderstanding.

Some members at I^2 have a history of planning attacks to wp so as you may understand when someone approached a community where I was an active member to say that they were planning another attack my first reaction was to tell him that I´d have a look at I^2 and see if he was onto something or not and if he was I´d make sure that was taken into consideration if he ever decided to come back to wp

Back on topic I was provided with a link this morning that proved that all his claims about an upcoming attack where made up and he is just butthurt that some of the members on that free speech site turned against him(its funny considering that he was allways saying that wp should take down the personal attack rule and members should man up).

Until then I had to keep an open mind and consider that he may be onto something.

I have been asked to avoid getting too involved into this but I already made a request to the ones that asked me to step back to make a single post there explaining my side of the story(not the first pm Ive received from a I^2 member)and you could either take my word for it or believe that Im lying for all I care.

Will try to get my word on I^2 soon and feel free to repost this message there if you wish to.

Still awaiting a sign that I can be a part of this discussion from other people but thought that this needed to be out there.

All I can say on this issue at the moment

Hey, glad you could make it. I am glad you saw through the BS and I could tell he was using you and he was trying to get back at some people here.

I do see you have an open mind and I hope you stick around here and participate. It isn't against the WP rules right to attack members here from WP right? It just sounded like he was trying to get you to be corrupt and moderate members here and ban them for breaking WP rules here when there is nothing stated in the rules that you have to follow them off the forum.
As long as those attacks stay here it is this boards mod job to decide what to do with them.

This board doesn't have mods, or rules.  Amazing that we haven't all devolved into monkeys throwing our feces at each other isn't it? ;)

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #183 on: October 12, 2011, 11:59:51 AM »
You asked for explanations previously and every question you made was addressed to as soon as I could. You may not have liked the answers you received but I addressed all your questions.

Ah, so the thread I made questioning my ban, the one that went 8 or 9 pages if I remember correctly, that one is still public?  It also includes answers to my questions?  Can you point me out a link, I can still access WP with a proxy and I would love to read it.
I believe that the only time I heard about that thread was when someone said they had moved it to sand at the mod chat(could be wrong since I have the tendency to wake up at odd hours and start posting and then dont remember where I posted).
I was talking about the pms we have exchanged

I wasn't. 

So, just how involved are you with the day to day goings on of that site?  Do things often happen that you have no clue about?  Is there a moderator there that actually does keep track of what is going on?  I assume Moog is fearlessly leading from his Mom's basement with his astrology charts and tarot cards giving him the sage advice he so needs.  Does he keep track of what is happening, or is it literally a free-for-all now with each moderator only paying attention to what is directly in front of them at the moment with little to no discussion being made before any decisions are carried out?
Im as involved as I want to be.
Every mod is able to act on what they find unacceptable and if they have any doubts/feel unable to intervene for personal reasons they make a shouout on the mod chat to see who is up for it.
Hyperlexian keeps a copy of her pms at her mod blog not too sure about Moog and there are some members that are dealt on the mod chat when things get out of hands and we arent sure about what to do.
"I love that DSM-V is acknowledging sensory issues by including it in the diagnostic criteria. However, I would like to propose to DSM that a new one be included called "DKSA" (aka "Dont' Know Shit about Aspergers")" Rudy Simone

Offline Natalia Evans

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #184 on: October 12, 2011, 11:59:55 AM »
Oh. Well, we already have a few ex-mods from WP here.

He isn't ex.  He is the one asking TCO to out members with accounts at both sites in return for a reinstatement of his account at WP.
If you had taken the time to ask me for an explanation you´d have seen that this is not the case.
Taken from my last pm exchanges with a couple of members that did take the time to do so instead of jumping to conclusions:
My reply to someone that stated that not all members here are mean/should be banned at wp:
Im aware that there are some lovely members at I^2. As a matter of fact quite a few well known posters at wp have their own account there, sinnocent is a member whose contributions are much appreciated at wp and she behaves properly at I^2(ie doesnt start leaking information she shouldnt leak/doesnt plan attacks on certain wp members...) so there is no issue with her/those that behave properly being on both sites.

My reply to another member that tried to help with this situation:

Dont worry about it it was just a big misunderstanding.

Some members at I^2 have a history of planning attacks to wp so as you may understand when someone approached a community where I was an active member to say that they were planning another attack my first reaction was to tell him that I´d have a look at I^2 and see if he was onto something or not and if he was I´d make sure that was taken into consideration if he ever decided to come back to wp

Back on topic I was provided with a link this morning that proved that all his claims about an upcoming attack where made up and he is just butthurt that some of the members on that free speech site turned against him(its funny considering that he was allways saying that wp should take down the personal attack rule and members should man up).

Until then I had to keep an open mind and consider that he may be onto something.

I have been asked to avoid getting too involved into this but I already made a request to the ones that asked me to step back to make a single post there explaining my side of the story(not the first pm Ive received from a I^2 member)and you could either take my word for it or believe that Im lying for all I care.

Will try to get my word on I^2 soon and feel free to repost this message there if you wish to.

Still awaiting a sign that I can be a part of this discussion from other people but thought that this needed to be out there.

All I can say on this issue at the moment

Hey, glad you could make it. I am glad you saw through the BS and I could tell he was using you and he was trying to get back at some people here.

I do see you have an open mind and I hope you stick around here and participate. It isn't against the WP rules right to attack members here from WP right? It just sounded like he was trying to get you to be corrupt and moderate members here and ban them for breaking WP rules here when there is nothing stated in the rules that you have to follow them off the forum.
As long as those attacks stay here it is this boards mod job to decide what to do with them.

Glad to see you aren't one of those corrupt mods.

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #185 on: October 12, 2011, 12:01:05 PM »
Oh. Well, we already have a few ex-mods from WP here.

He isn't ex.  He is the one asking TCO to out members with accounts at both sites in return for a reinstatement of his account at WP.
If you had taken the time to ask me for an explanation you´d have seen that this is not the case.
Taken from my last pm exchanges with a couple of members that did take the time to do so instead of jumping to conclusions:
My reply to someone that stated that not all members here are mean/should be banned at wp:
Im aware that there are some lovely members at I^2. As a matter of fact quite a few well known posters at wp have their own account there, sinnocent is a member whose contributions are much appreciated at wp and she behaves properly at I^2(ie doesnt start leaking information she shouldnt leak/doesnt plan attacks on certain wp members...) so there is no issue with her/those that behave properly being on both sites.

My reply to another member that tried to help with this situation:

Dont worry about it it was just a big misunderstanding.

Some members at I^2 have a history of planning attacks to wp so as you may understand when someone approached a community where I was an active member to say that they were planning another attack my first reaction was to tell him that I´d have a look at I^2 and see if he was onto something or not and if he was I´d make sure that was taken into consideration if he ever decided to come back to wp

Back on topic I was provided with a link this morning that proved that all his claims about an upcoming attack where made up and he is just butthurt that some of the members on that free speech site turned against him(its funny considering that he was allways saying that wp should take down the personal attack rule and members should man up).

Until then I had to keep an open mind and consider that he may be onto something.

I have been asked to avoid getting too involved into this but I already made a request to the ones that asked me to step back to make a single post there explaining my side of the story(not the first pm Ive received from a I^2 member)and you could either take my word for it or believe that Im lying for all I care.

Will try to get my word on I^2 soon and feel free to repost this message there if you wish to.

Still awaiting a sign that I can be a part of this discussion from other people but thought that this needed to be out there.

All I can say on this issue at the moment

Hey, glad you could make it. I am glad you saw through the BS and I could tell he was using you and he was trying to get back at some people here.

I do see you have an open mind and I hope you stick around here and participate. It isn't against the WP rules right to attack members here from WP right? It just sounded like he was trying to get you to be corrupt and moderate members here and ban them for breaking WP rules here when there is nothing stated in the rules that you have to follow them off the forum.
As long as those attacks stay here it is this boards mod job to decide what to do with them.

This board doesn't have mods, or rules.  Amazing that we haven't all devolved into monkeys throwing our feces at each other isn't it? ;)
Rod mentioned a mod/admin yesterday, he could be lying though.
"I love that DSM-V is acknowledging sensory issues by including it in the diagnostic criteria. However, I would like to propose to DSM that a new one be included called "DKSA" (aka "Dont' Know Shit about Aspergers")" Rudy Simone


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #186 on: October 12, 2011, 12:05:43 PM »
The site has Admins, but they generally do not act as mods. Board maintenance is most of what they do.

Offline Natalia Evans

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #187 on: October 12, 2011, 12:20:31 PM »
I keep calling admins mods here. Habit I bet.

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #188 on: October 12, 2011, 12:54:50 PM »
You should be aware, however, that anything you say can and will be used against you. We're not malicious, but we don't even know what kid gloves look like, let alone use them.

I know what they are. I looked them up on teh interwebs. :zoinks:
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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #189 on: October 12, 2011, 01:01:19 PM »
The site has Admins, but they generally do not act as mods. Board maintenance is most of what they do.

We are also involved in an admin conspiracah!!! :pirate: :arrr:
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #190 on: October 12, 2011, 02:28:32 PM »
I wonder why he put "diagnosed" in his WP profile  ???

wait, what ?

Yes WHY does it say that ? I thought Steve was an NT ? I don't particularly care who is an NT or who isnt, but I just always thought he was adamant about saying he didnt have autism.


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #191 on: October 12, 2011, 02:30:06 PM »
I wonder why he put "diagnosed" in his WP profile  ???

wait, what ?

Yes WHY does it say that ? I thought Steve was an NT ? I don't particularly care who is an NT or who isnt, but I just always thought he was adamant about saying he didnt have autism.

Only here where he thinks he can use it to portray himself as better than the rest of us.  Over there he says he has it to fit in.  Don't know which is true, but he is a spaz either way.


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #192 on: October 12, 2011, 02:32:00 PM »


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #193 on: October 12, 2011, 02:32:50 PM »
I didn't know my affliction was so cool ::)

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #194 on: October 12, 2011, 02:42:12 PM »
I notice he hasn't been spreading any more shit on fb. I wonder if he now regrets it, and is considering coming back here.