Well at least I2 is getting some publicity. Anything to lure members away from WP is a good thing in my opinion.
I mean after all WP is slowly transforming into a new branch of Autism Speaks anyway. Especially now they've appointed that Autism Speaks blog writer John Scott Holman. Combine that with Autism TV being co-sponsored by Autism Speaks and Alex is buddies with John Elder Robison who holds a position on Autism Speaks' board, yeah, WP is slowly becoming assimilated and the membership is oblivious to it. A reinvention of image they say to improve themselves, not really, actually they'll use WrongPlanet as a pawn to show how actual Autistics support Autism Speaks in their propaganda campaigns. Don't be fooled, they won't really change, there's not much money in it. Research grants are a lot of money, and if their pursuit for a cure/preventive is stopped, that's a significant loss of financial resources. So yeah, think about that.

I figure since WP users are interested in this drama, I should let them know this as a gesture of good faith by me.
As for the moderators, I can only hope you know where your loyalties lie. I'll back off from my criticism so long as you don't let yourselves become puppets to Autism Speaks by proxy, and challenge Alex when the times comes...