
Author Topic: OMFG Steve has totally flipped  (Read 26496 times)

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Offline Natalia Evans

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #465 on: October 16, 2011, 03:12:13 AM »
Wow. I just learned someone on FB. Flirting is also another way of solving a issue.

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #466 on: October 16, 2011, 03:13:36 AM »
I have no interest in that fb page.  I am lucky in that i have here to post
which is more than adequate.

Only joined it to reply to an ex member from here who chose to slag off
everyone here.

I have no need to go there if there is no more lies to respond to.  I won't
post there either,  not even on other topics.  Would not want to remind
him of here as it is obviously a trigger.

@Vinnie -  sorry,  i am crap at fb friendships.  I will add you asap.  cheers.
No need to apologize and you can do whatever you feel comfortable doing.

I just didnt want you to think I had something against you and thats why I accepted butterflies request to join the group but not yours.  I didnt have access to your request at any time and if I had had it I´d have been happy to accept it same way I accepted butterflies request to join.

You both deserve to  have a chance to explain your side of the story.
"I love that DSM-V is acknowledging sensory issues by including it in the diagnostic criteria. However, I would like to propose to DSM that a new one be included called "DKSA" (aka "Dont' Know Shit about Aspergers")" Rudy Simone


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #467 on: October 16, 2011, 03:14:21 AM »
It all reads very silly to me as I can only read half the comments. I only wrote one comment and will only write one, saying that Rod can come back here and discuss this here if he wants and to leave FB out of it. I got spotted while doing so :O

Offline Charlotte Quin

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #468 on: October 16, 2011, 03:16:44 AM »
Question, why do you guys still care?
Does it bother you?

I Just have a feeling that every member here is going to be dragged into it at some point.

He tried to get you banned on WP too y'know.

I didn't really care about much of it either, but I find the concept of being "blacklisted" for assuming TCO could hold his own here rather stupid. If you can't hold your own after being here for 3 years there's something wrong with you.

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #469 on: October 16, 2011, 03:19:25 AM »
Facebook is a place that corrupts me into being
a very very bad girl.

Too many ex's spoil the broth.
blah blah blah


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #470 on: October 16, 2011, 03:20:30 AM »
Facebook is a place that corrupts me into being
a very very bad girl.

Too many ex's spoil the broth.

Too many Ex's are the reason I don't facebook that much. I've been scoped out too many times. I just don't add them, but I wonder if they watch me.


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #471 on: October 16, 2011, 03:30:50 AM »
And in making that one post, some creep I dont know hit on me :D I love the ignore function.

I added you on FB V.

Offline Natalia Evans

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #472 on: October 16, 2011, 04:07:08 AM »
My ex once tried adding me on Facebook and then another time he tried adding me and then canceled the friends request. I thought that was weird.

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #473 on: October 16, 2011, 04:14:30 AM »
My ex once tried adding me on Facebook and then another time he tried adding me and then canceled the friends request. I thought that was weird.
That weird?.

One day I woke up and I saw a fr, I had a friend in common with the guy so I figured that we may be acquaintances of some sort or something.

3 Hours afterwards my friend warned me that this guy was his ex and he had gotten drunk and added everyone on her friend list.   

He sure was over her  :lol:.
Edit: Sorry about earlier eris just saw your post here.

Just so we are clear theres only one autism blacklist(its a hate group on fb, would look for the link but cant be bothered at the moment) and it isnt related to wp/I^2
« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 04:17:53 AM by V »
"I love that DSM-V is acknowledging sensory issues by including it in the diagnostic criteria. However, I would like to propose to DSM that a new one be included called "DKSA" (aka "Dont' Know Shit about Aspergers")" Rudy Simone

Offline Charlotte Quin

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #474 on: October 16, 2011, 04:16:04 AM »
I don't think I'd want my ex (first BF that is) to find me in autism related groups on FB. That'd just make him absolve himself and blame all the relationship troubles on me.
I don't want too much to do with any former classmates either, though there are some people from TAFE I'd like to catch up with. For the sake of people here and on WP I might get more involved in it but atm I just have a dummy account with a fake name and no friends.


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #475 on: October 16, 2011, 05:21:07 AM »
Oh my, I guess my "care about it" meter just went off ;-/

Carmel Anne Jones I2 mature? I hardly think so.
22 minutes ago · Like
Kristine Kelly
I2 is a mature website, yes, and anyone who wants to can come and join us. In the mean time, people there are going to monitor the activity here because we are all being mentioned and criticized unfairly, and we need to be able to stick up ...See More
14 minutes ago · Like
Carmel Anne Jones
Kristine, I don't know if you realise that (a) I'm not a member of I2, that (b) I don't particularly want to be after what has happened with Rod, and (c) I was never "gossiping" as you put it. Vicente is very young and strikes me as somebod...See More
11 minutes ago · Like
Kristine Kelly yes this is all gossip ! and if you do not want to join I2 then leave us alone
11 minutes ago · Like
Carmel Anne Jones Unfortunately, you don't know all the facts. It isn't as clearcut as you and others might think.
6 minutes ago · Like
Kristine Kelly
I think YOU are a bully, Caramel. You are not a member of our website, yet you are criticizing us and "warning" others to say away ? How do you know what go en on if you are not there ? Rod wanted to ban all members of I2 from wp and that will not work ! So as along as you continue to bully and badmouth members of i2, who are personal friends of mine, I am going to make sure that you and your boyfriend do not try to attack the membership again.
2 minutes ago · Like

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #476 on: October 16, 2011, 05:27:53 AM »
Bodie and Butterflies kicked his arse.  :viking:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #477 on: October 16, 2011, 05:37:27 AM »
Carmel Anne Jones Unfortunately, there has been a longstanding dispute between WP and I2, going back to about 2006. There was also a heated dispute between WP and ZOMG but ZOMG no longer exists. I didn't realise that much of the reason I was banned from WP in 2008 was because I also became a member of ZOMG. I actually didn't spend a great deal of time there, but Rod was a more active member of ZOMG.
19 hours ago

John Makin So why is I2 not merely ignored now?
19 hours ago

Carmel Anne Jones Because there was a very recent incident of cyberbullying against a very dear friend of mine.
19 hours ago

John Makin I find such behaviour deplorable and those who indulge in it should not be surprised to receive bans or be deleted from the membership of groups.
However, while fully understanding that one would want to do all that one can to support a very dear friend, is it something that should cross from one site to another?
Perhaps we should discourage any such references to other sites?
As you can see I am new to all this and would appreciate your thoughts and guidance. :-)
19 hours ago

Carmel Anne Jones I don't know - it's all got very messy.
19 hours ago

Cat Taylor Yes this is WP not intensity and not zong or whatever.
19 hours ago

Carmel Anne Jones He asked for his I2 account to be deleted due to ongoing issues with a few people.
19 hours ago

John Makin Sounds reasonable, but if he has further things to say about it perhaps he should use personal messages rather than WP to say them?
19 hours ago ·  2 people

Carmel Anne Jones He can't. He has completely lost access to making any personal messages on the site. He asked to be removed because he couldn't see any chance of the situation improving.
18 hours ago

John Makin Best out of it then; sounds like a good one to avoid!
18 hours ago

Carmel Anne Jones Yes, it's taken him several years to come to that conclusion. Things would tick along okay for a while and then a fight would start and it would get very nasty.
18 hours ago

Lorna Smith Hi John. Intensity Squared is an aspie forum, a bit like WP, but it is not a support forum, and it is unmoderated. Free speech is promoted, and there are no rules, other than do not do anything that endangers the site. Fights can often occur on Intesity, because unlike WP, there are no mods stepping in to stop fights from happening. Don't get the wrong impression, it is a great site, with many great members, and just like WP, it provides a great service. I would certainly not say it is a site that should be avoided. However, it is not for anybody who is easily offended, or feels the need to be in a moderated environment.
12 hours ago

Teresa Louise Brown It is a grown up forum. Not a place to throw a tantrum. Majority of people have no problems at all there. A very childish and antagonistic person would probably face a bit of backlash.
11 hours ago

Rod Craven You mean WAS a great site. That said, people were SUPPOSED to be able to have the fairness of being allowed to say WHAT THEY WANTED without being pushed around. You, however decided to go after me because of my opinion on one matter, and your petty complaint about me using what you condiered an overdone joke. When on both occasions I was forced into a meltdown, by your constant inability to let t6he issue go and take responsibility for YOUR actions, you then upped the ante on my return. During the thing about the BIG FUCKING PETERS issue, you claimed that I was not only gay, but that I was a woman-beater, possibly a child beater (going back to my opinion on discipline and corporal punishment) and you then decided to refer to my fiance as 'rancid'. Yes, I did attack Deadbeat Cousin, but you allowed this to happen after mentioning him in your first few posts on the forum, and then brought him onto the site (also using his account as well and him using yours - something they let you do on I but is not allowed on WP - irony??). You then had a hissy-fit after my second temp ban and left with a big announcement (which you accuse Pandora of lying about) only to go back 2 days later. And the reason you HAD this hissy fit? Because another mate and friend of ours called you out on your bullshit and you got butthurt over it. Now you decided to come here to justify your side of the story, and also bring along back-up (something you lot at I2 weren't giving me, BTW - ha). So don't pretend by making out that your and the rest of the site are fucking angels and that the both of us a liars and our mental health is questionable, because that will not wash. Oh, and the warning about Bint still stands, and she can get as butthurt as she likes. She started in on me in '09 over some other bullshit, and her bringing up old shit like she did in the thread that MLA started while complaining we are bringing up old shit about TOW proves what a hypocrite she is. You morons over at that site love to shit-dig and carry on like 4 year olds, then that is fine. Just remember, armchair-psychologists with Cornflakes diplomas and toilet-paper doctorates does not mean that a diagnosis can be given on someone you don't even fucking KNOW, nor does it mean anyone has to take notice of it. Get it?
10 hours ago

Teresa Louise Brown Oh dear! are you unable to string together a whole sentence without swearing? Also who are you talking to here?, i am not Butterflies. I put it to you that the reason you seem to have repeated 'problems' on the internet is that you are unable to communicate in a civil manner, and have no real grasp of polite conversation. Or are you just having another 3 week long meltdown?
10 hours ago ·  2 people

Lorna Smith I'm sorry you feel so angry Rod. I've absolutely never claimed to be an angel though. Yes, I did say that about your fiance, and it was wrong of me. Remember though. You have wished death on me, on my family, threatened to beat me up, stated that you wish my dad had beaten me up, wished cancer on me. I am anything but a victim here, but neither are you.
10 hours ago

Rod Craven Oh, and 26 pages and continuing bullshit when my account has been deleted and discussing both of us is proof that you people cannot move on. Put it simply, the reason it is discussed here is because you people keep it going. And by bringing yourselves here, you obviously want that to happen. And the weird thing was, the Prof (Ren Hoek) had offered a truce about the time I left here for the first time, and you people still carried on. See where this is leading? Want an issue dropped, then it's up to you and I2 to take the step. We are only retaliating to the bullshit you are posting in the first place. Stuff that is being posted in areas where 'guests' can read it.
10 hours ago

Teresa Louise Brown It was dropped. I was never involved in this row anyway. Just stumbled upon your comments and felt you were incorrectly bad mouthing a site i am part of. Also, did you forget your comments a couple of days ago here saying how true and correct you must be because no one from Intensity has the balls to come here and answer your allegations?? You keep it going on and on. If i had problems on a forum i would have the intelligence to leave and not make wild accusations about that forum on the next one i joined. It really is bad form. However, funny thing is i don't ever have problems like that!
10 hours ago

Lorna Smith Rod, you've came to this site to continue your hissy fit, and to make up rubbish about me and half of Intensity. Of course we're going to discuss it. You appear to have joined this site, just to bad mouth myself and other members of Intensity. That is not cool dude.
10 hours ago

Kristine Kelly Rod had account deleted by choice, but is free to return and resolve this at Intensitysquared. I am not going to really participate in this discussion, partly because Rod has me blocked and I can't read half of it, and also because I agree with OP, leave facebook and wp out of it
9 hours ago

Rod Craven Not cool? I'll tell you what is not cool, you guys continually saying that I am mentally unstable, need psychiatric help and that we are both liars, and also saying Carmel does not have Aspergers. I didn't ask to join this group originally, and didn't even know about it until around a couple of weeks ago. I came here mentioning bullying in general and how I felt about my treatment at I2, and was probably still going through the meltdown at the time (which you think I should take responsibility for, but as Les explained people sufffering meltdowns have no control over their action nor can be reasoned with duting such times as those. Some armchair 'experts' ther even suggesterd they were 'faked' to gain points. Bullshit. If you had stopped to realise exactly what I was going through then, you might have thought differently about what you guys were whinging about and posting to get me to react. So isn't it any wonder I'm pissed. Then you had the gall to bring someone who wasn't even a fucking member into it because I had a go at you and Deadbeat (Gav). Nasty shit was said, but you seemto want to walk away clean and leave me with all the shit making me look like the aggressor. THAT is not cool. OK then, let's try and make a fucking deal (if possible) - we won't say anymore shit about I2 and forget that the site ever existed, providing you guys can stop stirring up shit and move on as well. Me no longer having an account there makes all the bullshit pointless anyway, and I'm sure there can be other things to discuss here. Deal?
8 hours ago

Rod Craven Theresa: I am not you, however. When involved in conflict, it's fight or flight. And as my fight responses tend to rule most, it makes it fucking hard just to 'walk away' as you suggest. Hence my asking for 2 temp bans, then the removal of the account. I could not do it on my own, due to this inability to walk away. Anyway, it's pointless referring to me on that site as I am no longer there, and will not ever be returning. And here, there can be other things to talk about, so long as people want to move on.
8 hours ago

Shawn Gorton Pandora?
8 hours ago

Rod Craven You call it rubbish, we call it opinion. That's where the dynamic of I2 and myself differed. The problem lay with the fact that while I was allowed to be a member there, I was technically gagged as to what I could say because people such as yourself, MLA, Squiddy, Bint, Scrap, Schleed, and others didn't want to hear what I had to say. Which on an open forum such as I2 was complete shit. I was happy to keep posting, but thought it was a waste if nobody was going to allow me the opportunity to say what I wanted, just like everyone else was given. And when I did say something, I was labeled with all these terms just so people could sink the boot in. You have to realise that you can't always be right either, and that the collective voice over on I2 is just a bunch of people (mostly apies0 voicing their opinions. And most of them can be considered shit or 'truth'. And if we thought that the people on intensity were doing wrong by their actions, of course we would speak out. Anyway, as to the above - do we have a deal?
8 hours ago

Rod Craven Shawn: Carmel Anne Jones. It was her alias on another forum not related, but some people knew her by that name.
8 hours ago

Lorna Smith I have never said Carmel wasn't autistic. I know nothing about her. I'm only on this group to try and deal with all the rubbish you and Carmel have been spreading about me and the people on Intensity. I have no real interest in posting here if you and Carmel stop making up stuff about me. Nobody has ever gagged you either.
8 hours ago

Shawn Gorton Ah, thank you (hud oui tacanja ed). But I consider Carmel a collegue of sorts.
8 hours ago

Rod Craven Lorna: you yourself may not have, but there were others there who may have doubted it. Les confirmed she is, as she is a close frined of his. Anyway, do we have a deal?
8 hours ago

Lorna Smith I've known you long enough now to know that making a deal with you would be pointless, as tomorrow you might fall out with someone else, and choose to involve me in it. However, I repeat, if you and Carmel stop making false statements about me and the people of Intensity, then I will be more than happy to not post in this group, and will happily avoid you.
8 hours ago

Rod Craven We will stop talking about you, provided that everyone else as well as you on I2 can move on. We don't want someone else coming on after reading through the 26 pages of shit in that thread and then starting it up again. And even if I did fall out with someone else, keeping a bullshit fight going just for the sake of it on your forum is pointless as well. For the fourth and last time - do wel have a deal?
8 hours ago

Lorna Smith I don't speak for anybody else on Intensity. I have no interest in posting here if you and Carmel cease bad-mouthing me and the people of Intensity. There is nothing I can do if anyone else feels differently.
8 hours ago

Rod Craven Fair enough. And there are other topics that you can discuss with people here if you want, and you should feel free to keep doing so.
8 hours ago

Lorna Smith Thank you, but I'll probably just stay clear.
8 hours ago

Rod Craven OK then. So all the shit about I2, and whatever is considered dropped as far as I'm concerned. Moving on.
7 hours ago

Zachary Lassiter can you take your flirtacious affair to private message Lorna Smith and Rod Craven... your love affair does not involve any of the 2,805 members of this group other than you
7 hours ago

Shawn Gorton Yes, I agree with Zach, we have no concern for the two of yours flirting.
7 hours ago

Zachary Lassiter then take it to that forum... it has nothing to do with here.... in other words you two get a room!
7 hours ago

Shawn Gorton Who're you Rod, to swear? Might it help you to stop acting high-and-mighty?
7 hours ago

Rod Craven OK, but what right doe he have to accuse me of flirting with someone whom I have no interest in except for clearing up a discussion and problems arising from a board that until recently both of us were members of? Hmmmm? If you want to start innuendo and crap just for the lulz, then fine. Keep your discussion and your group. And just to keep you happy, I removed the post. Bloody sook.
7 hours ago

Shawn Gorton Calm down, Rod. I was being sarcastic, I don't know about Zachary Lassiter though.
6 hours ago

Rod Craven OK. Shawn. But that's an example of why I find it hard to walk away from conflict, even though I don't want it. If it were so easy to do, I would just click the X at the top of the screen and go. Unfortuantely, as in RL, I feel there are times I need to justify what I've said, as I believe in what I've said. It's just part of who I am.
6 hours ago

Shawn Gorton Like how I like to mix up my speech between English yht kuut umt Al Bhed?
6 hours ago

Zachary Lassiter ‎Rod Craven you can't justify spewing your love drama from one board all across the internet so the 2,000 + members of this group have to read about your love drama that really they could care less about
6 hours ago

Rod Craven Yeah, I guess. I guess we all have our quirks and things. It's what makes us individuals.
6 hours ago

Shawn Gorton Zach, there IS no love "drama" goin on here at all.
6 hours ago

Rod Craven Zachary, if you aren't interested, don't read it. It's over with anyway, and if you had bothered to read any of it, you'd have come to that conclusion. Love drama? Get a life.
6 hours ago

Shawn Gorton Hehehe, he's hot an bothered by it Rod.
6 hours ago

Zachary Lassiter I already have one thank you. But your the one that has spent the last week spewing your love for i2 all over this damn board... seriously just go back there and deal with your infatuation.
6 hours ago

Shawn Gorton Zach, there IS no infatuation from anyone hear.
6 hours ago

Rod Craven Read it bucko, I've deleted my account there. I have no desire to ever go there at all. You may if you wish. Maybe you are just postwhoring or trolling for attention?
6 hours ago ·  1 person

Zachary Lassiter No I'm just sick of the morons on this board
6 hours ago

Zachary Lassiter a few years ago this was a great place.... it went to hell
6 hours ago

Shawn Gorton Says you Zach.
6 hours ago

Rod Craven Yes, there have been people here who have posted crap about whatever. That is their right. It's an open forum as well. Only difference is between here and some other fora is that people here will support others if they think those people have been shafted. If it isn't what you want anymore Zach, either become procactive and try to change things, or go and find something more to your liking. At the moment, I am trying to get used to how here works. i may swear, but that is part of my nature as well. I am trying not to be offensive, just using language that I use every day.
6 hours ago

Shawn Gorton Swearing is part of me too.
6 hours ago

Zachary Lassiter so dragging your drama into the public is your way of dealing with things.... sounds like no one I want to be near
6 hours ago ·  1 person

Shawn Gorton Oui, Zachary Lassiter, yna yh yccruma! What's your dealio?
6 hours ago

Rod Craven Shawn: Trent from Canis Canem Edit uses the same phrase. "What's yourt dealio, dude?"
3 hours ago

Elizabeth Trosper Thank goodness the autism blacklist drama is over, now it's I2 drama. And I just learned flirting also means solving an issue.
2 hours ago

John Makin Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Enough!
This is a support group.
That means that we support one another against the outside world.
It does NOT mean that we take sides to support arguments.
Rod Craven, Please try and not be so touchy.
Zachary Lassiter and Shawn Gorton, understand that some cannot understand or deal with sarcasm.
We are all different.
Rod, I will say the same to you too; we are all different and some find your tendency to use 'colourful language' upsetting, so I would ask you to try and refrain from using so much.

Finally, let me say that this is a quiet, reasonable and mutually supportive group. We like to be thoughtful and considerate in our posts and comments so I would ask that if one is angered or enraged over something, that you allow yourself to cool down before posting.

We come here for calm and support, friendship and companionship.

I ask you to think on these things.
45 minutes ago

Carmel Anne Jones I2 mature? I hardly think so.
37 minutes ago

Kristine Kelly I2 is a mature website, yes, and anyone who wants to can come and join us. In the mean time, people there are going to monitor the activity here because we are all being mentioned and criticized unfairly, and we need to be able to stick up for ourselves and know if someone is going to attack us . I think it is fair to assume that people who are being gossiped about will want to read what is being said about them. I do not see why this is not discussed on i2 ? This is not the appropriate place to discuss this PRIVATE matter. Anyone and everyone over 18 is welcome to join our website.
30 minutes ago

Carmel Anne Jones Kristine, I don't know if you realise that (a) I'm not a member of I2, that (b) I don't particularly want to be after what has happened with Rod, and (c) I was never "gossiping" as you put it. Vicente is very young and strikes me as somebody who is a bit naive and I was simply warning him to be careful. If I was mistaken in anything that I said, then I apologise now, but it would take quite a lot of convincing for me to believe I was. Rod is staying at my place and I want him to remember it as a good time, not a time when he was upset and mobbed.
27 minutes ago

Kristine Kelly yes this is all gossip ! and if you do not want to join I2 then leave us alone
26 minutes ago

Carmel Anne Jones Unfortunately, you don't know all the facts. It isn't as clearcut as you and others might think.
21 minutes ago

Kristine Kelly I think YOU are a bully, Caramel. You are not a member of our website, yet you are criticizing us and "warning" others to say away ? How do you know what go en on if you are not there ? Rod wanted to ban all members of I2 from wp and that will not work ! So as along as you continue to bully and badmouth members of i2, who are personal friends of mine, I am going to make sure that you and your boyfriend do not try to attack the membership again.
18 minutes ago

Kristine Kelly I know that your boyfriend got mad at us and tried to have us all blacklisted. If you will continue to try to bring I2 down I will continue to stand up to you and anyone else here.
15 minutes ago

Teresa Louise Brown It was all done and dusted. We agreed to end the conversation. Then Carmel had to drop the line "I2 mature? I hardly think so."
6 minutes ago

Kristine Kelly If they really do drop all this I will be surprised, but I will also disappear. If they don't drop it, I'm not going anywhere.
5 minutes ago

Carmel Anne Jones Well, Rod happened to see more comments about us on I2 after he was told the whole matter would be dropped. He said he would drop it and I would have too . But if "mature" means bullying people who are different then I2 must be as old as Methusalah.

eris and bodie are kicking her ass  :indeed:

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #478 on: October 16, 2011, 05:47:54 AM »
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #479 on: October 16, 2011, 05:53:28 AM »
oh. it's still goin :orly: