Rod Craven: It seems this Butterflies seems to think she is so fucking smart. Now she is planning to make out that I am into beating women, and my fiance. Which I don't fucking do. Plus, MLA is trying to do the same thing, but intends to do it to my family. If this isn't cyber-bullying by two imbeciles who are at the bottom of the evolutionary sacle, then what is?
Butterflies was the one directly involved in trolling iamnotaparakeet in Feb-Mar this year, and MLA has threatened to do more action to WP as he says he has more stuff 'up his sleeve' for just such emergencies. Another person to watch out for is Nexus, also known as Ren Hoek on IntensitySquared.
I can sense his tears.
It's hilarious how he is the only one talking. None of these "bullies" are even on there, just him spazzing out and looking like a fool. What can we get him to say next?
Probably get him to admit to all the bad stuff he's said on here, like threatening to beat me, denying the holocaust, fossil fuels being renewable, wishing death upon me and my family, and anything else you can think of.
I think most people on facebook have realized he is just a butthurt retard, desperately looking for revenge